
>eat well
>sleep well
>life is still completely garbage

I should've killed myself when l had the chance, now l feel too guilty to even think about suicide

What do you anons do in life ?

get a job you piece of shit

lol this

the solution to 99% of Veeky Forums's problems

>get a job
You're saying this as if jobs grew on trees user, l'm only 19 and literally no one wants to hire my unemployed ass

Should l just become a drug dealer at this point

Pin test

go get a fucking job, user. you're not trying.

nobody is going to hire an uneducated 19yo for 90k a year, so get that shit out of your head.

Do this plus what I'm about to tell you:

Set up a list of self improvement activities. They can be whatever you want, they just have to be things you would like to see yourself doing more/improving in. YOu should set up a list on your phone or wherever where you can keep track daily of what activities you have done that week. I have a set of a few categories with sub-activities that I try and do at least two activities from each bigger category per week. Here is a list of my larger categories:

>Making Art
>Researching Art
>Read Books
>Making Music

You gotta keep yourself busy user. If you just do lifting your life will be too fucking boring. Best of luck to ya mate. If you have any other questions just ask.

I spent two years trying to get a min wage job because im white minority and the other races only hire their own kind

>hurr durr ur a retard for wanting min wage

Im r9k give me a break im tryinf to fix myself and dont got a edumacation

Unless you can get a good one you'll just end up even more miserable than before

>5 years ago felt the same
>225, washing dishes, played too many vidyas, sick all the time
>social and general anxiety disorder, insomnia
>ff to now

>180, lifting 2 years
>did a double honours, in teachers college
>traveled the world after saving money with a waiting job

Here are the things I did to get out of my comfort zone and the shitty mindset

>read a fuck tonne of stuff from philosophy to macroeconomics, history to kinesiology
>went for a degree I hated, and switched into one I liked
>traveled alone across my own country go get a taste, met a lot of people in hostels
>took up hobbies: guitar, singing, traveling, trail hiking, concert going, learning French, map collecting, meeting ELL/ESL students who need to improve their English

Shifting my mindset was the biggest hurdle. Took many trials and errors, but being engaged for the long term is key.
There are many ways to go about it. Find something that peaks your interest, and stick to it for a while.

Yeah I'm sure the color of your skin is the biggest handicap in your life, user. Not the way you present yourself or what value you bring to the table.

Or something more social like martial arts would help

Did push ups

just kill yourself, it is best for this board's health

yeah you're right just do nothing and then kill yourself

Lie on your resume a little. It probably looks like shit.

You get a shit job so you can get a good one later.
I went from $8/h to $25/h in ~2 years.

user l've had jobs at shitty ass factories, l try really hard, it's just that l'm starting to think that it's pointless, l'm kinda lost in life, l thought of joining the army but l can't be a soldier my entire life

Thanks user, l meditate and learn programming, main problem is that l can't get myself to do it, l can code in C# and java but then what ? I don't know where to start, where to go, is there even a point in programming languages, l could pick up a fighting sport but lack of money etc...

Minimum wage doesn't even bother me, it would be nice to have a min wage job actually

I'm a depressed piece of shit who lives with his flaps closed and only sees the sun when he goes out for cardio, l have decent social skills but l want to stay away from real life people more than l want to make friends at this point
I'll try doing fun things though, l have a training sword and swinging it like a moron makes me happy (kinda)

Even if l lied about it l would be stuck, people only hire the ones with experience, and a 19 y/o can only have that muh experience

You don't need much experience for minimum wage jobs.
Lie about volunteering. You can have plenty of that through high school.

>starting to think it's pointless

then end your life?

i don't know. go get therapy. if having a job and hobbies doesn't land you a gf, family and life goals, then you're hopeless desu.

> l want to stay away from real life people more than l want to make friends at this point

That's fine too. We all scaffold our success differently. Good that you have social skills for situations that warrant it, though.
I would take up a practical skill as well. Here are some suggestions:

>basic circuit work & electrical; soldering, wiring, etc.
>learning a new language; duolingo is free, and effective. Rosetta Stone can be torrented too
>Computer programming will forever and always be applicable

As for jobs

>Maybe consider an apprenticeship as a cook and learn sick sword skills there
>Waiting can suck, but the tips are nice usually
>Get your Z license and forklift shit

Don't try to get into computer science. The field is full of fucking idiots that only do it for the pay. They don't bother learning anything on their own after they go and get a degree for it and refuse to put forth any additional effort. These people are the ones that will succeed because they're good at sucking ass, and you'll be even more depressed and get outsourced. I've seen it tons with our programmers.

Went from 8 to 11 to 17 in 2.5 years

I live in a country where the unemployment rate is getting bigger by the hour, l've sent cvs literally everywhere, even temp agencies, no results whatsoever, l stopped sending cvs a week or so ago, after an entire month of forcing myself to go and meet people for interviews

>having a job and hobbies doesn't land you a gf and friends
I don't need a gf or friends, and if you need a job to get a gf or friends you're probably a weirdo user, desu all l need right now is money, if l needed friends/ a gf l wouldn't be asking Veeky Forums, would l ?

I might just become an indie developer and make my own games at this point desu, nothing is holding me back from doing it, l might just get into it and focus on it l guess

Heard that from a friend too, l'm not looking into starting my own vidya comoany yet, we'll how it turns out

>needs money
>won't get a fucking job

what the fuck is wrong with you? go to literally any restaurant dude.

It's 5am and l can't type for shit, l should just go get some sleep, feel free to turn the thread into life advice general or whatever, also remember to do pushups from time to time and drink a glass of water after reading this post

Warning. Mind blowing info on its way.

1. Get a job, any job, then get new jobs. You are more likely to get a decent job when you already have a job. It doesn't even matter what that first job is, keep building. I hire people and I'm 90% more likely to hire someone that is currently working, even if another candidate seems like they may be a little better. Reason: because they're looking to improve their life and they've chosen working at my business to be a part of that improvement. A person without a job may just get the job and then leave or do some dumb shit that makes me have to get rid of them (remember, they're currently unemployed for a reason).

2. Stay at your jobs for at least 6 months. Job hopping shows irresponsibility and lack of dedication.

3. Socializing with people isn't about making friends. Just socialize, even though you'd rather stay away from people. It makes you feel like you belong on this planet and you're not just a waste of space.

4. Think big. Don't go to work thinking you're just going to work to do the task. Think about the task, think about what it means to get it done, think about the person or people you're doing it for and how it impacts them and others. If you're flipping burgers, don't think about how you have to go to work and flip fucking burgers for shit pay. think about how you're helping these busy people get the nourishment and energy that they need in order to get their shit done. They have families they're trying to support, they may sell farming equipment to farmers that grow food for the entire nation, etc. Everything you do is bigger than just you, you just have to think about it.

>I live in a country where the unemployment rate is getting bigger by the hour

Oh, I assumed you lived in the US where there are literally jobs that look for people to fill jobs because everyone is fucking hiring.

Where do you work?

>4. Think big. Don't go to work thinking you're just going to work to do the task. Think about the task, think about what it means to get it done, think about the person or people you're doing it for and how it impacts them and others. If you're flipping burgers, don't think about how you have to go to work and flip fucking burgers for shit pay. think about how you're helping these busy people get the nourishment and energy that they need in order to get their shit done. They have families they're trying to support, they may sell farming equipment to farmers that grow food for the entire nation, etc. Everything you do is bigger than just you, you just have to think about it.
I'm sure that'll help all these isolated misanthropists

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