Anyone here /doesntenjoylifting/?

Anyone here /doesntenjoylifting/?
Don't get me wrong, I still do it three.four times a week for the gains.
>mfw feel nothing but pain during each rep when I was promised bliss
>mfw feel no pride, no sense of accomplishment whatsoever
>just feel shorter because of squats + small dick because blood rushes to muscles
>overall feel disgusting
>mfw lifting is the worst part of my week but still do it for aesthetics
Anyone else?
Pic related, tricked me into thinking that last rep would feel "better than cumming"

How long you been lifting?

What's your deadlift?

No one can pull more than 3pl8 and not know what Arnie was talking about.

low test

Deadlift is 250lbs. Been lifting for three months. I'm just starting to realise it probably isn't for me which sucks because I bought the weights and the bench for 200+$.

If you don't like lifting, stop lifting.

i was weak as fuck until i started bracing my core on all the compound lifts. literally one little detail that unlocked huge amounts of strength for me

i've been lifting for over 4 years and im sick of it but still go because i don't want to feel like i've wasted the last 4 years

I felt the exact same way you do which is why i switched to bodyweight/weighed bodyweight stuff. Lifts just felt awkward and didn't come naturally. I don't care about aesthetics though so if that's really your goal I don't think you should quit, you'll be thaking yourself in a few months.

There's a good market for 2nd hand equipment so you'll probably only lose $50 or so.

In Portland I actually got all my equipment for essentially free until I decided to upgrade to a half rack. I even made $25 reselling a rack and a barbell, and I still have a shitty rack to sell.

you sound like a fucking idiot

>tfw post-workout endorphine rush is getting weaker
literally the only thing that was keeping me from JUST kysing myself

They told me lifting would help me with depression. So far it's just given me a reason to get out of bed in the morning

>Not lifting even harder and heavier.
user pls

OP you sound like a pussy with low test. Not everyone was meant to be like zyzz.

Dude new habits need time to be incorporated in your life. Your disgust is your body responding to a change from a fat fuck to a working fat fuck. If you keep working that resistance will dissappear and you will be a fit fuck.

Im not even that big and girls mire.

>low test
I often can't tell if this is a meme or not.

>They told me lifting would help me with depression.
>So far it's just given me a reason to get out of bed in the morning
That sounds like massive progress, it would put a smile on my face.

Keep pushing over there buddy, i'm also pushing over here.

I'm just transitioning to calisthenics ATM. Much prefer it, feel so in touch with my body. Feels good.

so try new stuff until there's something you actually like. no point in torturing yourself

I mean somebody with the size/dedication of Arnold has an unhealthy relationship with the 'sport', pretty much by definition. You've just got to find a way to keep progressing, and heading for goals you actually care about. If you've already hit all your goals then yeah I guess it's just a chore.

I'm feeling a bit sad because I need to cut soon. I feel pretty happy at 85kg/6'. I hate to feel lightweight. But my BF% is too high to have decent definition and make lifting worthwhile. Think I'll cut until my Adonis' belt is visible and then go straight back to bulking. But I do hate not eating enough.

Pro tip: He never said last rep feels like cumming. He said the pump feels like cumming.

There is a difference.

Then stop. You don't have to lift ever.
You don't have to go to another gym ever.
You can find a way to keep fit that has nothing at all to do with lifting and going to a gym right now.

Why haven't you?

The gym is literally all I look forward to every week.

Keep doing it, lad. You build up resistance, and you get increasingly more enjoyment from it. Endorphins are a very real thing, and you also get a nice rush of dopamine.

Also learn how to lift, I guarantee a lot of your pain is because your form is fucking awful. There is lactic acid and muscle soreness pain, and then there's joint pain. Joint pain is the only thing that is really painful about the process, and you will never actually lift hard enough to cause joint pain if you are lifting with proper form. Joint pain is what athletes get from pushing the envelope, not some aesthetics fag doing three or four times a week workouts.

Also this.

Lmao. Fix your diet or fix your program

Sell them and start cycling (MTB, road) as a hobby.

Do you have some friends who also lift? If they do a similar program, try to train together with them, it might be more fun

Otherwise, just stop lifting and do cardio or something like that. It's way easier to get a group of friends to run together than lift together

>inb4 too autistic to have friends
If that's not your cup of tea, just do it alone. You won't have anyone pushing you to not give up, though

I don't know man. I've been doing sports my whole life and people keep telling me about that rush and how amazing it feels. According to google some people just don't have that and apparently I'm one of them. feelsbad.jpg and such