Survey of Veeky Forums

A survey of women found that the most attractive body feature in a man is the V taper.

How to find out whether you have a shit tier physique :

Measure your shoulder width against a wall by marking the widest points of your shoulders, then measure the widest part of your waist .
Divide your shoulder span by your waist span and you have your shoulder to waist ratio.

The ideal ratio is generally agreed to be 1.618 , normy skinnyfats range from 1 to 1.3

Pic semi related: broad shouldered Steve reeves pre lifting looking aesthetic as fuck

Whats your shoulder to hip ratio,
How much do you weigh
How old are you
Do your shoulders ever get compliments?

1.46 ratio
160 lb, (dyel)
22 years old
Get way more attention in clubs when I wear jackets which emphasise my shoulders

I dont know how i mark these points without another person.
its not accurate, pls help.

Try to keep your pencil perpendicular to the wall. Take 3 measurements for each then do an average

A survey of women found that OP is a homosexual.

>Pic semi related: broad shouldered Steve reeves pre lifting looking aesthetic as fuck

He's not broad shouldered he just has big lats and it flaring them hard

Na m8 he's objectively got a larger than average shoulder span for someone that skinny.
Framelet detected

I checked the marks twice and calculated twice... and its 1,8 ratio, i guess i did something wrong.

What's your measurements ?

>weemin want this, weemin want that
I'm not this much of a faggot and I suck dicks.

>1.615 ratio
>176 lb (still dyel by fit standards, only lifting for 5 months)
>Only ever got one lifting related compliment aside from family members, that was due to broad shoulders.

58,5 cm to 32,5 cm


6' tall

My shoulders look broad as fuck so I guess I just have a big waist.

Being attractive and wanted is a nice feeling user... you should try it some time
Could possibly be true but your shoulders must be insanely broad. Pics?

Just tried it by circumference where I get 1.56.

Any recommendations for clothes that emphasise shoulders?

Polos. Specifically black polos. Clean, sharp, and black is a very nice color that shows off a physique. The sleeves also stop between the shoulder and the kid bicep so it's just shouting "hey, look at my shoulders".

It's not even about being attractive but being obsessed over what others could think about you.

I bet you also believe one can only lift for girls.

dyel as fuck


58cm Shoulders
36cm Waist.

>ideal ratio is generally agreed to be 1.618
this whole thread is a farce

140lb dyel
24 y/o
No but I don't go places where anyone would really be complimenting my shoulders anyways (home gym, small town)
Shoulder/waist ratio is 1.538
I could probably bump it up to 1.618 with more lifting, I'm still babby mode

Only wear polos if you want to look like a douchey frat boy. If you're over 21 wear a button up that shows off gains just as well.

how many cm would be considered for having wide shoulders?

so which one is it then, shoulder to hips or shoulder to waist?

around 1.6 shoulder to waist ratio and i have SUPER wide hips