Developing a 3 day beginner split plan

Developing a 3 day beginner split plan.

Push, Pull, Legs

What do you think?

>barbell rows
rip shoulders

Total overkill for a beginner. Seriously unbalanced.

Also not much of a routine, since its missing two of the really important bits of info (volume and progression).

>volume and progression

You mean increasing weight over time?

What exercises would you remove or add to create balance?

This is the shit that MC Ride saw

I'd strip out all the redundant shit. You don't need two sorts of flyes, three sorts of tricep extensions or three types of chin/pullup. Amongst other things. Then you can look at tossing in any bits that might have been overlooked.



Barbell bench (alternating)
OHP (alternating)
Incline dumbell bench
Tricep pushdowns
Lateral raises


Barbell rows
Machine T bar rows
Barbell curls
Hammer curls


Leg press
Calf stuff

>Barbell bench (alternating)
>OHP (alternating)
Alternating between OHP and Bench between sets?

I hope you know it but PPL is not 3-days, it's 6-days a week, you do know that right? 3 days PPL is no different than a nogains brosplit. So cut the BS, do SS and GOMAD, read the sticky, and lurk more faggot. Saged

>Machine T bar rows
Cable rows vs T-Bar rows?

I know this split is designed for 6 days a week but I want to modify it to 3 days a week. Is that bad?

>leg extentions
>willingly destroying your knees on a shit tier excercise

what do you recommend in replacement? Squats only?

It's inefficient. To super-simplify things, you really only stay anabolic from a workout for about two days. So if you're only training a bodypart once a week, you're spending most of that time not really growing.

Which isn't to say that it does nothing, just that its usually not the most effective way of going about things.

ofcourse it is since you mong, you will reduce in half the times you hit each muscle a week. am i being baited right now?

Most people do two push and pull sessions per week. So one will be heavy bench then light OHP and the other will be heavy OHP and light bench.

I started lifting a while ago and did a linear strength routine.

I then quit lifting for a year and restarted with a PPL. I'm very happy with my gains on the PPL and enjoy getting a pump.

I'd post progress pics for both routines but I know I'd just get bullied.

If you want a quadcentric movemebt do Front Squats. Just spare your knees from all that torque, Jesus Christ

not him but try rear foot elevated split squats for quads

Hack squats are underrated


but how am i gona get my glutes now

Make sure to space your pull day away from leg day. Is the goal here only aesthetics?

Glute bridges, Romanian deadlifts, GHR?

Leg Day?

Deadlift, Back squat and front squat more than enough

On leg day right?



They should be