So i was browsing youtube randomly, looking for some cheap laughs watching gym fails and shit like that. Came across this youtube channel: "paige hathaway". First impression was that - oh another fake boob all natural fitness booty channel with some protein reviews and glamour shit danbilzerianFITNESSEDITION -kind of stuff you know?

Well all in all it was that. But as i watched a video called OUR FIRST TATTOO i just wanted to see how fucking buff his boyfriend was. HOLY FUCKING SHIT its a fat kim yong un lookalike asian. What THE ACTUAL FUCK.

>fast google
>"paige hathaway boyfriend"
> -no results (only some probably 1 night stand steroid junkies).
Well how the fuck is this asian guy getting a tattoo with this fucking fitness model. Watch a few videos from channel.
>Laugh my fucking ass off to this asian kido. >Bust jokes from left to right.
>My sides orbiting uranus.
What the fuck is this guy a FRIEND.
Did this fat asian guy get friendzoned that fucking hard he got a actual fucking tattoo with this broad?!?!

Watch another video.
>Christmas party (friendzoneparty)

dude he is lord and king of the friendzone. Like he is the dictator of the friendzone. If Nazy Germany was the friendzone this asian dude would be Hitler.

But this is actually interesting
>Fitness model decides it will be good if chines kid move to her house
>Chinese boy moves to live with the chick
>Posts some yoga videos touching each other
>Claiming they are not dating

This might be it champs. We might be witnessing the actual escape from the friend zone i'm telling you. I really want to believe. If this guy makes it i got faith for us all. He is literally carrying that channel with his jokes and shit. Just watch the snapchat compilations. Fucking hilarious.




He got rent-zoned lmao

This happened to a high school friend.

>Lived in apartment together
>Weren't dating
>Matching tats

>men and women can't be friends
>only conclusion is beta friendzoned cuck
>number of gfs: 0

Yeah well here is a good example of "Look's does matter". They are like made for each other on the inside but on the outside they are like a potato and a space rocket.

That's fucking harsh if you'r friend was into the girl. Pretty fucking aids to get that zoned away and also to fucking fall for it :D

Tbh, I like the guy, but he became beta.

He said he liked her as a human bean and wasn't into her sexually. Just amazing soul-friends.

If you believe you have that connection platonically with the opposite sex I think you're fucked in the head, but that's just me.

You can turn a female friend into a gf or fuck buddy. You just have to change how you carry yourself and interact around her. If you give off zero sexual vibes, guess what? She's not going to be attracted to you.

Yeah well based on my knowledge on marketing and this fucking bitch paige hathaway i'm pretty sure she just saw a marketing opportunity or a niche on this kid and is using him for the views and content.

Poor kid probably thinks he got some chance to win her heart. Knowing Paige by an intense internet research she is a superficial shallow bitch who roams the markets with her shit products promoting her ass to kids claiming you can get there by buying this and this from my pages.

>3/10 asian manlet
>with 6/10 white grill
maybe he's rich?


Nah the grill is rich the manlet is just funny and works for her. i mean... what the fuck.

Nope, watch her 2017 motivation video

Hopefully she isnt a race traitor


Dude that's a promotion

implying they haven't fucked

>She's not going to be attracted to you.
Not to the point she is actually taking matching tattoo's and fucking moving in together?

man this is painful to watch because you feel for the asian guy.

it makes me remember why I hang out with girls I'm not dating, it just seems so dull because they are unfunny and almost never have interesting hobbies.

Yeah well shes probably fucked all of the hot guys on her videos, doesn't mean she loves them. But this asian might have a chance i bet.

why I *never hang out with girls I'm not dating

Dog, she had herpes by the age of 18. She sells weed (always posts about it too) and is basically as degenerate as they come. I don't think her and the guy were friends after housing arrangements shifted.

As a general rule, a woman that is involved with drugs of any kind will use her sexuality to trade for a high.

that how you'r social circle gets narrowed down and you only befriend with guys and then you start reading Veeky Forums and get redpilled and start acting weird and cant get any friends

It appears as if her head was photoshopped onto a man's body. ew gross

> witnessed

what happened because I'm laughing this retard went this far