Reasons to stay natty?

Reasons to stay natty?

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There are none.

>Avoiding gyno

>Avoiding prison

Not making getting big the sole purpose in your life.

what is ai?


to not look like that pic.

What's wrong with this? Nearly everyone gives me respect, women feel me up and sperg out and important men want me in their company. I get offered jobs at nearly every event within just a few minutes of conversations. 6'2 235 12% BF puts life on ez mode.

haha tru

If he would cut he would be shredded


avoiding stretch marks

when you take steroids it fucks up your bodies ability to naturally produce testosterone, so when you stop you can't make testosterone anymore.
On top of that, when you are taking them you have too much test, and that fucks with your shit too.
What's the point in getting huge for chicks if your spud is no good


>What's the point in getting huge for chicks if your spud is no good
Are you implying that paying child support is a positive?

I might get drug tested at an athletics comp

you can still get gyno even with ai
> so when you stop you can't make testosterone anymore.

just bulk slowly

"Do they cause permanent damage?

Well, it depends on how much is used and for how long. Long term use can shrivel up the balls and kill off the cells that are produce testosterone."

google it, it's everywhere

You can still get gyno as a natty too.

>living past 45

Generally, people who are against steroids are complete morons with huge inferiority complexes.

This is a perfectly fine natty physique close to its maximum potential
Why would you even strife for something more for the price of fucking yourself up for the rest of your life

If you're mentally ill enough to consider roids for anything outside of competitive sports the last thing you should do is pump yourself full of hormones from sketchy sources

what a waste of sterons

>Nearly everyone gives me respect, women feel me up and sperg out and important men want me in their company

Roids give you cancer, bitch Tits, extra flab when you cycle off and low test afterwords. Your life will be ruined for a short high.