I don't know where to ask this so here you go

I don't know where to ask this so here you go.

I have hemorrhoids and have been bleeding from my ass while shitting since a year or so. Since yesterday I have had it for like 4-5 times. Yesterday, however, I bled a lot, like a huge lot; the toilet paper turned red.

The shit itself is not red, but rather has red stains on it. It is a bright, rich red. The sort of stuff you see on the napkin after your nose bleeds.

I thought it could be beeturia because I ate pickled beets 2 days ago, but this really doesn't seem like it.

I had a sigmoidoscopy and blood tests after this happened for the first time, and a few months later a CT scan; because my father had ulcerative colitis. Came out clean.

Is bleeding this much due to hemorrhoids really normal? Can I develop anemia or something from it? It lose as much blood as I do during a nosebleed. So what do I do if I actually can? Go to a doctor and ask them to patch my asshole up? I have finals this week for fuck's sake.

Post pics of your bleeding asshole. Make the pics sexy in a classy way

>Since yesterday I have had it for like 4-5 times.

Until yesterday.* I had it like 4-5 times for an entire year. Yesterday I shat twice, so I had blood in my poo twice.

By the way, only the parts of the poo that come out the last are stained. The rest is just normal.

And the pic is not mine.

How the hell would anyone here know?

There's people that go to university for a decade that get taught how to treat you.

You're just menstruating from your boi pussy. It's healthy.


Med student here. Bro, this isn't the place for this. Go get checked.

maybe go to the doctor

Doctor here. Put a bunch of Bengay on your rectum. That should clear it up.

Though there is a social stigma around it, go to your doctor immediatly. Bleeding analy , while a sign of hemeroids, is also a stong indecator of either a torn lining in eother intestine, which will lead to infection, or bowl cancer.

My asshole is not bleeding when I am not taking a shit.

*bowel, not bowl. Its a bit early

Med student here, back again, didn't see your questions.

1. No you probably won't develop anemia from this. It takes more bleeding and more time.

2. Yeah it's normal to bleed this much OCCASIONALLY due to hemorrhoids. It doesn't make it alright.

3. Surgery might be the best/only solution for you.

4. If the bleeding persists beyond today, go to the ER. The fresh blood is good news, it indicates lower GIT bleeding, probably just the hems.

5. I AM NOT A DOCTOR YET SO THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE, THIS IS A LAYMAN TELLING YOU: try not to eat for now, stick to liquids, let your asshole rest.

Bowel movements disturbs the colon, causing the bleeding to happen

Then the blood would be black and there would be pain, no?

Yeah I told you, I bled from my ass like 5 times after getting diagnosed with hems a year ago. Just never this much, and never twice in a row.

I just got over a case of the rhoids myself. It's what I get for falling asleep on the shitter, I guess.

Anyway, blood in your stool from rhoids is a result of you irritating them too much from shitting. Thing is, I've had some pretty huge rhoids that did bleed and I've never lost that much blood from it.

Definitely go to the doc over this, he may have to amputate your asshole.

Butthole doctor here, pop ice cream in your butt to sooth the area. Ice cream enema of sorts. Use an ice cream with chunks of stuff in it. Get something smooth.



Try some fiber. Cures me for about 100$ a year instead of forking over money for a colonoscapy that my insurance won't cover yet

Go Vegan bro

its your diet

its normal, but you probably popped a haemorrhoid to get that much blood

yes you can develop anaemia, keep up your iron intake, ask your GP for a FBE and iron studies, as well as B12 and folate.

get through your exams, then go to a doctor for a referral for some band ligation of your haemorrhoids.

its more of a chronic bleed more than an acute bleed that causes anaemia if you have haemorrhoids, but its worth keeping an eye on.

ignore this.
if you are thinking of diverticulosis, its only in old people
if you are thinking of meckel's diverticulum, its painful and the CT abdo would have picked it.
if you are thinking of hereditary haemorrhagic teleangectasia, his dad dosent have it.
if you are thinking of UC, he would have gotten a colonoscopy after that first round of investigations

oh and OP, hemorrhoids occur as a result of straining, constipation, low fiber, sitting on your ass all day, and decreased water intake.

when you go to a surgeon they'll trial you on lifestyle measures for a good 1-6 month period before they let you get surgery.

imo see a gp to reassure that its nothing major, then see a surgeon once exams are over (exams in janrurary? really?)

THIS, so much this.

Psyllium husk is your new best friend. 1-2 teaspoons in a glass of water 3x a day.

im vegan and beans make me bleed like a motherfucker

KEK confirms. Praise!

>Basically shitting blood

>Asking for advice not at a doctor's office but on an anonymoud image board on the internet

that pic is def of an ulcer, u should proly still be fine based on what u said but u gotta make sure to eat foods that pass shit particularly easy and never force poos, can really fuck up that whole system down there

source: ive had it since i was v little and have looked into how to healthily manage it, even to the point my current doc doesn't even know i ever had em

This is gross. I didn't even read your post, because of how GROSS that picture is. Please delete your post. Very nasty!

*gags a little*

I had it really bad from a combination of my diet and taking anti-inflamitories, either change your diet or take stool-softners until they heal