I'm a Jungian mystic with 25 years of mastery of a lot of shamanic and esotetic traditions...

I'm a Jungian mystic with 25 years of mastery of a lot of shamanic and esotetic traditions. Before anyone says "take it to /x/" you should be aware that it's all applied psychology. Mysticism is about unlocking and accessing the machinery of the unconscious mind and, through it, the collective unconscious.

I've become increasingly aware through my studies that many of the techniques I study and use are also used by the billionaires who rule the world. There's a reason why so many of them belong to groups like the Freemasons and Skull & Bones; they teach select, high-renking members how to use these techniques.

I have no interest in playing at power, but I would like to make enough money not to have to worry about it. My question is, how do I go about making businesspeople aware of what I can teach them without (a) sounding like a kook, and (b) tipping off the various esoteric societies that I'm teaching people their secrets?


Careful, if you chase only money then you will likely run into repercussions.

OP be serious how much wisdom and knowledge is to be gained from the use of psychedelics? And, do you think that there is an alternative to achieve the kind of "gains" that these states bestow upon the user? Or do you have to use psychedelics?

One must first adorn the holy hat made of tinfoil to earn the respect of said people. Then and only then may you teach the holy words of Pajeet to the wageCucks.


>I'm a Jungian mystic with 25 years of mastery of a lot of shamanic and esotetic traditions

Bro just do it. Become one of those underground 1on1 coaches that do this shit in secret.

I'm fully aware of what I'm doing. The pursuit of money can be balanced along both male and female lines; while the manifestation of Will is Goetic and male, the female embodies the Self as a physical entity. I think I can maintain sufficient balance to avoid the dangers.

Im on the program too. Entered throught the Bandler Door about 10 yrs ago

WTF is a Jungian mystic?

Good luck then dude. Seriously hope it pays off for you. :)

There's nothing a person can do with psychedelics which can't be done through meditation, biofeedback, and discipline. These drugs function by mimicking chemicals which are already present in the brain. It's therefore possible to achieve the same effects just by convincing your brain to manufacture the right chemicals -- something I can teach people to do. This is an example of the sort of technique I think would be valuable to the right businessperson.

We should do an ICO

Call yourself a "chaotician" or "metapsychologist" or something along those lines; that should appear as your title on your business cards.
Always dress sharply.
Never say too much.
Use the occasional parlour trick as an opener.

>There's nothing a person can do with psychedelics which can't be done through meditation, biofeedback, and discipline.

lmfao, you lost me there. And I say this as someone who meditates and is very spiritual. There is absolutely no way the things I've seen and feelings I've experienced on my shroom trips could ever be conjured up by my body naturally. Someone could potentially trigger flashbacks or similar thoughts from memory, but a person who has never done drugs will absolutely never be able to create experiences like that themselves.

I consider NLP to be highly unethical. Rather than use someone's unconscious against them, I prefer to address their unconscious directly and try to negotiate a ceasefire with the conscious mind, helping to unify the Self.

I dont think there is currently an Chaos.org we could use intention. And suggestion. Like biz with out the mega SHilling

Hmm. My business cards currently identify me as a mystic. Is that not sufficient? Part of the reason I'm a bit hesitant to go the Crowley route is that there is an awful lot of bad karma that comes with tricking people. The skills I teach are genuine, and they aren't going to work for everyone; there has to be a knack already present for suggestibility, and the person has to be sufficiently Self-aware to be able to create meta-narratives by stepping back and seeing their own thought processes. I'd rather winnow out the credulous looking for "magic" rather than take advantage of them and sell them chicanery.

I rarely use my skills for ill. I try to improve people, not abuse people.

Do you have any interest in teaching online? Could be an easy way to get a wide audience - lower price would mean you allow poorer people to benefit.

How much Hall have you read?

The entire reason that these drugs are capable of inducing altered states of consciousness is because the chemicals mimic those the brain either already uses or is capable of manufacturing. The phenomenon of biofeedback works because all functions in the brain are bi-directional, so that any behaviour associated with a particular state of mind is capable of also triggering that state of mind. Smiling is the classic example; repeated psych studies have shown that the act of smiling triggers the pleasure centres of the brain, reversing the normal flow of neural causality.

>high-renking members

I am far from a master Apprentice everlong

hey man do you have any books or stuff you can recommend?

I don't want to advertise what I can do. I'm not kidding when I say that these secret societies use the same techniques and have been known to ruin or outright kill people who try to reveal their methods. I'm content to nibble a bit of their grass, but I'm not going to stick up a website and start announcing that I can teach people to use tarot and I Ching to predict stock futures.

Nothing. I became a mystic through Gurdjeff and Ouspensky by way of Jung, Jaynes, Campbell, and Sheldrake.

Well... yes and no. The thing is, "Ceci n'est pas une pipe." The map is not the thing it's mapping. All of these paradigms are by definition incorrect, which is why the first line of the Tao Te Ching reads, "The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao." You adopt the paradigms which are most useful to you because they speak to you most deeply.

That said, there are some books I've found personally invaluable, but your mileage may vary.

- The Fourth Way by Pyotr Ouspensky

- Man and his Symbols by Carl Jung

- Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell

- The Sense of Being Stared At by Rupert Sheldrake

- Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind

- Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud

- Illusions by Richard Bach

- The Emperor's New Mind by Sir Roger Penrose

lol the biweekly thread has returned.

Sorry, forgot to mention Julian Jaynes as the author of Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind.

This is the first time I'm ever posted in Veeky Forums.

>recommends Sigmund Freud

That's all you need to know to be certain you're dealing with a retarded psiedo-intellectual, folks.

>how do I sell Woo to businessmen
You don't. You sell results.

HAMBONE look at them DUBZ

Freud's analysis of the way dreams work is absolutely critical if you're planning to do any lucid dreaming work, of which I do a lot. It's clear you haven't actually read Interpretation of Dreams. You should be aware that the memory of dreams changes, and that this is what makes them useful. Freud had people write down their dreams immediately upon waking, then 15 minutes later, than an hour later, and so on. And each time the account changed without any conscious awareness. It shows that the unconscious mind takes random imagery and applies meaning to it through the phenomenon of apophenia. This is how dreams can be used to get a read on the status of the unconscious mind.

In Ron I trust

Can you teach me fellow /x/phile

If I tossed you a ball, you'd be able to catch it easily and effortlessly, with no conscious thought at all. On the other hand, if I asked you to sit down with a piece of paper and work out where you need to place your hand to catch the ball based on its velocity and trajectory, it would take you rather longer if you could do it at all.

Mysticism is about using this extremely powerful unconscious machinery in a more deliberate way. There's a psych experiment in which groups are shown old weather maps and asked to predict the weather the next day. The groups are each given varying degrees of training in meteorology. Every time the experiment is done, the group which is given no training at all and told to simply guess what the weather was the next day is by far the most accurate. This same pattern-recognition and prediction machinery can be put to work on problems like the stock market with remarkable results.

That's not "woo."

I'm a Martinist and believe me, these psychological tricks are all bullshit

When you're not clouded by your brain's thinking, it's a hell of a lot easier to listen to your gut-mind

Hey Jordie, you crazy dipshit.

>you'd be able to catch it... with no conscious thought at all
None? No thought? The first thing I think when tossed a ball is to prepare to catch it. That's not subconscious, I'm deliberately choosing to do that. Or I could step aside or get hit by it.
As far as estimating the trajectory and where I need to be to catch it, it's only roughly accurate. Hence why people don't catch everything thrown to them.

Taking an approach of guessing to the markets is a remarkably bad idea - check the catalog for examples of this. Applying math and logic has far better results.

You actually think about catching a ball before you catch it? Wtf

Yes, and I can teach people techniques for achieving no-mind, ego-death, and direct contact with the archetypal personality fragments which reside in the collective unconscious through lucid dreaming, invocation, and other shamanic and Jungian active-imagination exercises.

What I'm wondering is how I make businesspeople aware that I can offer such training, and that I'm not just some whack-job or scam artist.

When people like you claim to represent psychology and retards believe it, it causes psychology to lose credibility as a whole. That's why I fucking hate people like you. The collective unconsciousness is an unverfiable hypothesis. As soon as you can present a mechanism for which you "unlock and access the machinery of the unconscious mind and, through it, the collective unconscious." and publish a thesis describing your hypothesis that can be peer-reviewed an individually proven, then you can expect people to take you seriously. Until you can, don't describe your bullshit as anything other than a religion, and don't fucking call it applied psychology.

Yes and you do too.
Imagine I didn't throw a ball but instead I threw a bag of shit. Would you catch the bag or step aside?
You make the decision of whether to catch or not after identifying the object.


In the Arisotlian model, there are three ways of obtaining knowledge: empiricism, rationalism, and revelation. The application of pure empiricism is called science; the application of rationalism is called philosophy; and the application of pure revelation is called mysticism. Each of the three has strengths which counter the weaknesses of the others. The benefit of mysticism is that it doesn't require any kind of rational thought or empirical evidence. That's its nature.

Your problem is that you've discarded an entire body of knowledge simply on the basis that it isn't something with which you feel comfortable. I'm not telling you to discard science and reason; I'm telling you to use them for what they're intended, and then apply mysticism to the rest.

There's a rather famous psych experiment in which people underwent brain scans while being told to select their favourite colour from a choice of three, then press the button associated with it. What they found is that the parts of the brain associated with interpreting vision and decision-making light up and go dark almost instantly, followed several seconds later by pushing the button.

What this suggests is that our decisions are all made unconsciously, and that the conscious mind exists solely to apply a rationalization for that choice.

Would you be interested in learning an exercise where I can demonstrate the practical benefits of hacking the brain through mysticism?

If it's free

Aristotle proposed mysticism as a body of knowledge because there was so much he couldn't explain he felt the need the say "yeah that's magic" or "yeah that was done by the gods"
It was he that felt uncomfortable by the unknown. Why would respect these bodies of knowledge he proposed when the scientific method can supercede them? Philosophy used to be used for thinking up new questions that could be answered by science, and now it's really just useful for moralizing and self-actualization. You're really only trying to distract me anyways because you're the one that claimed to be a scientist and now you admit that your shitty "knowledge" comes from mysticism which you've differentiated from science? Wow.

Why would I*
not used to typing on phone

Of course.

Get a straw from a straw broom and a flat tack, the all-metal kind. Take your shirt off and lie on your back on the floor. Impale the straw vertically on the tack, then balance the tack on your breastbone so that the straw is sticking straight up in the air. Each time your heart beats, the straw should wiggle a bit.

Now simply watch the end of the straw for the next 30 minutes. At the end of that time, will your heart to slow down and it will slow down to the precise degree you want it to slow. Likewise, will your heart to speed up and it will begin galloping. What you're doing is using the phenomenon of biofeedback to hook into what are normally autonomic reflexes and achieve conscious control over them.

There's a form of Buddhist discipline called Tummo which operates on the same principle. Monks who practice Tummo (see pic) will strip themselves naked, wrap themselves in a wet blanket, then sit in the snow and steam themselves dry by hacking their own autonomic thermoregulation mechanisms.

As I've indicated, all three branches of knowledge are useful. I understand the science of mysticism as I understand the philosophy of mysticism. But I also understand the mystic significance of certain branches of science and philosophy. Einstein once predicted that it would be a Hindu who discovered the GUT specifically because he understood the value of mysticism -- that is, unconscious, non-rational thought processes -- in science.


>implying I don't do this when the crack rock hits too hard
Conscious control over subconscious functions. How does this map to market performance?

How is it remotely possible to prove something that isn't material in a material format or realm. That's like saying that you get 2 people to smoke DMT and because they don't have the exact same experience neither of them were hallucinating?

Once you see the unknown world only then can you understand it. not everyone is chosen

>jungian mystic
>25 years of mastery
>yet cant pay the bills

Why don't you try it before you shit on it? I've presented a practical, simple, easy way to achieve a practical result using mysticism.

I've given several examples of psych experiments which have shown how powerful the pattern-recognition machinery of the unconscious mind is. The problem is most people have no way to guide these processes or to reliably ferret the results out when and as needed. What I do is teach people the techniques for doing so. Is it fool-proof? No. But neither do I expect anyone to accept what I do on faith. The skills I teach have practical and testable applications.

This is not an explanation or answer to the question "how does this map to market performance". I'm looking for an example.

I live a very simple life, with most of my time spent in introspection, diving into my inner sea for the Deep Mysteries. The problem is the outside world is being increasingly materialist, which means I need more money simply to be left alone. That's why I'm prepared to teach a limited number of people what I've learned in exchange for enough resources not to have to be distracted by the outside world.

How is "willing" thermoregulation in any sense mysticism? Wow you could sit in freezing weather for hours. Can you will yourself to immortality? Why can't you just will money to come to you from my pockets?
I've had experiences that I consider mystical but it was not this horseshit that you are preaching.

I hope you stick around here man, I'm really enjoying your posts

> Can you will yourself to immortality?
See: Taoist immortals

I'm not some con-man. I'm not going to tell you or anyone that I can make predictions about the stock market. For one thing, I have no interest in it, which means I don't have the necessary data to feed my unconscious. What I *can* do is teach others how to access their own unconscious machinery so that they can feed it raw data and extract predictions using the same machinery which we once used to predict danger on the savanah from the subtle motion of a tiger's stripes against grass.

Furthermore, there are entities which exist in the collective unconscious, gods, demons, angels, spirits, and others things older than humanity which can be accessed through the unconscious. They aren't real in the same sense you and I are; rather, they're the primary colours from which we manufacture out own personalities and sense of Self. And they are wise and powerful beyond anything you can imagine -- and they, too, can be consciously accessed through shamanic rituals and Jungian active imagination exercises. Jung himself used to take long walks in the woods with a demon, with whom he discussed much of his psychological model.

What I'm deriving after sifting out the mythology is
>Make better predictions of future events
Really all you had to say

If you think that's what Jung taught you're a fucking illiterate mongoloid.

first /pol/, now we have /x/ coming in. /x/ magick better work.

Are you fucking retarded? The mechanisms behind hallucinating are fairly well documented, and it's known with relative certainty that there's nothing "spiritual" going on. Your own brain creates the illusion based on previous experiences and sensations.

Mysticism doesn't mean what you think it does. All it is is knowledge obtained from entirely internal processes, absent all sensory perceptions and logical processes. Mysticism is about going from A to D without needing to go through B and C in between. It has many names, such as intuition. What I do is teach people how to harness it at will, the same way practitioners of Tummo harness thermoregulation at will.

This is the first time I've been to Veeky Forums. I was just interested in finding out how I would go about letting business types know what I'm offering without sounding like a crackpot or a flim flam man -- and without announcing to the whole world that I'm revealing secrets that groups like the Freemasons would rather didn't get out.

sadly, this you might have some knowledge of shamanic traditions but your entire post is contradictory if you think you've mastered anything

Are you aware that neurobiologists have been doing research into the self-transforming machine elves because the experience is so remarkably similar from person to person? Current thinking is that they're the brain's way of representing direct experience of the part of the mind responsible for manufacturing representational reality from sensory perception filtered through schema.

Consider the reception ITT
You will get that x10 peddling to business figures. Just fyi

>I became a mystic through namedropping
pls stop

>implying psychology isn't subversive jewish pseudoscience to begin with
>implying Jungian psychology is less accurate than Freudian perversion
Your priced institution of Psychology accepted Alfred Kinsey into its foundation. Think that over for a minute.

So I'm discovering. Which makes it doubly important that I find some way of finding the handful of people who may be able to benefit from what I have to offer. I'm open to suggestions. Bear in mind that most of the businesspeople who have the necessary suggestibility are recruited by groups like Skull & Bones, who keep an eye out for Wakers and snatch them up and indoctrinate them while they're still too new to recognize their danger.

No. Current thinking is that most cultures have myths of little people/dwarves/homunculi and that's why

Unironically, those who haven't "made it" but are somewhat wealthy and want more are probably your best bet. $80k/year urban professional types

Perhaps try nightclubs that these people frequent? If they're liquored up then they may be more receptive to your pitch


The machine elves look like jewelled, self-dribbling basketballs. Not dwarves or kobolds. Take the heroic dose and visit them for yourself. It's a transformative experience.

Thank you. Those are the kind of practical suggestions I was looking for.

Sounds to me you don't understand archetypes

That "demon" Jung walked with was his shadow self, aka the part of you that is within everyone that is capable of great evil. Aka, the cunt within.

Jung wasn't a kook, he had a profound way of looking at the subconscious and relating that to cultural ideas that we all understand

I'm perfectly aware of that. Did you miss the part where I described them as archetypal personality fragments and the primary colours from which we construct our own sense of Self?

Yeah but they aren't secrets it's just common sense. Maybe secret to the layman who is living in a Newtonian universe. But for anyone who has done any kind of soul searching its completely obvious that we are god incarnate and the master of our fate.

Have you ever talked to them? Some of them will admit to being part of you, but many of them get quite angry when you tell them they're archetypes, and I've had them tell me that *I* am the one who isn't real. I'm inclined to believe them. Many of them are older than humanity itself, and why they may reside in our brains, the archetypes themselves are ancient.

The archetypes are ideas that exist in the mythos which is shaped in a cultures self reference. Ideas come from and infinite source but must be self referenced to give the infinite structure.