Exercises that seem like a meme at first glance but are actually top tier thread

Exercises that seem like a meme at first glance but are actually top tier thread.
Pic related.

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Neck extensions

>google "wrist roller"

Using a buttplug when you deadlift


Agreed. Supersetting ab wheel with hanging leg raises is all you really need to do for core isolations.

Most people can't do ab wheel without letting their lower back caving though. Got to be a bit careful with the exercise.

stair stepper

Push press. It's not just for ego-lifting faggots

Good mornings, both seated and standing.

Wouldn't you shit it out?

>do ab rollouts for first time
>feels like a baseball bat to the abs for the whole week after
>no other ab exercise comes even close not even decline weighted vest crunches

shooting in ft. Lauderdale FL
happening live now

try hanging leg raises. i do both 2-3 times a week and it's quite literally the best way to work your core if you're not too advanced but not too much of newbie for normie tier sit ups

I got one, and I'm becoming Popeye mode. It's great, especially with grip training

keep telling that to yourself, fag.

What's the best model? I need to get one

HLRs are a fairly terrible core exercise unless for some reason you really need to focus on your hip flexors.

I do leg raises but I'm afraid I may be working my lower abs more than my upper abs, what ab exercises target evenly or specifically the upper abs?

It's just a rope on a stick that you hang a weight from. There's not much difference in quality between models

It adds another layer onto the exercise. You clench to hold it in

There are no lower abs. What you're feeling is your hip flexors.


Lol an ab roller


Using a shake weight is actually really good for a starter before you start lifting weights.

Any exercise that uses a piece of equipment that stretches is a meme

This shit fixed my deadlift

this shit is a waste of space lmao

then why is he gonna get juicy glutes and grills while you are posting on a Lebanese hamster trading website...

how so


At this point, the "the ab wheel is actually good and not a meme!" shit IS a meme.

No way. This can't be real!?

Not him but it strengthens glutes and hamstrings or lower back depending on how you do it, so it trains a lot of major things in the deadlift but it's easier to do high volume

even in the dude in the pic is laughing


try doing that shit for just a minute.

Al Kavadlo?

Get one (or make one, it's really easy) and give it a go.

Alternate your roll each way with 5-10kg on there to start.

You'll quickly see that it's not a joke.

The first time I used one of these things I couldn't use my fucking keyboard.

quads of truth.

everyone go build a wrist roller.

My spinal erectors were shit

It's the best forearm exercise

anybody who doesn't think that (weighted) back extensions aren't *amazing* has either neither done them or is too much of a vain little bitch who is obsessed with being a curl/bench monkey to focus on developing lower back/leg strength.

Probably because he actually knows how to talk to girls, doesn't mean he wouldn't be better off with a different exercise.

I feel like I'm being memed but let's give it a try

Does it have to be held out infront of you like that? I find my shoulders get too tired and prefer to hold it like this, allows me to hit my forearms more.

I like to stand up on something high and actually hang my arms straight down and roll really trying to isolate the forearms.

Holding it out in front is far too taxing on other muscles that can compromise form and stop you really tiring out our grip.

Then just roll your wrists forward, wind that fucked up, try and keep your arms extended, don't go using your elbows and shoulders to cheat it.

After that one rep, let it drop and roll it up backwards.

Do 6 full reps of each with tight form with even just 5kg and tell me your forearms aren't on fucking fire. You'll barely be able to open and close your hands if you've hit them right.

I think I got tennis elbow using this everyday for two weeks straight.

>eagerly awaiting verdict

>Do 6 full reps of each with tight form with even just 5kg and tell me your forearms aren't on fucking fire
Just did 1 rep rolling back with 5 kg (arms front - clearly too taxing as you say) and my forearms are already fire.
I might actually start doing these on off days

Too early to say for sure but they actually seem like they hit very well. Also somewhat fun even though I feel memed

Veeky Forums will call memery on every single exercise they don't personally use. Doesn't matter how good or bad the movement is.



teehee sorry user how unladylike

Wrist rollers are actually legit you fucking morons, not every single exercise has to be a giant compound hitting 60% of your body at the same time.

it's honestly funny to see ab roller threads.

i remember years ago when countless anons told me this was a MEME. even though i told them i have a roller and it's the hardest core movement i've ever done. i can do flags and back levers. working on that front lever. rollers are legit.

remember kids, user is the both the wisest and stupidest of all posters.

I know. Calling things memes is a meme nowadays but you gotta give me that this one seems a bit silly Just did 5 (3 front, 2 back) sets with hanging arms and no platform. Seems way better than arms front and typing this is a good portion harder than normally

Made a thread on this, but didn't get any replies...

Thoughts on neck harnesses?

>what is a deadlift
Allows for more weight, looks manlier, and hits the same muscle groups imo

Once you're no longer deadlifting bitch weight, you'll realise that deadlifts are not the solution to everything. Too much recovery required for the volume.

No lie used this a lot when I used to box
Now my neck is t h i c c c c

Ankle Circles. You can just lie in your bed or sofa while making circles with your big toe. You really feel it in the calves.


> did ab wheel for the first time
> hurt to sit for 4 days afterward

not sure if I fucked up and tore something or just had a great core workout

I do them once a week so I'd say recovery is adequate. And I deadlift a little over 4 plate so I'm not sure if that is considered bitch weight but I feel like I am getting a solid workout. I'm not sure if my lower back needs much more exercise than heavy as fuck deadlifts once a week personally, but if yours does go ahead.

not doing both.
> getting all stretched and limber then hitting PB diddlys

Can this be substituted by a meme grip strengthener?
Do they work forearms at all?


those are actually pretty meme.

They both work forearms but they aren't quite the same thing. The rollers are generally better for mass - its easy to do them for lots of reps whereas the grippers have a tendency to give tendon issues if you try that.

Back extension has better ROM, I personally prefer it to deadlift.

Did your mom let you stay up late cause it's a weekend?

>No lie used this a lot when I used to box
>Now my neck is t h i c c c c

before and after pics?

n-no homo

Elaborate on need to focus hip flexors?

As in if they are weak your core doesn't work or? I don't follow...

Not the dude you're replying to, but I sometimes worry I am using flexors in HLR. Technique to help focus core?

Bend at the torso, not the hips. You're always going to use a lot of hip flexors in HLRs but if you're moving solely from the hips then your abs aren't doing a lot of work. Same deal with situps vs crunches.

After 40 minutes of building my own wrist roller and playing around with it I am now an expert.
These seems better than grip strengtheners if your goal is to build juicy forearms but might not build as much strenght for the grip

Oh shit we had those when I wrestled. No one used to be able to break my grip, no wonder. I need to get one again and get my fingers of iron back.

> not the hips

Just checking I got what you mean, hips are going to bend anyway because otherwise there is no leg raise, but you basically mean clench the abs sort of like the feeling when doing a crunch to force abs to do the work? If so I'm prob doing them right, if not please teach me.

My core feels worked doing them, just think it's a flexibility thing that means sometimes hip flexors feel it too (and I do core post squats/deads so probably fatigue)

I unironically like brap posts. Some of them, like this actually make me chuckle. I liked bainposting to so it's basically just natural progression

It's really that intense, you probably just did them correctly. Not saying you were but novices and if you haven't hit abs hard in a while will be in pain after since normal people's abs are so weak

Pretty much. The need to do that is 90% of the reason why toes-to-bar leg raises are so much better as ab exercises than just going to 90 degrees. You can't get up that high without doing a fair bit of movement from your abs.

Cheers for replying mate, sometimes hard to get actual responses around here when the norm is 'git gud' or a variation of that.

Working up towards higher toes over time, past 90° now but still nowhere near vertical. Flexibility/strength will come with more time (

Wrist rollers are goat. We had that as part of our routine when I was playing football. We also had a bucket of sand for grip strength which seems meme as fuck but god damn does it work.


i got a tattoo like this so i can jerk off and it's like popeye is giving me a handjob

Is this worth $100?

is the powerball basically the equivalent to rollers?

Fuck no. See

lay on ground with legs unbent and pointed toward ceiling
lift butt off ground


>he doesnt facepull to fix his kyphosis

for superior butt gains

just made my wrist roller - just cut the end off an old broomstick and drilled a hole through the middle of it


How the fuck did it give you tennis elbow when wrist rolling is one of movements recommended to fix tennis elbow

how did it go gents?

was it a meme?

not either of those guys but we had these in my high school gym, a shitty one that you could just make yourself

it's fucking legit man just do them
it becomes pretty fun after a while

>he wastes time doing ab work
>he doesn't play sports

bump biatches

Funny enough, I tried this today and I was impressed. Should have got this years ago.

Used this when I had physical therapy for my wrist. Legit really good exercise.

No, as in tight hip flexors are not a good thing for most of our generation. they are already likely too tight from sitting all the time. For many people with anterior pelvic tilt they should be stretched and glutes should be strengthened. TVA and glutes should be strengthened, not hip flexors...

How much weight should I add to the wrist roller?

My post above was meant as a reply to the guy you were replying to, oops
