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Supt Veeky Forums

How is that V-taper development doing?

I don't really care about it. I work out for the fun of it. I don't depend on my body to get girls

tfw wide hips

same here bro

>tfw low test in puberty
>thought my flabby body was just puberty chub

FUCK, if I had gotten my test level up I'm sure I would have a normal body by now

Wide hips doesn't mean no v-taper, it just means you have to target certain muscles more to bring it out.

no it doesn't. you obviously don't have wide hips guy. you know how I know. Because your muscle ATTACH to your BONE.

hips stick out further than lats!

I do have wide hips, actually.

>hips stick out further than lats!
That just means your lats suck. Keep lifting.

People with wide usually have the most potential to have a very visible adonis belt,but you need to train your lower abs a lot.
By the way,if you never been below 10% bodyfat don't ever say you have wide hips.

iliac furrows

Lol this is me too. I remember being the weakest person in the class in school even though I wasn't the scrawniest. I shit you not, before joining gym I could not contract/flex my right bicep AT ALL. It was crazy weird.

Pretty sure I have Klinefelter's. Gyno + wide hips is not a good sign.

the v shape will turn into a x-shape, the v-taper is still attainable, he just gets the A-shape of your hips, giving u the x-shaped body

>the v shape will turn into a x-shape
Like this?This is much better than v taper IMO.

those are not wide hips.You are clueless.

I thought I had klinefelters too but I'm pretty sure I don't.

My dick and balls are normal, sperm seems okay.

Women can have a delayed puberty where their hips never develop if they exercise too much, I think the opposite is true for men, I think I fucked up by not exercising. All the pics of big hip guys are always skinnyfat, so they have one thing in common
-- they don't exercise

Ok am clueless even tho I do have wide hips and I worked my ass of to overcompensate.Post your body so I can 100% prove you wrong.
If you don't have abs and a strong,wide back you're literally complaining about invisible shit

THIS is wide hips

It's called an Adonis belt and it's almost completely genetic.

Source: I have a very pronounced Adonis belt and I'm a barely ottermode DYEL.



I am DYEL mode and I have it.

You get it by not being fat as fuck.

People saying it's genetic are like 30% bodyfat whining about how they don't have it


What are the Klinefelter's-positive signs for balls and sperm?

Not sure about the last bit. What counts as exercise? I used to play football (soccer) during every lunchtime as a kid. Sure it wasn't resistance training but I wasn't sedentary either.

The iliac crest is not genetic, it's basically part of your skeleton. Everyone has it, but you need a somewhat low bodyfat% to see it. Hell, I'm 18-19% bodyfat, and it's still visible.

Am the guy above,my hips used to look like that and the bones would stick out like fuck and I was like the guys ITT crying about MUH WIDE HIPS.It really discouraged me when cutting because that area would look worse and worse as I was losing fat.
Then I realized it's because of my weak abdominal and obliques.I started doing hanging leg and knee raises and doing twist exercises and that area filled out nicely,even have lower ab veins and the bones are covered by actual muscle.Stomach vacuums also did a big difference.But none of that matters if you don't train your back and delts like a maniac.

Klinefelters have small balls

Actually that's the cause of the weird body they have, small balls = testosterone barely gets produced. This is why klinefelters look normal as kids

So I'd imagine if you have a similar body to klinefelters(big hips) it's probably related to low testosterone.

But I don't know, I never exercised I was a total recluse, I barely left the house, so it seemed logical that this lifestyle fucked me up. But maybe for you since you did exercise it really is just genetics.

Well I reckon I'm fucked then. Always thought pornstars have way bigger balls than me but chalked that up to selection bias. Maybe i just have small balls full stop.

I always thought I didn't have a decent one genetically.
But I was just always was fatter than I thought I was.

Damn that's a gross body

I had that even before lifting. I think it's a genetics thing.
>mfw 5'8'm

Yes it's genetic. Of course you have to be in a medium to low bodyfat, but that doesn't mean everyone has it. Been skeltal all my life and after training for 2 years my adonis hardly show.

>I think definition is genetic

Had it when i was a 30% bf fatfuck dyel, its genetic.

It's part of the pelvis, and people don't lack a part of their pelvis.

It's not genetics that some people don't have it, it's genetic that in some people doesn't show it even in low bf

A e s t h e t i c

So how do I train the obliques hard?

>tfw wide hips and narrow shoulders.

Can you specify what twist exercises you did? body weight only ?
I also tend to get that hour-glass form at lower bodyfat percentages.

Russian twists with a plate.Also some hip twisting hanging from the bar

Thanks mate, gonna try to incorporate it into my program.

>Uneven pec development
>Better than any fatty

Pick one

Not bad IMO.

Lol it is genetic, that's why you have it at dyel. You'll also have it if you were 250lbs. You will have it when you're fit.

I have it and I'm 220 ish. I've always had it, even when I was a teenager, my gf used to always compliment it. Never worked out until a few years ago.

Damn Blaha looking Cut AF

>mfw I also I have uneven pecs

you look miles better now but I'd suggest working your chest a bit more, it needs some isolating imo

good work tho

That's some sick progress bro, nice. Like the other user said, start working on that upper body.

how doesn't one achieve this :^(

I have snake hips and wide shoulders but squats have made my obliques and tummy bigger

Fuck my life

i'd say i am doing fine but then again i am 155lbs ottermode.

Are you niggers blind? He's clearly flexing the right pec

why even bother wearing pants at this point?

r u me?

uhh, it's definitely called Zeus's satchel.

i fat

They're called your Brad Pitts

holy fuck

if I looked like that I'd quit lifting 100%

>being this much of a pleb
those are called herculean fannypacks cmon

mine is visible even when I'm fat and relaxed (so basically always)

always had it, dunno why

when i started training my abs it showed more though, but it's much more pronounced than that of the guy on this pic, he barely has one

guess genes have quite a bit to do with it

They're called Helios Handbags

If they're not underdeveloped in the medical sense of the word, why should you care?

Pretty good desu senpai

I'm going to incorporate you into my pogrom