Why do some guys not look their bodyweight?

This strongman from Norway is supposedly 360 pounds at 6'5".

I woulda guessed 270 and 20%.

How/where does weight hide?

Bone density is a thing.

bones, mass distribution, and you being bad at guessing.

I weight 300+ pounds for most of my life and everyone thought I weighed 240+ because I have a relatively large frame and a lot of well distributed muscle and fat mass.
Now that i do weight about 240 people think I'm getting sick.

probably because you underestimate how thick his arms/torso are in a picture like that since there's nothing to relate them to.

Density is a thing as well as mass distribution. I have a lot of people guess me 30 pounds light.

You probably underestimate how tall that is and how, especially considering how THICC this guy is.

I don't know, OP. I'm 5'11 with pretty much the same body and I'm 215. Now add 6 inches, probably greater muscle/bone density, and the square-cube law, and I can easily see him being 360.

Also, you can't see his lower body, I bet his legs are like tree trunks.


Also you know, legs.

I'm 5'9" and about 185 and I look athletic but definitely not big. It can be hard to gauge how much someone weighs because muscle is so dense and (here in the USA anyways) we're used to seeing fatasses all the time who look huge.

muscle weighs more than fat

Bone structure. Tall with thick bones spreads the muscle out a lot.
Also camera angle, head in and you aren't seeing the widest angle for his arms. .guy's not nowegian, icelandic.

thickness / deep torso


Lots of times we asses a person size bu shoulders width from the front. That's an illusion that can just be frim wide collar bones, which don't really effect weight a whole lot.

Turn the guy sideways and you'll see how deep and thick he actually is.

he is a big guy

really, HE IS BIG, not 'merican" big but REALLY BIG.

Hahahaha you're a lunatic mate

OMG LOL! So this is what viking nordic genetics look like :'). e.g. Noodle lanky arms, fridgemode blocky waist, thin neck/forearm, ..., etc.

I would rather keep my nigger genetics. Anyways, I outlift most of those nordic overlords at my gym (in Uppsala, Sweden).

>nordic genetics
you mean neanderthal genetics
>nigger genetics
You mean homo sapien genetics

Homo sapiens were the original lanky shredded aesthetics mode monkeys whereas neanderthals were barrell chested thicc calves/forearmed monkey

I see what /pol/ is doing, people are not that stupid man.

Bone density. People constantly say i'm 30lbs heavier than i actually am and that was happening even when i was a 145lb twink.

Although i think people not being able to guess for shit is also a factor.

lol "bone density"

Its lean muscle mass and water that make up a vast majority of the weight. Not fucking bone density you bonehead.


>I woulda guessed 270 and 20%.

you are a fucking delusional fatass newbie if you think hes anywhere close to 20% bodyfat.

>How/where does weight hide?

lats and ass most likely.

He's not more than 20%, mate. Especially if look at

>at 6'5"

There's your answer, OP.

>eating regularly in a cheap restaurant eating a LOT
>all the server girls like me
>ask one of them how much does she think i weight
>she said around 90 kgs
>tfw i'm 113 kg
>fucked her afterwards