Went to the doctor recently

>294 lbs
>get blood work back
>pre diabetes
>cholesterol is higher
I want to kill myself. I got a new job where I'm standing and moving around for 8 hours. Why didn't I lose weight!?

Probably because you eat like shit and didn't read the fukin sticky.

Because you didn't stop eating like shit

Because you eat like shit

You will never lose the weight because you refuse to stop eating a caloric surplus of awful food.

You standing and moving around for 8 hours is probably burning maybe 500 - 600 calories a day more than your standard sedentary lazy ass days. You are eating at least 4000-5000 calories a day easily, so the little "exercise" you are doing mean nothing.

Stop eating so much you fat fuck

eat less


thought i'd put it in a language you could understand

eat less faggot

One thing that helped me get my diet in order was researching the additives, chemicals, byproducts, coloring, preservatives, and so on, in our food. Best thing to do is find the published lab study itself and read read read.

For a lot, it's small side effects that are negative. But consider how much of it is in your diet, and all the other parts that have negative side effects. Pretty soon you have a big snowball of negative side effects that very well can be changing your physiology, your mental state, and so on.

That helped me lose junk food and fast food. It helped me get off pre-packaged, processed food although sometimes I still eat some when I'm in a pinch.

Losing weight is SO MUCH EASIER when your diet is composed of whole foods rather than processed foods.

OP only understands burger

OP - Burger. Burger burrger burrrger. BURGER BURGER BURGHHHH. AHHHREHHDHhBURGH

So I was 300lbs 6 months ago, and have been overweight my entire 2 decades on Earth. Tried diets, but was too weak to keep them up, or went too hard and burned myself out. Better yet, I had started binge eating after coming to college (eating until vomiting, then eating even more. Gross, I know.)

Today I weighed myself at 235, the lightest I've been since my freshman year of HS. How did I do it? Not through hard work lol. It was drugs, actually. I've got this lovely psychiatrist who feels more like a dealer, and she's got me on topamax, wellbutrin, adderall, and best of all, adipex.

Although I'm also taking them in part for some mood issues, each of those drugs has a weight loss side effect, and the latter two are powerful stimulants that reduce hunger. If I take all four, I am almost physically incapable of eating for 10 or so hours.

But I've realized it's even better than that. Sometimes I give my system a break from the adipex, the real kicker, and some of my appetite comes back, so I end up eating boatloads of food again for a week or two. Even so, just taking the wellbutrin and topiramate alone, not even stimulants, I cannot gain more than 2-3 lbs back at a time. I ate like a pig over the holidays, easily over 4000 calories on some days, but January 1 I still weighed the same I did December 15th. It's like a miracle. Although maybe it helps that I've started light jogging every few days.

The lesson of all of this shit I am sharing is... there might be an answer for you out there, even if you're as big a fuckup as I am. "There are no easy answers" is bullshit if you're willing to keep looking for one.

I know my situation might seem... unsustainable, but when you've been heavy your entire life, since before puberty, just the chance to discover your skinny-self is practically worth killing over. Besides, every 10 lbs I lose, it becomes easier to be active and exercise, and once I'm routinely exercising the chances of rebound will go down.

You eat too goddamned much.
Eat fucking less.
That's it.
And maybe do some morning calithenics and stretches.

bro you gotta be careful one day you'll have to quit them, its less about the drugs and more about how much you eat

Stop eating when you're hungry. Accept the fact that if you want to lose weight you're gonna have to battle through the sensation of hunger.

I got good news and bad news for you nigga


1. Wellbutrin, the "Happy horny skinny pill" is one of the best anti-depressants and does promote weight loss to a small extent. It can be combined with other mood stabilizers to help minimize the effect of weight gain.

Bad news:

All the other drugs you listed have a limited time for their weight-loss benefit. Adipex isnt going to work forever and Adderall will fuck you over about a year and a half to two years after taking it.

You better get your shit together now or you will be over 300 by the end of 2018.

Do keto, and especially use all of your will power to never eat sugar again.

Don't listen to the "calories in calories out" memes, or I swear to you, you will die under a mountain of your sweat and fat.

Yeah I know. I've already gone overboard with the adderall, that shit is a physiological roller coaster. I am almost afraid to take it these days.

My issue with eating isn't food choice so much as portion control. I think I've desensitized my brain to the sensation of "fullness", because if there is enough food I can easily eat myself to the point of nausea or vomiting, regardless of whether I'm having salad or donuts. It's just barely in the mental disorder territory.

Previously, the closest I've come to a successful diet was when I was starving myself for long stretches senior year of HS. Lost like 40 lbs. Then again, my immune system got so weak that I caught the flu, and then bacterial pneumonia in the same month, so lots of that weight loss was probably just my body trying to stay alive lol.

Anyways, this time around feels different and more sustainable. Actually, I feel guilty all the time, cause it feels like I'm not doing any work to get these results. Guess I'll need to channel that feeling into working on my lifestyle.


I'm 6'0, but I haven't been sub 200 lbs since like 7th grade. Even if I'm on borrowed time, the chance to really make it there, to realyl see myself as something other than the unattractive"fatty", is worth almost any price. Almost... surgery is still out of my budget lol...

Also I have never heard anything about topiramate wearing off or people getting tolerant over time? Personally I hate the stuff so I wouldn't mind, but my psych thinks its the shit and keeps mentioning that they use it in medical weight loss clinics... which boggles my mind, considering the possible side effects...

Yeah this, every time I come back from my holiday binge the first week of going back to a normal diet I feel weak and jittery as fuck and my sweat fucking stinks. It's easier to stay on a diet if you only eat shit on cheat days. Even then I try to avoid sugar like the plague.

Op here. I only eat 2 meals a day. I feel hungry too much though and end up having snacks. I need to lose around 150 lbs to be healthy. It's going to take years and I don't know if I can do it.

>It's going to take years and I don't know if I can do it.

So? You're going to be eating healthy for the rest of your life, so what the fuck difference does it make?

>adipex and adderall at the same time
>two different psychostimulants at the same time

hows your blood pressure?
tell us when your heart fails

you didnt get fat in a few months, why should you expect to lose it in a few?

This is why anyone with half a brain will tell you to calculate your BMR eat 20% under it and not more (use scoob calorie calculator(. It's easier than starving yourself. It may take years but where would you rather be?
A: On track to being your goal weight/physique in 12 months?
B: The same or WORSE than you are now because you didn't even start?
The first week or two sucks because you'll probably get withdrawal/cravings from eating trash all the time but it gets easier. Read the sticky, get my fitness pal or something similar and get on track. Use scoobs calories calculator every time you lose a few kilos. Once you drops a few kilos THEN try a bit harder shit like intermittent fasting or something like that. Don't take shortcuts when it comes to your life and being fit mate, you can do it.

Tips from a recovery fatty.

High fructose corn syrup is literally satan. First few weeks of eating healthier will feel like hell.

Your appetite will decrease and you will become a bit more energetic as you lose weight. Losing weight, however, will not be a panacea for autism or self-hatred.

Lose weight and use your newfound energy and health to learn to do the things you never did as a fatty.

Most fat people in the west are just allergic to high carbs diet but they don't know it
Try keto, I've been doing this for 12 days and everything in my body just improved.


You know one thing that helped me? I used to weigh almost as much as you.

Get My Fitness Pal. No joke, having the numbers right in front of your face means a lot. Just be fucking honest about it, and don't try to bullshit the numbers to make it seem like you ate less than you actually did, because it's only there for you. You'd be literally lying to yourself.

Also cut out soda. I lost 15 in the first month.

I lost 19? lbs the first month, 7 lbs in the first day.

A lot of that was probably water weight, is normal

Yeah that sounds reasonable. My point for OP was that it will show some progress immediately if he cuts out the really nasty shit, like soda.

If necessary, maybe temporarily switch to like...Pepsi Max or some shit, but not for too long.

I try not to drink soda or juice i never have it at home. I drink seltzer water mostly. I try to avoid drinking liquid calories as much as possible.

I'll very rarely have a Sprite if I'm out to lunch with my dad, but otherwise I never touch soda. I mostly just drink a lot of water. Which is boring, but my skin's been thankful for it.

And I used to be a Mountain Dew junkie, too.