I'm a lazy NEET stoner

I'm a lazy NEET stoner

What's the quickest way to turn my life, body and mind around?

I want to be a muscular, energetic, rich person.


Reading the sticky

Sticky, faggot.

My body is lazy AF
It cannot muster the strength to exercise

What will the sticky have for that? I need it quick

do more things that allow you to gain muscle, energy and money.

Read the sticky and find out.

>tell me how to do something
>btw I can't do anything
Don't read the sticky just kill yourself desu

next time you want to get high and veg out, go for a 15 minute jog or do some pushups or something

>quickest way to turn my life, body and mind around?

You'll never make it. People like you will always look for the quick way out until they realize that anything worth having takes hard work.

by killing yourself

You can't even admit responsibility for your own laziness, so you need to blame your body?

Jesus christ, man.
Your body isn't lazy as fuck.
YOU are lazy as fuck.

You're the only one that can get yourself off your ass and exercising. Not some anonymous posters on an image board.

This is what it is. No other way to put it

There is no "quickest" way. Its a life long dedication. But to reach the benefits of the lifestyle the quickest is to prioritize the lifestyle over everything else. Im talking quit weed. Quit fun fridays and drinking. Have insanely strickt diet and work out every day. You will reap the mood and hormonal benefits within months.

Leave the weed for special occasions/weekends

start little by little or you will only injure yourself, but keep increasing the length and intensity of the exercise by small steps.

They only thing you need is to muster the willpower to be constant and include the exercising on your daily routine.

rob a bank and take steroids i guess

Shitty advice. Stop smoking completely, its ruining your life. But w/e, you love being high more than a healthy lifestyle/being sit. Because being healthy and fit requires you to get off the bong and vapor that are shoved up your ass to put in work to change.

>Quit smoking pot.
>Use the money you would spend on pot on a g membership.
>Workout at said gym.
>Apply for jobs online and in person.

I think the best thing you can do right now is quit pot. It's what is making you lazy. When I quit I felt amazing, its nice to be sober and active outside. But it took me about a week or so to be able to sleep properly.

Maybe go back to school and learn a trade. Chances are you won't get any good paying job without some qualification.

the secret to changing your life is that it wont happen instantly, and requires mostly the ability to change slowly, and patience

Everything is in your head. You have to REALIZE that what you're doing is bad for you. Sometimes only a small kick is enough, sometimes it must be a major problem.
Stop doing drugs, smoking, alcohol, junk food ... all that stuff hurts your mind and your body. Find your inner peace and you will find the energy to improve your life.
Try to avoid things and people that could damage your inner peace.

Way too late for you now. It's already the 20th.
Maybe make your New Year's Resolutions a little earlier next year.


Respawn as quickly as possible your current character is fucked.

Eat less and the right things, exercise more. Now read the sticky, faggot.

I-is that hernia?


that dress doesn't work at all on her

Agreed, she would look much better without it

If you can't focus long enough to read the sticky then you're beyond any help we can offer.


its her ribs.

Read the sticky you lazy faggot.

Beyond that, stop smoking and masturbating as much. Hit the gym. Get 7.5+ hours of sleep each night. Do this shit for two months and you'll find everything slowly begin to come together a little bit.

Also, there is no quick way to success of any kind. None without series consequences, so don't be a faggot and build some patience too while you're at it.

Quit smoking it just holds you back. Then you need to discipline yourself meaning get your mind in shape. Prepare/plan, write down short term goals and write everything down. Once you physically see what you want to accomplish you'll like set your mind towards it. Just slowly quit smoking and slowly start to change things. Can't go cold turkey. Also just educate yourself on fitness, whatever your goals push towards them. Its not a sprint, its a marathon...