Who here /tiredoflookingjustdecent/?

Who here /tiredoflookingjustdecent/?

I think it's my time to become aesthetic... become actually ADMIRED.
Yes, gonna start test boosting. Little boost for my natural testosterone levels and that's it.

What are your plans, Veeky Forums?

>It's a 16 years old faggot thinks he's gonna be the best looking dude in highschool and get all the bitches episode

Actually start lifting, cunt.

I would instantly if I wasn't concerned about hair loss, face >>> body

There is absolutely no reason not to save literal years. You only live once, why would you waste all those hours at the gym when you could look great in 6 months, with no side effects?

I'll take 6 months over 3 years

mate wtf are you arguing with yourself or something

you on the spectrum, buddy?

>little tesr boosting

Nigger go hard or go home

You can't half ass juice

Ordered some ostarine to get my feet wet. I can see me roiding one day but at the moment I'm still making decent gains just want to help that along a little bit. Been reading people have gained 3kgs and more from a 6-8 week cycle so fingers crossed I'm getting legit stuff and it all goes well

overclock your natural testosterone levels using hcg.

125mg test and 200mg deca is like 90usd for 20 weeks

And the gains are many times of what they'd naturally be, right?

shut down test production and get all of the steroids side effects and none of the results for the low low price of 90 usd

No offence mate but look around on the web and most experienced roiders say 250-500mg test e5d is a good starter
According to Veeky Forums however its 750tren/500test weekly to begin aparently which is just nuts

idk but they would be significantly higher. start of lean and then gain like 5lbs each month then after 20 weeks you will have gained a good amount of muscle

you obviously know nothing

if your first cycle isnt 500mg test e w/ an oral then whats wrong with you

there is no reason to why 500mg and an oral is the best to do for 12 weeks, it is just "tradition"

im 91kg already with a pretty low bf, i have no idea how my body will react to it so why overdo it right off the bat?
im putting more effort into the PCT and looking into just nolva or nolva+hcg and then a mod grf +GHRP

lifting natty whilst taking it seriously, dieting hard and shit is just plain stupid, its like a dog chasing its own tail.
if you wanna lift natty go for it, but enjoy life and dont take it too serious because youll never achieve real aesthetics

doing 500mg a week for a first cycle is just dumb, im sure you havent really studied drugs/body ands just spewing shit you read here from people who also havent really studied

>doing 500mg a week for a first cycle is just dumb
you were supposed to reply to right?

meant for sry other guy

it is okay

Yeah you are confusing. Are you sayids you are going to take it or no?

a moderate dose of testosterone gives a great baseline for how the side effects(muh hair muh acne muh gyno) / how much size and strength you can expect to gain/ how your bloods will be/ how to deal with estrogen etc.
so you when you add other things you know which compound is doing what. but by all means take everything at once and after your shit gets fucked up sit back and try to figure out where it all went wrong.

>I would instantly if I wasn't concerned about hair loss, face >>> body - against sterons??

>There is absolutely no reason not to save literal years. You only live once, why would you waste all those hours at the gym when you could look great in 6 months, with no side effects? - for sterons????????
> ???????????????????????

I forgot do add that one first just want to start with 125mg test then get bloods then add 200 deca, starting with 500mg is quite a lot and there are people that have problems as a beginner starting with that dose

200~ mg of testosterone is a good moderate dose for someone who has never blasted t
the idea with roids is to progress to stronger drugs/dosages progressively

Finally, someone sensible
What type of PCT does one need for a low test cycle? 12 weeks on either 125/250 or so is the current plan
might extend to 14 weeks since its test e and its a slow ester if im not mistaken

if you want to look good deca(right now) is not the drug for you. it makes you a bloated , it takes forever to start working and it takes forever to leave your system. plus it fucks with your progesterone and can crash your cortisol, which means you need more ancillaries, you putting yourself at even greater risk of gyno, and instead of feeling really good like you do on testosterone, you could end up feeling like shit. if you are really set on deca you should try npp instead, in case something goes wrong you can just stop taking it and it will be out of your system in a few days.