I want to learn more about history, what are the best sites for it?

I want to learn more about history, what are the best sites for it?

Veeky Forums

John Green

Just make stuff up like everyone else here.


The history of Rome podcast.
Put it on while you play vidia.
Bonus points if you are playing a city building game.



not (((their))) sites

Play unhealthy amounts of eu4 and hoi4. Watch IsorrowProductions religiously on Youtube. You'll learn everything you need.

>eu4 and hoi4

At least suggest ck2 and liquoria 2 goddamn

read primary and secondary sources in book form if you want your opinion to have any actual weight



Modern Scholar



Ancient History Encyclopedia, if you're looking for modern history I advise you check out TheGreatestStoryNeverTold Website if you want an accurate picture of what happened. If you want just general history go to Wikipedia.

r/history, meh reddit tier but ok if you want to look for books, videos or podcasts.



Read some fucking books, Jesus Christ.

You'll be much better off reading books

