MK-667 is fine

MK-667 is fine

Every thread is full of faggots scared of long term sides.

But how can there possibly be long term sides if everyone's hormone levels return to baseline? Will they randomly shoot up or down in 50 years? Thats fucking silly.

It just mimics a natural hormine Ghrelin, which gets released every time your stomach is empty.

It's literally 100% fine and you all think your dicks will fall off. Stop being pussies.


Agreed. Limited side effects. Much safer than taking roids. Will not make you huge but will make you repair tendons and bones quicker, gain lean mass quicker and help with skin aging.

The only reason I want to take it is APPETITE. I have so much trouble eating enough and that has always been the limit on my gains. What I want to know is couldn't you just supplement Ghrelin itself?

How exactly does it help with ageing? I thought this was a bullshit marketing talking point.

>this shilling campaign

Just fucking don't.

I can only guarantee I'm not a shill. Tbh i think this is paranoid shit. It's a research chem so there is no legit industry behind it.

Why don't people get accused of shilling for roid dealers / manufacturers when recommending that? Or when people say L argenine made their dick hard. Not every good review is a shill, fag.

>multiple threads on this shit at this moment
>have seen it coming up in similar manner before

I couldn't find the other thread. Link?

Must have been deleted, it was on the same page as this.

Shilling aside, if it weren't for the increased hunger I'd probably try this shit.

Mk677 increases levels of growth hormone (GH) and of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF- I) as well which have many effects in body besides appetite.

Increased hunger is all it is really good for. Hunger and water retention woohoo. I think all the other miracle shit like better hair and skin etc could very well be shills. The only super consistent thing is hunger that I have heard from reviews.

Yeah but after you stop those levels go back to normal so why would that have long term consequences?

not enough to fuck anything up, just enough to gain a couple lbs when you plateau. it raises them by about 50% more than natural levels. thats nothing compared to injecting slin.

MK677 will increase your GH and IGF-1 to the level you had it when you were in early 20s. These hormones act to improve body composition and prevent wasting as you age giving you a more youthful appearance. There is also anecdotal evidence that is improves elasticity of skin. However i have not found papers to support this. There is much research on its ability to be anti-catabolic and increase bone density, tendon strength and improve REM sleep.

Oh k. I see why people think we are shilling. You make it sound too good to be true.

You'll keep the gains meng, it's not like sturrods.

That, and constantly referring to it as MK677 when an "it" would suffice.



Hopefully will stretch my stomach a bit so I can eat more when I stop taking it.

There really has been a lot of posts I saw one like 5 days ago, now I'm taking it to see if it helps my knees stop feeling like shit from my job which makes them hurt worse during my squarts.

Now I see at least two threads a day.

Any help? What about hunger?

Anybody else sick of picking all the pictures of a store front?