Guy in China breaks his spine in two DEATHlifiting

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wtf I hate deadlifts now

Seems more like a syncope to me.

If he actually did snap his spine he probably would have dropped to the floor WAY faster.

Any medical anons care to weigh in on this?

did you miss the part where he FELL on the fucking weights with his back? he didn't snap it during the lift, he just faded from exerting too much.

He just passed out, this is clickbait. Someone posted this a few days earlier, the spine and the lifter are unrelated

He fainted. Lot of videos like these on youtube.

Did he ever walk again?

Where's the rest of the skeleton?

alive and coming for you


As you can see the spine and the lifter are related. Apparently he snapped it when he fell to the floor, not during the lift

Sheeit he didn't even fall THAT hard. Guess I'm doing high rep diddlys from now on.

remember to drink your milk guys

the xray comes from a different picture you mongloidalian faggaton

>doing high rep diddlys from now on
Will snap your shit up even worse you dumb bastard.

fake, the guy just passed out

OP is once again a fucking faggot

How you stupid cunt. Your lifting less weight so there's less pressure on your spine.

I already posted the link to the news, are you fucking mentally challenged?

>didn't even fall that hard

guy is probably over 6' and close to 200 lbs if not over

You call that news?

It's a major brazilian newspaper, one of the biggest newspaper in the fucking world. Once again, are u guys mentally challenged?

What you linked is garbage clickbait. Link the original source.

I really don't think that X-ray has anything to do with that guy. This spine has really bad hyperlucent lesions on the posterior vertbrae, all the way from L1 to L5, and also anteriorly in T9 and T10.

This is a really shitty spine. The crazy fracture is the result of chronic disease that causes lytic lesions in the vertebrae, like multiple myeloma or some shit. Not a dude deadlifting.


>Probably never even heard of GOMAD
Weak ass Chinks.

>posts absolutely disgusting clickbait brazilian monkey news
>"b-but user?!"

literally retarded

Because "legit news" never print something false for the sake of being the first or for views right?

no he is actually right, cuz your form lets up easier

Less weight> good form

you can use good form with a bunch of weight and get fucked hard