Get your bigger gains here

whos gonna be Veeky Forumsizen of 2017? will it be you?

more power during your next workout if you reply to this thread, wishing you all great gains

we are all going to make it

We're all gonna make it

quintuple gains tomorrow, check em

Sicc gains

we're all gonna make it. In reality though if we've already committed to lifting and do it, we have already, made it.

>mfw im dieting so my gains will weaken
>mfw i dont have that much muscle and im chubby
>mfw i have to decide whether to bulk to get moderate amounts of muscle or cut for a chance at having DYEL aesthetics

I can feel the gains coming to me already

Don't diet too hard and you will still make gains while you lose weight. Being fat is actually anabolic and should offset the cut as long as you aren't starving yourself.


Here for the big gains, I hate eating though. Aside from grilled chicken and other stuff should I just start living off shakes? Is it ok or efficient way to quickly gain weight?

I thought if you eat at a calorie deficit you lose muscle no matter what? And that eating more protein while cutting compared to bulking was just to try to lose less? Its only a 500-700 deficit cut, nothing too crazy

i love you all brothers we will all make it

that aint so healthy bro, 1 or 2 shakes per day if you are really going at it, otherwise stick to solid foods and supplement with a shake here and there

good luck boys, we're all gonna make it


5x5 squat 77,5 kg
5x5 ohp 30kg
1x5 dl 90 kg

bar weight included

75kg bodyweight, dont know bf% but would guess ~18%

gotta quit the weed its killing my motivation (smoking all day)

also on nofap right now for almost a week

great gains for you too

thinking about buying some creatine, is it worth it or a meme? anybody here got experience with that stuff?

What the fuck do you think?

learn to read numbnuts, its right there in my post

we're all gonna make it

Throttle back. No need to smoke all day. Try to cut to just evenings. Helps me stretching out after my work outs. Goodluck with your progression.

We're all gonna make it.

ty bud lets do it

You're going to reach a point where not smoking weed is gonna suck so much you're gonna lose motivation. Or you'll feel so great you'll think "Wow, I feel like smoking a bowl" and that will be a bomb ass bowl. Like I mean you're gonna be a faggy and sheit, then you're gonna invite your friend to play video games. But you keep getting lost for like 20 minutes in a linear map and be like "damn, smoking weed is great again". But it's not man, it never was. Annnnddd Idk if you feel like your life has any meaning, but ya if you feel strongly about anything good in the world. then you'll set down the pipe for a while and maybe get high after a super stressful work week. Not like after a break up or losing a family member, but just something that requires no reflection/introspection and shit. Because it just costs money and time being here i reality. And there's a lot of people who would kill for that much money or time to do things that actually have any meaning in their life and the lives of the people they love.


moar power?

gotta max out my natty potential before 30

2pl8 bench
Here i go brothers