Africa's unending state of poverty is due to IQ. Prove me wrong, let's debate

Africa's unending state of poverty is due to IQ. Prove me wrong, let's debate

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Not history lad

Already three threads about this on the catalog you illiterate /pol/ retard. And it's not even a Veeky Forums topic.

Saged and reported.

More humanities than history, but also very history related.


I'm not from /pol/, nor do I believe what they believe. It just seems a bit ridiculous to say the intelligence of a population has no factor in the welfare of where said population is.

>muh Charles Murray
>muh redpill blacks r dumb
Posting in ebin bread XPPPPPPPP

Not really.

If I make a thread about how the muslim world is stagnant due to inbreeding causing retardation it’s /pol/ or Veeky Forums material.

And to be fair bait threads like this always boil down to caps lock and accusations of everyone being jewish.

Polite sage for quality.

What subject within the humanities?

You're saying lack of reverence or religion in Africa is the problem? Africa is very, very religious and tribal, so much so that it's a detriment.

>Le LARPing Christian meme xD

Alright, I probably should've asked Veeky Forums, but I'm not trying to bait. Lack of collective intelligence and education in Africa is undoubtedly a problem, at least in my opinion. This doesn't mean I hate blacks/Africa. At all.

Your graph is anti-semitic
any religion other than shiite islam and judaism is wrong. Since they don't practice either very much they're impious, and thus poor.

Social sciences? Culture?

What a terrible thread

Social sciences aren't part of the humanities, go ask Veeky Forums.

People just get too fucking sensitive. I can accept criticism that this probably should've gone on another board, but people scream /POL/!!!!!!!111 every time one of their big red buttons are pressed.

I know you are trolling but Israel is very secular too. All wealthy nations are.

The importance of religion in a society decreases as its wealth increases.


>Social sciences aren't part of the humanities, go ask Veeky Forums.
>what is anthropology


'religiosity' is a a made up word. And you can just look at countries to know how pious they are. By their works. That graph might have measured -something- but it wasn't piety. And I know it didn't, because muslims don't beileve in their gods and murder each other for thought crimes. which is impious.


What about poor Whites in Norh America? Poor whites in Europe? Poor Asians in East Asia? Poor Jews in Israel?
What about the Nigerians who move to the West to become doctors? The American blacks who become business men? The Indians who wipes their ass with their hand yet also provide great Medical and Science professionals?
My friend had an IQ of 148 (a test provided by his doctors), but he was a fucking loser who did drugs constantly and barely knew hygiene.
Stop thinking IQ means shit and think about things like the surroundings that these people grow up in that result in them being dummies.





>My friend had an IQ of 148


The IQ statistics /pol/boys usually use for talk about Africans are based on post-industrial post-Cold War European populations. If IQ really does make that big a difference, why wasn't sub-Saharan Africa at the same level of growth and trade as their contemporaries in the middle ages? The only reason is that either Africans were inexplicably even dumber then, or that IQ isn't the primary or a major factor in determining successful statehood.

>Europe is great!
>turn out to be german scum
maybe Europe isn't all cracked up

Of course IQ will be vastly different at the level and analysis of an individual. But demographics are analysed by general collectives, not individuals. Even liberal philosophers like Sam Harris agree that IQ is about 50 to 80% genetic. I'm not trying to be racist or bigoted towards African people, this is just a scientific fact agreed by most of the scientific community.

I don't hate blacks or anything but it's clear as day. There's an intelligence gap between sub-saharan negroes and neanderthal-homo sapien hybrids (whites, browns and asians)

Every single intelligence test ever shows there's a significant difference. That doesn't mean negroes are bad people.

>im a subhuman euromutt that descends from trolls and beilevs in evolution

Pot meet kettle

>liberal philosophers like Sam Harris
>Sam Harris


Is this graph intended to show us that the US knows what we're doing after all?

isn't IQ a product of the environment and not the other way around?

i don't see how you could make Africans smart without changing their diet, daily routines and living conditions.

Well societal growth relies a lot upon climate and the use of animal labour.

Could be that African regions never hit the sweet spot of those two factors required for massive social growth.

This type of growth is exponential in nature, so once you get the right factors in the right spots, societies explode in growth.

By the time Africans would have had those factors in right places, bam, colonialism (one could argue).

Lynn's IQ bumbers are literally made up.
If you read his paper, he explains most countries had "no data", so he "extrapolated" the results based on an average of their neighbours.

Literally worthless.
Pic related is the latest Lynn map and a link is provided refuting it.

Yes you are correct. People us IQ as a way to justify Darwinism or Eugenics, and are certifiably dumb and deserve to be lined up themselves.

I'm not sure this is a Veeky Forums topic, more a Veeky Forums one, but the evidence is clear.

Men lie, women lie. Numbers do not.

No matter how you measure it, even when the socio-economic factors are eliminated, people of Sub-saharan African descent score significantly lower in IQ tests when compared to pretty much any other ethnic group.

There are exceptions, but they are on the narrow point of a bell curve.

The environment does seem to have an impact on one's IQ. However, research shows that IQ stays the same for the most part. For example. A black child adopted by white parents will, generally speaking, have a very similar IQ to their kin who haven't been raised by whites. And Vice Versa

Neanderthal admixture can't possibly explain the IQ difference between Indo-Europeans and Africans. Nearly everyone with any Neanderthal DNA has barely a fraction of a percent of it in their genes; even if every last trait expressed by those genes correlated to intelligence, it wouldn't explain those who don't have any.

Unrelated to this point, people react harshly to these discussions because they're almost always used as justifications for treating Africans like they're animals. I can't imagine that most opponents of this would disagree that genetics has no impact on intelligence whatsoever. They more likely believe that genetics has MUCH less of an impact on the development of Africa than geography and politics did.

IQ isn't going to shoot up across a few generations, since it's actually genetic in part.

For some populations it can rise and fall quickly due to developmental and nutritional factors(see certain European countries), but the potential remains. For a racial group that hasn't managed to reach higher points naturally though, it makes sense to me that it's harder to increment their IQ.


You make a good point. I think the African demographics have been given a dirty slate to begin with, geographically and otherwise. The big obstacle is getting out of the state they are in.

The richest guy in history was an african.
Africa now is a shithole, but history isn't just the last two centuries.

Donald Trump is a rich man.

Your point?

>claims to control for parenting etc

I am aware of Mansa Munsa. I would say he owed his success to the abundance of gold in his kingdom more than his wit.

>lowest average IQ country has one of the region's highest GDP per capita measures

This is your brain on psychometrics and scientism. Your own fault you psychologists swallow any kind of bullshit so long as your discipline appears 'scientific' regardless of having actual brain behind it. What an irony that the greatest conglomeration of mind that is the intellgentsia class can produce one of the greatest stupidity in human history, in an era of rampant worship of science, that are only used to perpetuate age-old prejudices, misconceptions and philosophical dead-ends, only being kept alive on the payroll of the most dishonest of them all.

Oh but feel free to forget everything the next time you make this thread, like a demented senile old man. You will be born-again into another 'new on Veeky Forums, first time making this thread' guy gain and nobody will bat an eye to this, because the ones that bark the loudest and longest win in the end, in this day and age.

Good night.

Larger version, sorry.

During Antiquity and Middle Ages Africa was one of the richest continents - Ancient Egyptians, Karthago and Mali.
I have just a great dislike if people say . it was always like that, because it wasn't. History didn't began 200 years ago and it will not end in 200 years.

>hahaha lets have another politics thread
Reported and saged

wow. How can someone speak so much yet say so little?

>what is oil?
Lynn discovered that IQ correlates perfectly with race. A few oil rich states are the exception that proves the rule.

it's not a politics thread.

>with race
With wealth I mean. But race too. Heh

IQ is virtually irrelevant compared to other factors