Healthy food is gross (TW)

I don't want to write a huge essay, but if someone were to offer me the instant ramen noodles in a packet versus broccoli and chicken, I would go for the instant noodles.

I see a lot of meal prep ideas and they seem so dry. I like foods with multiple flavors and sauces. A meal to me is a simple carb + meat + vegetable (which I usually skip), but it seems like healthy food is plain and broccoli tastes terrible and chicken isn't good unless it's covered in something. I will probably take one hour and suffer through eating the healthy meal.

If I was to eat eggs and bacon, it would be incomplete without bread or a bagel or pancakes.

I have wanted to cut out dairy and processed grains, but then meals seem incomplete.

Whey protein is gross. Greek yogurt is bad. Oatmeal everyday... no. I'm at a loss.

Why is healthy food dry and lifeless? What can I do if I don't like vegetables, can't eat a meal without rice/pasta/bread and need flavor? This post is ???

ya im fat and im a girl

Other urls found in this thread:

2/10 pasta, and really that's the best I can give it.

I'm not interested in helping you

no, I literally just wrote this and im being srs

Learn to cook, this is the only advice I'm able and willing to give


My first advice is Veeky Forums is not your personal blog.
My second advice is fucking suck it up and stop thinking of food as an experience and instead think of it as fuel.

Fuck sakes it's not hard you fat shit.

Are you the owner of fit? I can post what I want to post

Don't search for an excuse to get off your New Year's diet. Just go off it, it's your life. Browsing Veeky Forums these past ten or so days, I'm sure you've come to feel a connection through these anonymous strangers. But there is none. We don't know you, and if you leave you're just another click on the turnstile. There's the door.

>Waaaaah nobody is validating my shitty life choices

The only thing that sucks more than your post is your shitty attitude. Learn to cook for fuck sakes and cut out sugar because your taste buds have been fried from years of stuffing garbage down your blow hole

>I don't want to write a huge essay
proceeds to bitch and ramble for line after line.

No wonder you are fat, your lack of self control seeps into every aspect of your life.
Please have a hysterectomy, so that when you finally settle for Jamal x 10 running a train on you, you don't dilute to gene pool even further.

Just don't suck at cooking and your food will taste good.

I've been browsing fit for like 3 months

Read at 1:06am

Would you like a medal?
How about a cookie, which I'm sure won't be a "complete meal" without a glass of chocolate milk and a side order of frosted cupcakes.

1. Go to youtube
2. Type in healthy meal recipes
3. Post tits

That's the thing though. I'm not crazy about sugary cereals, cookies, cake, etc. I care about flavor and having a simple carb with my food.

>Asking tits from a fat slob

Bullshit your not crazy about sugar, your post is basically an orgasm for sauces (lots of sugars) and breads which are filled with refined sugar.

Your either trolling, retarded, or dwarf star dense.

Your taste buds are fucked and you're sugar addicted. Learn how to cook meat properly, small amounts of HERBS AND SPICES for flavour, and stick with it.

But I know you won't because you don't want to change you want validation. So fuck you.

>literally a bulk deal, if fatso tucks the nips you can play a game, trying to guess which rolls are the actual duds

Asking why "healthy" food is dry and lifeless implies that it is and that we should explain to you the reasons for your shitty opinion.

What can you do? After reading this post, just stay fat, be a financial drain on our already over burdened health care system, die slowly from preventable illnesses while your loved ones watch.

1/10 for eliciting a response.

Invest in spices that don't have calories in them and liberally apply them to whatever you're cooking
Also add salt to everything it makes fucking everything taste better I swear to god

>"bulk" deal

>play guess the boob
>guess wrong
>have to suck the wrong "boob"
>how will I get my milk for GOMAD like this?

>I don't like it I don't wanna eat it waaaahhhh wahhh
>I want McDonalds waaaaahhh

bait but I'll bite.

Don't blame the food, blame the cook.

most of Veeky Forums is like you, but slightly better. They do the most bland meals and that's why most of them never actually get past their first cut or bulk. The meal prep you see on here is boring as fuck, but you also lack creativity and research skills if you can't think of any ways to make a good meal without bread or noodles.

Also, who says you have to cut those out anyway? Just work around it, don't add it to every fucking meal you sack of shit. Don't tell me you don't like anything listed on this website.

Also your problem seems psychological since you seem to think a meal should have predetermined values (dairy and grains required in a meal).


>play game
>laugh no matter what choice
>fat whores don't deserve attention
>GOMAD will make me pee out my butthole anyways

>ya im fat and im a girl
>oh look, some useless cunt who needs to state why they are a fat useless original
stfu and get your life sorted.

Proud of you Veeky Forums

ITT: Whiney fat girl complains about food

Not a single white knight

Some decent responses about learning to cook, scare the OP off to the ice cream container.

>mfw thinking about her hurting

>mfw she makes a "complete" 3000 calorie meal because we "stressed" her out

Do you think this is healthy?

I would eat rice with it and maybe a salad idk

forget it - you are not gonna make it anyway

> XDD Guuuuyyys look at mee imma gurl gimme attention
> #fatisbeautifull
> It's the others fault not mine... thehehe now love me for the selfish cunt I am and support me!

Just fucking learn to discipline yourself. It's not that hard if you don't have the mental capability of a 7 year old. You don't need "treats" like a fucking dog.

I fucking hate people of my gender. Fuck off.

Hope I can get the recipe for that, it's still winter for another couple of months

I did my own research, you do your own.

i hate stupid cunts like you. I don't care if we're both female. Please go.

Just add a cup of cheese to everything if your bulking. It's retardely calorie dense, like one cup of cheese is 330 calories.

Papers are for and against everything so nothing is definitely healthy??? Which is why there are so many types of diets ranging from raw vegan to paleo to meat only. So what did you conclude? idgi

Just fishing for some male attention because you are a worthless blob and thus can't get any in rl?
Go, eat your pasta and cry your eyes out while I enjoy some bland chicken and broccoli and a nice body.

>I will probably take one hour and suffer through eating the healthy meal.

Congratulations you have a privileged that millions worldwide do not.
And do you think poorfags LIKE eating the same food everyday?
Do you think bulking Skeletons ENJOY force feeding themselves or recovering Fatty's just LOOOOVE the taste of plain rice and broccoli?

Learn to fucking cook healthy, stop treating Veeky Forums like your personal blog and realize what you "want" is either going to be rolling through life as a fatty or making the necessary sacrifices for a few years in order to live the rest of your life fruitfully.

>a breakfast of oats, sips and cheese
Could be alright

You don't have to eat bland food to have a nice body. If you don't have an ass and waist too, your body isn't nice. Good job if you do though.

>raw vegan

Try again. These diets are only healthy if they're done properly. Doing them wrong can cause awful health consequences. That's why they're for specific people with specific ideals and goals. General healthy eating is the same as it always has been; balance is key, a little of everything is necessary to keep your body working properly.

>and a nice body
you got some sauce on that body....and if not, would you like sum?

Thanks for nothing. Goodbye.


>serves 6-8

No it's not, because you're gonna eat all of it.

that has nothing to do whether the food itself is like clean

Just how clueless are you?

Wow you're pathetic.

>Whey protein is gross. Greek yogurt is bad.

Yes, whey is a waste product. It does taste like death. There is no reason to consume it.

Greek yogurt does taste bad if you try to eat it on its own. It tastes much better if you mix it with a little extra virgin olive oil and season it with some pepper and maybe a drop of lemon juice, and use it as a dip for your vegetables. You get the idea, it doesn't taste good on its own so mix it with other stuff to suit your tastes.

Nothing wrong with eating bread or whatever with your eggs and bacon either.

Women aren't supposed to be super lean like something staggering out of Belsen at the end of WWII. It's healthy for women to have a little padding here and there. Sure it ain't healthy to be a landwhale, but there's no point in trying to be something your body ain't meant to be at either end of the scale.

So just relax a little and let yourself enjoy life.

Clean? As in Kosher or Halal? Or just washed properly to get rid of any dirt on the surface before you cook it?

Some people get too hung up on nonsense and weird diet obsessions. It ain't necessary.

I'll humor you OP. My personal advice is just to GET OVER IT. I used to think plain oatmeal with milk was tough to eat, but I got used to it. and now I am more than content to eat plain oatmeal three times a day. I used to think broccoli sucked and that my chicken and broccoli was very boring, but I got fucking used to it. Also, lots of hot sauce helps a lot and it's much less unhealthy than most condiments. Anyways, if you continue to be this much of an insufferable pussy about just eating greens once in a while, you deserve to stay fat.

> tfw whale didn't post blowhole

Give up you worthless obeast.

stop being a fat fuck OP

we don't live to eat, we eat to live. you don't need to enjoy every meal like it was your last, go fuck yourself, some difficulty and pain might be good for your comfortable life

are you white chocolate girl from a few months back?

Grow a fucking nut, you pussy.

*Tips fedora* "M'lady"


What are you, twelve? And yeah, of course adapting to a proper diet is hard. If it were easy, there would be no fatties, you fat cunt.

So, it's up to you. You can either suck it up like a fucking grownup, or you can carry on like you always have and continue to go through life while looking like a slowly melting garbage bag until you die from multiple organ failure in your mid-50s. Your choice.

>I like food with multiple flavours and sauces
You can make a stir fry instead of pasta with processed ragu and still have that, it's a lot healthier too, since it's just vegetables + a bit of sauce and meat. You could also make your own lean sauce, it's not difficult if you put the effort and time into it.

>A meal to me is _
Eat fewer carbs, eat more meats and eat more vegetables. You will eat more in the long run to satisfy, but cutting simple carbs that way helps to up your metabolism and supplementing it with useful foods will reap its own benefits.


You're not even trying are you?
>homemade burgers
>beef metballs
>grilled chicken

>eggs and bacon
Make an omelette with a bit of sprinkled cheese, eat bacon on the side with vegetables. That's all you need. If you need carbs, add a bit of whomeal bread. Eat bigger portions of the useful part of meals to push out the need to eat carbs. It's not difficult lmao

>cut out dairy
Curd cheese + jam and live yoghurts with fruits/etc. are good dairy products, just don't eat loads of them and eat low/no-fat options. You don't have to cut out anything completely immediately, just moderate it to stay healthy then only cut it for the sake of goals. Besides, 250g of curd cheese will definitely be more than enough in the morning to keep you going for a long time.

You're just a lazy cow is all.

I know it's pure b8, but part of me wishes that this fat bitch is real and cuts herself