Chloe grace moretz meme

dump your pics here fitizens

Imagine being Pablo in that picture and having to be all like "damn, Chloe Moretz, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your fridge body and horrific pudgy face. I would totally have sex with you." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old latina in Chloe's dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be that mexican kid and not only open that door while Chloe Grace Moretz flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the light of the sun revealing her nipple piercings and cameltoe, and just stand there, time after time, while she slowly slogs out of her car. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking vagina but her haughty attitude as everyone nearby tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, CHLOE GRACE MORETZ LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to stand there and watch her pudgy fucking michelin man face sit flaccid and dull on her disgusting fridge body. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of tight, brown latinas and later alleged cartel rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the slums in Mexico. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her unshapely asscrack as she leaves it open while wearing those improperly fit sweatpants, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to stand there, open her car door, and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for 7 days a week in the previous months. And then she calls for another door to open, and you know you could kill every single person in this driveway before her security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're a fucking mexican kid. You're not going to lose your future chauffeur career over this. Just bear it. Cringe your face and bear it.





is this real?

Yeah, but she's smaller now, she was bulking at the time.






The real reason pedro has that look on his face


damn, Chloe Moretz looks like *that*?

Imagínate ser Pablo en esa foto y tener que estar como "maldición, Chloe Moretz, estás muy buena, toda sexy con tu cuerpo de refrigerador y horrible cara rechoncha. De verdad tendría sexo contigo" cuando todo lo que quiere hacer es tirarse a otra latina de 16 en el vestidor de Chloe. En serio imagínate tener que ser ese chico mexicano y no solo abrir esa puerta mientras Chloe Grace Moretz luce su asqueroso cuerpo frente a ti, la luz del sol revelando sus pezones perforados y pata de camello, y solo pararte ahí, una y otra vez, mientras ella se abre paso lentamente fuera de su auto. No solo tener que tolerar su monstruosa puta vagina sino su actitud arrogante mientras todos en el lugar le dicen que TODAVÍA LO TIENE y MALDICIÓN, ¿CHLOE GRACE MORETZ SE VE *ASÍ*? porque ellos no son los que tienen que pararse ahí y observar su rechoncha puta cara de michelin colocada flácida y sosa en su asqueroso cuerpo de refrigerador. Te has estado tirando nada más que una saludable dieta de latinas firmes y morenas y después presuntas víctimas de violación del cartel por TODA TU CARRERA saliendo de los barrios bajos en México. Nunca antes has visto algo tan jodidamente asqueroso, y ahora juras que puedes probar el sudor que está saliendo de su mal proporcionado culo mientras se lo abren esos mal ajustados pantalones deportivos, engreidamente confiada en que disfrutas la oportunidad de que te paguen por pararte ahí y deleitarte de su belleza "estatuesca (pues así es como se describe a sí misma)", la belleza por la que trabajó tan duro 7 días a la semana en los meses anteriores. Y entonces ella pide abrir otra puerta, y sabes que podrías matar a cada persona en este estacionamento antes que su seguridad pudiera derribarte, pero te sientas ahí y aguantas, porque eres un puto chico mexicano. No vas a perder tu futura carrera de chofer por esto. Solo aguanta. Asquea la cara y aguanta.


This cannot be real

jesus fucking christ, I actually feel sick.


Stop for a minute. Look at these shoops, and realize, that there is a real person somewhere. A real actual person. Who took time out of his day, and thought "I'm going to find pictures and Chloe Moretz and use photoshop to enlargen her muscles and then I will post these pictures on internet message board". Not only did this person think these thoughts, he actually did all this. He actually used his time to shoop pictures of Choe Moretz. Let that sink in. What kind of life do you think this kind of person is living?

Yeah but the real one doesn't look much different. That's what's so great about this meme.



It's embiggen, retard.

What the fuck. I have never seen an ass look like that

I'm actually kind of upset I don't see the world in a creative light at all. I never think of how to improve something or make something I just accept it and/or consume it.

It might be a domain thing

I don't look at chloe moretz and think up a shop but I innovate in other areas. You might eventually find the fields you innovate in.



What part of 'meme' do you guys dont get

Wud fugg desu

Nice shop, idiot.

Still looks abysmal.

Stop for a minute. Look at this post, and realize, that there is a real person somewhere. A real actual person. Who took time out of his day, and thought "I'm going to find pictures of Chloe Moretz with enlargen muscles and then I will post about how 'A real acutal person took time out of his day to post those pictures on internet message board' on internet message board". Not only did this person think these thoughts, he actually did all this. He actually used his time to post about posting. Let that sink in. What kind of life do you think this kind of person is living?

Hahahahah you posted it



chloe pls go

help i cant tell whats shopped or not anymore

Eh, I'd still give it to her. May as well dig gold

I don't innovate in any field. Should I just kill myself?

Her body is unironically my ideal female body.
>boyish figure
>small tits
>long legs
>qt feet
Prime wifing and breeding material for tall, fit sons and beautiful daughters


>tall, fit sons

>163cm or 5'4

wait what

Hi chloe

This is a shoop


This has gotta be shopped

You should post the original


Stop for a minute. Look at this post, and realize, that there is a real person somewhere. A real actual person. Who took time out of his day, and thought "I'm going to post some lengthy shit about some anonymous on internet message board". Not only did this person think these thoughts, he actually did all this. He actually used his time to write this wall of text. Let that sink in. What kind of life do you think this kind of person is living?

Why does everyone keep posting the fake version of this? Don't you all realize it's just a meme?


I cropped the mexinigger out and cummed to her camel toe, tits, and face.

not even degenerate pedos from /tv/ would fap to chloe's current form


>calling pedos degenerate on Veeky Forums
back to plebbit plz

>making fun of an 18 year old girl

>i feel responsible for the feelings of an adult i will never meet
fuck off

>best pound for pound linebacker in the last 20 years of NFL history
This "girl" would fuck you up, son.

Posting the original, unshooped photo

>Veeky Forums was/is pedocentral