Who here works 45+ hour manual labor? What so you bring for food? I want to stay thin I don't care about show muscles...

Who here works 45+ hour manual labor? What so you bring for food? I want to stay thin I don't care about show muscles, but most laborers are fat because they eat like shit

>I want to stay thin I don't care about show muscles

You in the wrong neighbourhood, nigga

>pic of hoe

funny you chose that pic of, that looks like the exact type of hoe that goes for manual laborers, the used and abused type

getting jacked is a retarded meme.I've never met a girl who liked muscle heads. I'be worked with jacked idiots who couldnt lift 50 pounds for 5 minutes wihtout almost passing out. Having good cardio and endurance is better In every way

>he doesnt like milfs

we get it your a faggot

In my country, laborers are almost exclusively the poor, and they tend to be thin men. Strong as fuck and wiry as fuck, but thin. They normally eat rice, beans and some kind of beef, maybe eggs and some tomatoes and lettuce.

In my country laborers eat McDonalds every day

Down here labourers and tradesmen get paid ridiculous amounts and spend half of it on food, mostly things like sausage rolls, pies, parmas, burgers and shakes etc. All the young ones are ripped and the old ones are fat.

You're right I think if you worm labor for 20+ years you need to get fat or your bones will give out on you. The older ones I know that are thin look 10 years older then they are and have hunchbacks

I live in BC, Canada and I work at a mill. We get paid $28/hr and that's a decent wage. Enough to live on. We have 225 employees at the moment and I'd say 200 of them eat fast food for breakfast, gas station food for lunch, and for dinner their sorry wives cook. Most of us are fat ass lazy fuckers.

However, myself and some of my coworkers are fit. Probably because we are young and we still have a sliver of hope.

To answer your question OP, do not eat fast food. Every Sunday I make a giant dish, and split it up into five parts. This is my lunch for the week. I work 50 hours and each day I wake up, throw my lunch (main prepped dish, Greek yogurt, protein bar, almonds, veggies, etc) into my lunch kit, hit the gym, and go to work. The trick is to eat healthy. If you're working a labour job you're TDEE is probably very high. I am bulking right now so I'm packing my lunch close to 4K kcal every day. For you OP, if you're worried about gaining fat, just eat healthy at a maintenance level of calories.

who is this fluid druid?

No one has done it yet? Cmon.


Always pack a fucking lunch. Don't fall into the trap spending your money on shit food that will wreck your body in the long run



I used to do civil construction and directional drilling (read: being a slave and digging holes for $18 an hour) best thing I can say is that fuck me I learned how to work my ass off, so I learned to be a hard worker and not be a little bitch. But also, being uneducated I spent all my money on pies, mcdonalds and alcohol so I got super fat which was fucked up. I quit that job a couple years ago and I'm a recovering fatass still.

My theory of why tradies and labourers are fat is because thhey're either uneducated (mostly the labourers) or they've been alpha ripped their whole life and working all day and in most cases a lack of sleep contributes to them overeating or eating high energy foods making them fat .

I've always got a bag of plain almonds and I usually bring a few slices of beef or turkey jerkey on top of my lunch.

This a thousand times over.
I ate gas station food twice a day.

Typically it's was two breakfast sandwiches (2for$3 deal) and OJ in the morning. Followed by two hamburgers (2for3 again) some chips and sweet tea or a soda.

Each sandwich was like 375-400 calories each. Add the soft drinks and Shit and I'm way above what I need to do landscaping.

Gained almost 70lbs in a year.
>feels bad man

Pack your lunches and you'll be set.

I really admire the guys who can handle that kind of work for years with no break. It's back breaking shit.
I've worked labour jobs for a few months at a time between other work, and it would be seriously taxing to do that as a career.
As for your food question, I usually took a small cooler with me with chicken and broccoli and milk and a few other odds and ends (protein bar, banana, celery, carrots, etc) and plenty of water. Helped keep me awake (I get sleepy if I don't eat enough) and I didn't get fat.

Yeah the problem I'm having is I'm always hungry unless I eat something fatty and greasy. I've been having Greek yogurt and veggies for breakfast and 2 big sandwiches for lunch but I'm still constantly hungry.

Add some oats to your breakfast for that fulness

I would eat a cup a day and be hungry 30 minutes later, I don't know how people feel full on oats.


I used to work in the produce department of a Super Target that burned a crap ton of calories and would have left me a tired hungry skeletor if it hadn't been for this other Veeky Forumsizen I worked with. He taught me how to get away with eating on the job. In the produce cooler, we had pic related. I would drink on average 3-5 of these every day. Protein shakes literally became half of my 4500 caloric intake. I was getting 300+ grams of protein a day. On top of that, I would also eat deli meats and bakery sweets when I had to cover people's lunch breaks. I made minimum wage but ate like a king every day for free. I calculated the worth of all the food I ate in a 10 month tenure. I drank $2,000 worth of protein shakes, and ate $1,000 worth of deli and bakery items. I miss that job so much for eating so well and shitposting irl with my fit brah. I'm looking in to working there once a week on saturday nights just to relive the glory days.