2.5 months on SS

>dont do SS they said
>youll be trex they said
>do PPL they said

Next time a PPL lifter starts talking about their 165 8x3 bench my advise is laugh at them, do a 360 and walk away

Other urls found in this thread:


>be a prior lifter/athlete
>do literally ANY program
>"hurr look how good it is!"

I'm not dissing SS, but those numbers aren't telling the whole story.

Second week, feeling motivated.

The only sport I ever played was 3v3 arena in WoW

Then you're on roids. These lifts are not possible in 2.5 months without some form of assistance to get you there.


Lol ok im not so now what

Then you're lying plain and simple. What do you gain from lying on the internet?

yeah someone is going to take gear to do fucking starting strength, LOL

some people are strong without lifting. my dad stopped lifting in his 20s, he's in his late 50s now and can still somehow bench fucking 3 plates for reps, i have seen it myself. i have no idea how the fuck this even happens.

I call bullshit. The first time I deadlifted I lifted 90kg without any problem at all, while doing only cardio prior to that.

Sure thing. Once again, what do you get from lying on the internet?

Most people can pull around 150lbs+ first time. It's not a hard lift

>do a 360

That's a full circle, you fucking mouth breather. You would just walk into them.

I despise Mark Rippetoe. Arrogant fat little shit

Fck u cunt

Oh look, it's another retard with shit form who will snap their shit up in the next few months.

>hey look I squat 300 for 1/64th ROM

Lmao keep h8in PPL fags

Itt: newfags

I don't even PPL, it's just funny to see a future train wreck before it happens. Better make sure your insurance is up to date

what app is this bro?

Symmetric strength

lol he is literally like 57 or some shit and reps 3 plates and doesn't lift, he's ~230lbs and 6'1

not everyone is a anorexic video game addict doing starting strength and gomad, just because that is all you see on this forum

I do PPL for the weeks im off of a program. I switch it up every few months. I only did SS once, when i was starting.
Also run a 21 minute 5k

Wut app is that?
I use stronglifts to track.
The official SS app is $$$ but book is included so...

Well he didn't say he started on SS, maybe he went some other program for a year and then hopped on SS. Or smth idk otherwise I agree with you, from sedentary to 270 bench in 2,5 months, yeah no.

ROFL that's it?

After 2 weeks on PPL

Bench: 320
OHP: 260
Squat: 490
Dead: 610