Why can I squat 3x a week but not bench...

Why can I squat 3x a week but not bench? Every starter program has squats every single exercise (even on the same day as deadlifts) but only hits chest 1.5 times a week

Technically speaking couldn't you 1x5 DL every 3 days instead and squat opposites? Wouldn't that be better?

wtf is that pic

wasted fries

My girlfriend

Because the squat a) utilizes more muscles than the bench which has CNS carryover to not only other lifts but to general coordination b) utilizes much larger muscles which recover quicker

>wasting the Gold Standard by pouring it on some broad's sweaty chest

That doesn't actually answer the question.
You're literally stating "Because you can".

Can I alternate front / back squats and do deadlifts during front squat days so the diddlys aren't as grueling?
I'm doing SS

You can bench more once you become more advanced and you'll be squatting less.

I squat 2x per week now and bench 3-4.

Bait thread, everyone get out

Most beginner programs run on the principle of Minimum Effective Dose when it comes to training. Mainly because it keeps shit simple and doesn't scare of the novice lifters.

After about 2 months it's pretty shit though, most people will stall.

Programs which operates on maximum recoverable volume have much better longevity of gains (with appropriate periodisation) but they require some thinking and knowledge on behalf of the lifter. Which is ultimately where it all falls down.

Plus maximum recoverable dose training needs the athlete to actually try hard and put in some effort. Which most modern people don't like.

My current numbers are:
Deadlift 225
Squat 195
Bench 125
OHP 85

I've been doing SS for 3 and a half months and started out very dyel

>source: my ass

Boy it sure is January.

I'm mostly regurgitating stuff from Dr Mike Israetel in that post.

No, faggot.
You or he is litterally stating "because you can squat 3 times a week".
You didn't actually state WHY beyond that.

I've been doing SS for almost 4 months now and I've had pretty good progression throughout. I like the idea of a full body workout 3x a week. Am I wasting my time by sticking with it? What should I switch to?

The minimum effective dose is two sets of 8-10 reps. in to workouts a week.

Hell a full body workout ONCE a week is enough to elicit gains.

You don't understand what MED means.

go 3x5 three times a week. That should last like 3 months

But I'm already 3 months deep. Now what?

Because the answer is you can't work 3 sets close to your 5rm on bench 3x a week without being on PEDs, you fucking moron. The smaller musculature involved in the bench doesn't recover as quickly, so you will not be able to properly do linear progression which is half the point of the programs

Anyway, the take away from my post is that with daily periodisation you can increase the frequency you train each body part in a week (within reason).

The 'WHY' is that legs require a higher minimum effective dose than chest in newbies. So you squat with more volume to cause adaptation.

Switch to any periodised program, read around and see what would suit your schedule best.

MED varies for intensity and training goals. A full body workout once a week would give you gains for 6 weeks like any other program. After that you aren't going to be accumulating enough volume.

In a beginner the MED is also competing with technical proficiency in the lift. Which higher training frequency benefits. So I suppose I was oversimplifying it by solely mentioning MED but it's enough of a an answer to lead novices into reading about proper programming. In the same way the atomic model is taught 'wrong' to kids to enable basic understanding.

Even on PEDs you'd struggle with that much high intensity volume while expecting linear progression. You'd need the work capacity of a shire horse.

go till you stall then back down to once or twice a week. or 2x5 bench on wednesday


80% of mondays weight


if you keep stalling after that, time for some periodization (medium, light, heavy)

It's better to add AMRAP sets in my opinion so even if you deload you can still hit volume PRs.

Increases volume and doesn't sacrifice anything.

yeah you can do that when you periodize

why is this picture so titillating

i fucking LOVE this picture. here have this one

Just do it anyway.

>i want it now, ree

AMRAPs are good.

They encourage trying at an early stage.


>The 'WHY' is that legs require a higher minimum effective dose than chest in newbies. So you squat with more volume to cause adaptation.

No, fucktard.
You actually fucking can.

You're confusing Minimum Effective Dose with how far you can push something without fucking things up.

Minimum Effective Dose is how little you can do and still benefit from.
A single solitary full body workout a week is enough.
This has been proven.
This is fact.

So yeah, it's because you can.
On many other workouts you actually can work on your chest or other body parts three times a week. You simply can't do the same level of weight.
But that's okay, you can put on mass and gain strength by doing less weight but with higher number of reps as well.

A single solitary full body workout a week is enough for what exactly?

Strength gains?
Increased work capacity?
Looking like bradpittfightclub.jpg?

so does progressive overload......

>larger muscles which recover quicker
>larger muscles which recover quicker

what ?

>gold standard

basically larger muscles can handle more volume

You can. Most programs have you doing OHP though, as another upper body pressing movement.

Strength endurance

If you want work capacity and aerobic and anaerobic endurance then you're going to have to work those twice a week.

diminishing returns. you could bench 3x a week and squat once a week, it's just going to be less efficient than the other way around. These workout routines are just recommendations for what works best and works efficiently for most people. You don't have to follow it and can do whatever you want bro.

>yes if you're skinny

Don't think it's ideal. It's just the minimum amount of work you can do while still seeing statistically significant results.

what about MRAPs tho


me xD

Its pretty simple dumbass. The squat has a higher threshold for gains. You don't see even ONLY squatting like 440 in a comp and benching 500 lbs. Its stupid that way, so its simple. The squat is a higher tiered skill. Not even an exercise at this point. Literally a skill.

If the squat has a higher threshold for pounds and overall strength, it has to be trained harder and more.
The bench has a lesser threshold for pounds, so don't put unnecessary effort when it could be applied to a deadlift or squat


The idea that you can't bench 3x a week because the smaller muscles don't recover doesn't make much sense here. When you don't bench, you're still pressing anyway. So the front delts and triceps are still getting a ton of work 3x a week.

Is that lvplastic/lvangel?

The smaller muscle groups that are being endangered tend to be the rotator cuffs. Overhead work doesn't beat them up the way benching does (there's bench variants that are easier on them as well, but regular flat bench - especially if your form is as sloppy as most new lifters - will tend to tear shit up if you push the frequency too high).

It's the even smaller muscle groups (the stabilizers) that are put into question. The bench press uses a slightly different group of stabilizers than the bench, and as well has the benefit of utilizing a lot of the body as support (e.g. the standard flat bench press doesn't incorporate much core strength for stabilizing the bar). Beginner programs place a lot of emphasis on developing the CNS to use the stabilizing muscles better, but the smaller the stabilizing groups are, the more difficulty they have in handling the training volume

This is a joke right? You niggas really think benching 3x5 A WEEK is too much? Lawl.

For a beginner starting from scratch with every session at 80% intensity, yes. It would most likely be too much.

Probably higher, given how weird beginner percentages tend to be.

>For a beginner starting from scratch with every session at 80% intensity, yes. It would most likely be too much.

Go do three near-max sets at, lets say, 85-90% 1rm. Do this three times a week for 8-12 weeks and tell us how your shoulders feel at the end of things.

How's your first week of SS going?

>Bench 125
>ohp 85

Dude I started ohp and 80 and bench at 115... Are you a little girl?

Wtf i love MCD now


Not everyone starts out a fatty like you friend.

legs are stronk

senpai ill never have a gf this attractive. I feel like im not gonna make it bois

>you wouldn't eat them

I bench 3 times, squats 2 and diddly 1

kg not lbs.

three and a half months for 85kg ohp?

chicks gna get breaks outs on her titties, fukn greasy chips all on her n sht