Help me out brah's how do i into flirting

help me out brah's how do i into flirting

Also are planks and vacuums enough for abs

just say something like

>haha, what about man-meat ;) do you like that kind of meat sexy girl? :P

Send her a pic of your face photoshopped in a steak costume or a regular steak

Ask her if she'd like to see a good piece of meat and send her a picture of your body, or optionally, dick.

>A-are you an archaeologist? Heh heh ...


Do this. It's terrible advice but I want to see the result.

no I'm actually trying to bang her baka

"good thing i have a good butcher"

bump pls

Just say you have some good meat for her

OK just tell her that her mind is in the gutter and see how she reacts

BUT make sure she understands you're playing along. Use a wink face or lol or something.

>be 18 year old college freshman me
>flirt back and forth while throwing hints over the span of 1 week
>maybe 2 one night stands/month
>be 22 year old college senior me
>much more upfront. Basically just straight up asking women if theyre up for it.
>8/10 bitches every weekend

listen, if you lift, shave, dress well and are taller than 5 ft 8 you are already 7/10.
If you have a handsome face, aesthetic body and fancy cars, taller than 6 ft 2 that bumps you to 8.5-9/10

Just be confident (no cliche here, even if ur ugly)

That only works if you're attractive. If you're ugly you have to use personality to bag more attractive women. That's assuming you're in America. Europe is different.

yeah i know bro. I just don't have many social opportunities and trying to tinder thing so i gotta put in work just to meet up with them. I'm 3/3 for on tinder once we meet in person though

how is europe any different

Women are way, way more open.

"Jesus ______, we barely know each other"

When you overthink, that's when you fuck up desu

You forgot to add 'be social, and make it seem natural', which is like 75% of the work.
There's a reason so many of us look great but are virgin.

this desu

Just be like

> I like girls that like meat, but I prefer to eat fish myself. I'm willing to eat some roast beef if it's put in front of my face though lol

>lol i [emoji]!!!1111
>lmao ur [rephrasing of what was just said]
>lol i know i am [summation of what we both just said] lmao!!!!!11

Riveting stuff, OP.

Planks and vacuums are a good start. Once youre good you would probably benefit from using an ab wheel

"I can clean a doe ass to antlers in a hot minute, if you know what I mean " with a winking emoji
Also I like doing hanging leg raises as well as vacuums and planks

"I can show you some good meat ;)" but follow it quickly with "Jk couldn't resist" so she doesn't think you're a creep.

>6ft 5"
>Pretty built
>Handsome face
>Deep voice
>Decent though not well paid job

All good except


Why lads. Least I have a date today with a girl from Tinder.

"Okay let's go to xx tomorrow then. When are you free?"

Where did you get that? american girls are the biggest sluts

"I have a disfigured sausage if that's what you're into"

the right move would be to escalate physically by touching her

of course you can't do that over text, and that's why you don't text girls for anything else than arranging to meet you dumb shit

and where do i meet these girls?
>tfw no friends

and how do i even hold a conversation and make them laugh?
>tfw no social skills
i rarely have conversations that last more than 5 minutes

try scandinavian girls

"Well if you like meat, I've got the hook up for you. Top grade stuff, very well seasoned. Just tell me how you like it done and I'll do it just right for you."