Why did Jews in Eastern Europe refused to assimilate with Slavic population?

And instead were ethnicaly German? For example in 1933 census 87% of Jews in Poland listed Jiddish or German as their first language. What did they mean by this?

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Why do Poles, Germans, Irish, and Italians refuse to assimilate into US culture?

They lived in ghettos separated from the rest of Christian society, they've done this all over Europe.
Except they do.

because they were ostracized so hanging together and finding unity in their common ancestry was the only way to survive in a foreign land

it later lost its utility and just became a cultural thing

they knew germans are superior to slavs so they didn't bother

> (OP)

>They lived in ghettos separated from the rest of Christian society, they've done this all over Europe.

They still live in enclaves even today, just no "ghettos". Theres whole secret streets with high security in Australian cities designated for kikes.

Only Italians have somewhat preserved their culture of all American European ethnic groups. Even though it has degenerated to a point where someone from Italy itself won't recognize it.

Irish Americans are just with the name O'hara somewhere in the family line, have a few police officers representing the name and drinking on st. Paddies day.


Ghettos existed only in Eastern Europe, Western Jews assimilated in 17-18th century

>And instead were ethnicaly German?

They weren't, nearly all gave Yiddish as their mother tongue, the rest Polish. Nationality wasn't a question in the 1931 census, but in 1921, most followers of Judaism identified as Jews and some as Poles. Only a few Jews in the territories ceded by Germany identified as Germans, most of them had emigrated to the Reich though.

87% saying that their first language is German is quite suspicious in Poland, dont you think?

>87% saying that their first language is German
Except that's not the case, nearly all stated Yiddish, look at the wiki page.

>Why didn't they totally assimilate in less than 20 years?
What a dumb fucking question

>19th Century Europe.
>Germans pretty much are part of the Modern West.
>Meanwhile the Slav stood for autocratic backwardness and serfdom.
>"Gee, which group should I conform to..."

Also most of the time those Jews literally came from Germany.

>Theres whole secret streets with high security in Australian cities designated for Chinks


like oil and water, filth and greatness do not mingle

Why did Jews anywhere refuse to assimilate to whatever host culture they were residing in?
In case you didn't notice, Jews don't assimilate. Ever. It's sorta their "thing".

There weren't any ghettos in Poland.

Why assimilate into an inferior bigot culture ? Jews contribute a lot towards humanity, and are disproportionately represented on the list of humanity achievements. The other way around would actually make more sense, so that there are more jews.

hard to give up wine for garbage. its just masochism

Isn't it true that the Jews moved roughly eastward across Europe historically? If so, they were relatively recent comers to Eastern Europe. Also, it's possible that they were more shut out of existing middle class and upper class society in Eastern Europe than in Western Europe, which would help explain the difference.

This is true. And not just in the "Jews are only good at verbal intelligence" meme sense. Jews are also highly represented in hard sciences.

Jews are behind as many terrible things as they are behind "achievements".
Jews orchestrated the Irish Potato Famine.

>Jews orchestrated the Irish Potato Famine.

No, that was the English.

>Jews are behind as many terrible things as they are behind "achievements".
Sure, but that's true of pretty much all peoples, isn't it?

Don't insult Jews by calling them Anglos, that's just uncalled for

It was the Jews of England. The anti-Irish sentiment in England originallyy started with English Jews

Henry II was Jewish?

Why would God's chosen people mingle with the peasantry and commoners?

I bet you guys aren't even ethnically Jewish. Philosemites are so cringy.

You're as irrational as any antisemite.

Why would Gods chosen people get absolutely BTFO for pretty much all of history since the fall of the first temple?

If they had been any other people, they would've been easily wiped out, but they didn't. They have survived for close to three thousand years in an ever changing world.

Yiddish isn't quite the same as German. It shares 80% of the vocabulary though.

Yiddish is a Jewish dialect of German with a long tradition. It developed in the Rhineland in early medieval times, then Jews were kicked out over the centuries and re-settled in the Pale (what is today mostly Poland, Lithuania and Belarus). It just became a common language, even though most speakers had never been anywhere in Germany proper. Meanwhile, no Slavic equivalent ever developed, although over time Jews were obviously bilingual.

It's like asking why dirt farmers in Mozambique speak Portuguese.

Better question is why the jews in rome assimilated so damn well the fascists didn’t want to persecute them

Because of this


They weren't permitted to assimilate, you silly billy.


Germans have assimilated into American culture, to the point that most white Americans are mainly of German descent. They're the largest ethnic group in the country, only African Americans and Mexican Americans come close.

Different culture

Poles and Germans integrated well in French culture, but It*lian m*doid never integrated.

lol, k.

In places like Russia, there were laws literally preventing Jews from assimilating. They were barred from many professions and had to live in designated areas.
t. Jew

>middle class
>19th century Eastern europe

Upper classes in slav areas were traditional aristocracy and landowners. They weren't about to share power or privileges with a bunch of Christ-killers.

By the 1920's the German jewish population was the most urbanized and assimilated of any european jews. Look where that got them.

They were forced to assimilate due to ethnic punishment laws during WW1 and once again during WW2.

It wasn't easy to assimilate when so many nationalists hated you and your people. A famous Polish poet Julian Tuwim was a fully assimilated Jew (and an anti-Semite) and he was still attacked by the nationalists.

>'Black, sly, bearded / with delirious eyes / that are filled with eternal angst', he wrote in a piece entitled Jews.

And yet

>For anti-Semites Tuwim always remained a Jewish man, and as a Jewish man he was the object of brutal assaults. Accusing Tuwim of 'jewing up' Polish literature, the magazine Prosto z mostu wrote in 1930, 'Tuwim doesn’t write in Polish, but merely using the Polish language'.

In Russia a lot of Jews were assimilated, particularly during the Soviet Union. Many Russians are mixed, with German, Tatar, Jewish, etc ancestry.

Likewise, a lot of Jews in Israel are simply assimilated Slavs

The only inferior bigot culture in the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth was the Jews.

>For example in 1933 census 87% of Jews in Poland listed Jiddish or German as their first language
Isn't Jiddish like a mixed up version of German? It seems like a lot of it's vocabulary stems from German

A lot of those Russians with minor Jewish ancestry moved to Israel during the 90s.

I think most of them don't identify as Jews.

Because in Poland and Russia Jews mostly lived isolated villages where everybody was a Yiddish speaking Jew.

Jews in other parts of Europe mostly lived in urban ghettoes and assimilated much quicker. That's why Western Yiddish, once spoken across France and Germany, is now totally extinct.

>Because in Poland and Russia Jews mostly lived isolated villages where everybody was a Yiddish speaking Jew.
Most Jews lived in cities.

It's basically just eastern German with Slavic influences and the Hebrew alphabet

Jews from western Germany moved eastward across the renaissance, eventually settling in Eastern Europe in huge numbers and bringing their language with them

I'm not Jewish, no, but I recognize talent when I see it.

Wrong. The census in Poland lists only the Jews who actually spoke Yiddish or Hebrew. Many Polish Jews, some of them famous, considered themselves to be Polish and have no interest in "Jewish" matters such as the debate about the Jewish state in Palestine.

>20 years?
More like 800 years idiot.

Oy vey, de eternal self-hating Jew. That gets right on me tuchas!

It's not mixed-up anymore than English is a form of Old Saxon-German mixed-up with Norse, French, Latin, Greek, plus assorted Native American and Subcontinental Indian words.

Yiddish is a dialect of German. It started out as just the Rhineland dialect of German, mixed with lots of Hebrew words to describe concepts/objects/events that German couldn't articulate as well. Once Jews were kicked out of these areas, they generally (by forced) settled in the Pale, where (as user mentioned) they picked up a few slavic words. Yiddish wasn't always written in the Hebrew alphabet either.

I'm German and I can understand Yiddish so-so. It's a funny pronunciation you have to get used to