Give me 1 (ONE) picture of proof that person with klinefelter syndrome can be fit...

Give me 1 (ONE) picture of proof that person with klinefelter syndrome can be fit, 1 fucking year of lifting wen't to shit and i still look the same. I should just commit suicide no point of anything and kill someone with me of course.

>inb4 MUH DIET


they can't, nobody has ever claimed this.

>unless you're a bald manlet, you have klinefelters!
nice try but you'll never learn.

Im no doctor but don't small testes/infertility imply low testosterone? if yes than I'd say thats your problem right there

Jason Bloho

If you actually have klinfelters, or marfan syndrome, or a serious thyroid issue, then my heart goes out to you.

But chances are you're just a self-diagnosing loser with shitty but workable 5th-25th percentile lifting genetics who isn't eating/exercising properly.

Maybe we should start adding a disclaimer.

>We're all gonna make it bros*
>*except the .1% of you have that have untreatable chromosomal or endocrine disorders

No.1: Do you actually have Klinefelters?

I have thyroid problems and it's not a problem. Take your synthroid

go to your doc and get some test my man, its the only way you'll make it. or cruise on your own shit i guess.

They don't make it on test either, their androgen receptors and skeletons are fucked.

ah really? didnt realise it went that deep. fuck man feel for the poor fucks, must be something to do.

what i've learned is that everyone has gyno and klinefelter on this board

That's why they're on this board, user-kun.


Try using steroids dumbass.

you dont need steroids.
even if you have small balls they still create testosterone.
if you look like that. (i did look exactly like taht 2 years ago) just take estrogen suppressors.
you natural testosterone levels are more than enough for your body, do exercise every day, and get in a diet to lower your body fat.
in less than 6 months you are gonna be looking like chad.

Who's the British dude with Kleinfelder's who always talks about how great the labor party is?

Alexander Jahans?

>don't have klinefelters
>klinefelters body shape anyway

Puberty fucked up my shit

I want my childhood body back why does life have to be so cruel to me?

You're probably just fat.

Nah its easy to tell I have big hips

Trust me I obsess over this every day hoping I'm just seeing things

Even starved myself so I could see the bone structure better, it's not fat I have bitch hips

In the same boat OP - literally everything on the left side of that pic except pubes applies to me. For me it's been a year and a half, although tbf I didn't know what I was doing for my first year of lifting. I'm determined to continue if only to improve my lifts - I've accepted that I'll never be aesthetic.

>do nothing but eat twinkies and watch tv for entire life
>mild lifting for 1 year
>expects for body type to change completely

I'd honestly be horrified at the prospect of infertility.
You're a genetic dead end and your lineage will end with you.

Medfag here. You're probably right. Just off yourself and be done with it.

Dude go trap.

Why not be the best u can be tho?

Lifting and doing cardio will only help you, not harm you.

use roids

I second this, you should roid