Why aren't you fasting for 23 hours and eating a single vegan meal every day, Veeky Forums?

why aren't you fasting for 23 hours and eating a single vegan meal every day, Veeky Forums?

do you have an answer for me?



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This dude is a massive fucking fraud tho.


Because I'm not violently stupid, self-hating, and self-destructive.
Veganism is objectively an expression of human self-hatred. You're literally putting lower animals above human beings, and slowly destroying yourself through malnutrition. The Vegan lifestyle pretends to be pro-life, but what it really is is ANTI-life; you can barely survive on the strict vegetarian diet the Vegan lifestyle demands, but you will not THRIVE on it. You get weak and sickly and brain-addled from malnutrition. It's a FACT that any doctor that sees evidence parents are raising a child from birth on a strict vegetarian diet has a moral and ethical responsibility to call the police and report CHILD ABUSE; what does that tell you about 'Veganism'? Rhetorical question, it tells you that it's BULLSHIT and that it's UNHEALTHY for humans.

Especially if you are engaged in any regular, vigorous physical training YOU SHOULD NOT EAT A STRICT VEGETARIAN DIET, because it will cause you to FAIL at what you're doing.

Also OP is a fag.

Herschel Walker (former NFL running back) says he only eats one meal a day as well and he looks amazing and was doing MMA fights at 51 years old.

Still I'm skeptical.

Why isn't everyone in africa big and skrong as fuck?


Intermittent fast doesn't work.

The vegan diet is unhealthy and leaves the vegan individual nutritionally defective.

That guy you posted is also on steroids so it doesn't matter what he does, he will still make gains. Even virgin gains has called him out on his bullshit.

This guy sounds like fucking Yoda lol

Who uses steroids. He is/was able to do that because he uses test and hgh.

>>Intermittent fast doesn't work.

define "work"

This faggot is on so much roids it's not even funny. Not to mention his "research" aren't even peer reviewed.

IF is not more effective than any other diet. It is all about calories.

Calories in, calories out. I'm sure you've heard it all before.


No. John.

use your eyes

either he's a fraud or this dude is on to some next level shit


Because I'm natty

As pro-veg as i am, this guy is on roids

(You) can do better than this man, weak bait for an educated vegan

>why aren't you fasting for 23 hours

I am.

I had galbladder, bloating and other digestive problems for years. omad is the only thing that helps me.

> vegan

But even I have limits.

Veeky Forums BTFO

He claims he eats 150 calories a day of carbs. Nuff said