So say youre at around 30% bodyfat but at your goal weight (my goal is 240 at 10% bf)

so say youre at around 30% bodyfat but at your goal weight (my goal is 240 at 10% bf)

would i be able to get down (eventually) to 10% if eating at maintenance while increasing progress in lifting and cardio? plz respond

very unlikely, unless you are ok with really really slow fat loss and even slower progress (along with a shitload of stalling)

as for the cardio part yeah why not, cardio should be part of your routine anyway when cutting and progress is less dependent on nutrition

well as long as i progress i should see some kind of improvement physically no??
maybe some calisthenics would help as an "indicator" per se
like 2 months ago i could do 10 pullups now i can do 15 and run faster etc.

>240 at 10%
You're gonna need a lotta steroids to get there unless you're tall as fuck, just letting you know

Why not just eat less? are you honestly that addicted to eating shitty that you'll let it get in the way of your progress?

even at 6'5" it's not possible without gear

the physical improvements will be a reduction in body fat, which will make you look better and more muscular. You will not really gain mass and your strength will stall.

im 6 2
i dont eat shitty i just eat a lot. militaryfag with access to unlimited gainsfood
shouldnt i put on some sort of lbm eventually if all of my numbers continue to increase??

not appreciably, it would be incredibly slow

you'd likely just get more efficient and able to handle volume but that stalls after a while

So eat less of it until you are back to a human BF% then bulk at an appropriate weight, you're in the military, yet you rack disiprine?

>tfw when i was fat i wanted to be bearmode
>then i lost weight and i realized that was just my brain lying to me

its different than you think. the military is a total gains goblin

My lifting bro is in the military, and he's huge, but not fat. You're the one stealing your own gains. Take some fucking responsibility.

>shouldnt i put on some sort of lbm eventually if all of my numbers continue to increase??

is that like something thats ridiculous? surely if you go from 3x8 to 3x12 on say curls youve put on muscle

there is a lot more to getting stronger than muscle mass. Your understanding of hormones is also nonexistant.

You've gotten the answer to your question like 5 times bruh

If you're eating at maintenance you're not going to be able to repair the muscle enough to make proper progress you fucking mong. Read the fucking sticky if you're looking for basic information.

>that pic
>tfw Rhodesia is lost

He's fat as shit.
He'll have MORE then enough energy in the form of stored lard to fuel his workouts.

Sure, but not enough protein to rebuild muscle, so again, he won't progress for shit.

When you have that amount of excess calories (whether from food or stored lard), your protein requirements are significantly lower than someone who doesn't have those stores and people overhype the requirements to begin with.

Is recomping efficient? Not in most cases. But its possible, especially for fat fucks.