Does prolonged cardio excersise whilst you're hungry make you lose bf% quicker?

Does prolonged cardio excersise whilst you're hungry make you lose bf% quicker?

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some people say fasted cardio can have a higher impact on bf loss than otherwise

If I go for a run before breakfast will it burn more bodyfat than going for a run after breakfast?

Yes but it will also inevitably lead to some muscle loss as well.

There was a study recently that cemented that fasted cardio doesn't make a difference in any regard


you would have to be in a truly fasted state for your body to take the energy directly from your fat cells instead of food in your system

so i'd say about 18 hours after your last meal would work

why not?


Depends how fast you go. If you run slower or aerobically, then you'll primarily burn bf. if you run fast or anaerobically, you'll burn muscle after your body runs out of blood sugar

every one of those girls looks repulsive.

Isn't this the keto theory in a way?

stop objectifying them you rapist

>tfw you don't know what is bait anymore

fucking january 7th lol

>Depends how fast you go. If you run slower or aerobically, then you'll primarily burn bf. if you run fast or anaerobically, you'll burn muscle after your body runs out of blood sugar

muscle burns does it?

you obviously havent been keeping up with the recent ISIS videos

>those shoes

Has anyone here every fugged a noticeably fit girl? Are they still sweet-smelling and soft? those girls don't look like they are pleasant to actually handle.

Grills smell sweet when they sweat if your genes are a good match, found that out when I googled it after a sweaty girl at work got me erect

essentially, yes

except in ketosis, your body is only PARTIALLY taking energy from the ketones in your fat cells, as ketosis refines your metabolic processes enough to drain energy from proteins and lipids (fats)

if truly fasted, your body will take 99% of its energy from your already stored energy


There was a study recently that cemented that fasted cardio doesn't make a difference in any regard


thanks user

I have not specifically read about it but with common sense, I would assume that it does not make a difference. say you eat 1800 calories a day. one day you go for a run in the morning before eating the 1800, and burn 200 calories. at the end of the day, you end up with 1600 calories stored. in another day, you do the same and still end up with 1600 calories stored. in the grand scheme of things, say in 6 months, that won't matter. it's still about calories in and calories out. if you go run in a fasted state, you may be using fat stored as fuel, but even if you didn't, your body would use that fat later on because you're in a caloric deficit. it's only about the timing. it does not matter.
