I need some advice. I normally don't browse Veeky Forums but here goes:

I need some advice. I normally don't browse Veeky Forums but here goes:
My roomate has been trying to get swole for a long time now, but was seeing almost no results and he was pretty depressed about it, so being the good buddybro that i am i decided to help.
I googled around and found this thing called creatine, which is by what i read, cheap, very effective and super safe. I didn't wanted to simply offer it to my roomie straight out because i was sure he would refuse any "juicing" (even though creatine is no juicing by what i read)
So every day when i fixed us something to drink during the day, i would add 10g of creatine into his drink (it's tasteless so you can hide it easily) the package said the dose should be 20g/day but i did half that just to be safe.
I was doing this for about two months, and covertly asking from time to time how is the gym going and he said it's a bit better, so my plan worked hopefully... but lately he has been complaining that he is getting this horribly painful spasms all the time and i am not sure if it's because of the creatine or not, so i am asking you..? Should i stop slipping it to him, or is it not the cause? I for obvious reasons can't admit anything to him about it.

I need the Name of that woman

Thanks for the new fetish, breh.

make sure he drinks enough while you give him creatine.
also find out if he drinks lots of caffeinated stuff, as many brands of creatine powder also contain plenty caffeine

>every day when I fixed us something to drink during the day

you prepare and serve your roommate beverages every day? what's the point of this obviously fake thread? to put down creatine?

While creatine is perfectly safe, you should definitely stop slipping your roommate any substance without his knowledge...

That's not even my fetish.

It is now.

Kortney Olson


She looks like she almost came when it popped.

i sure as fuck did


whats wrong with us?

I wish that was my head ;_;
I wonder if she would be able to actually crush it and kill me.
Would be totally worth it tho.

>tfw a girl will never squish your head


>tfw she does this shit for living

she's way prettier in this gif.

bad taste?

I think it's because she looks like an old mom in the first one.

her hair is shorter and you like men

like getting accidental abortion :D
or is it just me

thanks for the bones faggots now I can't stand up