Cruel and Unusual Punishment

So ,you guys know the eighth amendment to the USA Constitution, right? The one that protects against cruel and unusual punishment? How about we discuss that. What do you think counts as cruel and unusual?

Personally, I'm not a fan of this. I totally think criminals who are doing Life in Prison with no Chance of Parole should get their arms and legs cut off so they can't escape. I mean, they're not going back into society, and they're clearly evil, so why let them keep their legs? I know most people would consider crippling and mutilation cruel or unusual or both, that's why I bring it up.

Or, fuck it, look at the Holocaust. That was terrible, but only really because most of the people were innocent (maybe less than one half of one percent of the people there were murderers, child molester, etc.) Why can't we have a Holocaust but for people who actually deserve it, like you round up all the gangsters, organized criminals, murderers, child rapists, etc. and starve them in a death camp? I really think that would help turn things around as long as you can get a trustworthy person deciding who's evil.

Just look at the Romans.

It ensured that a Legion's cohorts stayed disciplined and loyal, though there was one time that this punishment was abused to virtually wipe out an entire Legion just because they converted en mass to Christianity.

Where do you think the word excruciating comes from?

An entire Bulgarian army was blinded and sent back home

Well surely the only people capable of preforming the punishments youre advocating for would by definition be the kind of people youre advocating for the punishments to be applied to?

You can chop people's legs off or starve them and not be evil. You're doing it out of obligation and duty, not because of personal gain or because you enjoy it (you shouldn't)

>I totally think criminals who are doing Life in Prison with no Chance of Parole should get their arms and legs cut off so they can't escape. I mean, they're not going back into society, and they're clearly evil, so why let them keep their legs?

Because we already pay a shitton to keep prisoners alive and healthy. Do you understand how much it would cost to spend the thousands necessary to cut off their limbs, keep them alive while they're healing from that surgery and then wheel their assets around whenever they need to be transported?

>That was terrible, but only really because most of the people were innocent
So you have no problem with torture and mass murder, as long as it's done to people the government says it's okay to do it to?

Not really, how is someone chopping someones legs off because the government told them to that different from someonendoing it because they want to? And how do you prevent murderous psychopaths who just want to hear peoples screams as their legs are removed from getting said job?

Or you could, you know, not keep them alive and healthy. And not wheel them around. They just sit in a bed in their own shit all day and if they're really lucky someone lets them sit in a chair for a few hours. It'd be like hell. and no healthcare. If you get sick or hurt in prison the attitude should be "Tough shit, you get better or you die".

A maneating lion might not take pleasure in dragging people from their beds and eating them, but that doesn't mean that it should be allowed to do that.


Well it's okay to be a murderous psychopath as long as you only murder people who are guilty.

If it's what it takes to end organized crime, yes. Seriously, fuck gangs and crime syndicates. Those people deserve the absolute worst punishments available. And then they need to go to hell in a literal sense to suffer even more there.

People aren't lions. And lions shouldn't have any right to eat a person. Animals aren't people (they have lion DNA, not human DNA, I could go at length about how only beings with human DNA deserve any rights and how animal rights people are traitors to their species but that's not what this discussion is about), and are incapable of obeying laws, so they deserve nothing, no rights, nada. That's a whole different discussion, though.

So basically murder is bad except when the person being murdered is someone you dont like?
Also wouldnt this mean the government makes all psychopaths into murderers by not giving them guilty people with which to satisfy their bloodlust?
Also have you ever heard the term rehabilitation?

Ok Stalin

No ,murder is a crime. But not all killing is murder. Torturing (not to get information but because the criminal deserves to be tortured) and executing a criminal is done within the confines of the law and done as a form of justice against someone who killed someone outside the law (murder). How do you not understand this? Following the law is everything!

>the government makes all psychopaths into murderers by not giving them guilty people with which to satisfy their bloodlust?
It shouldn't be the government's responsibility to pacify psychopaths, they need to learn to exercise self-control and contain their urges. If they can't do it on their own they have on place in society and must be removed (executed). The ability to exercise self-control (having the choice to do right or wrong and choosing not to do wrong) is the absolute most important part of life and is what defines someone as good or evil (all humans have evil urges, but the good ones can control it)

Punishment is more important than rehabilitation, and rehabilitation doesn't work well anyway, because people are set in their ways and resistant to change.

Stalin went too far in killing off his personal enemies and abusing his power. He had a secret police, after all. Police should never be secret. And he was also a damned communist. But I admire his ability to get shit done.

daft af

person for life in prison is not even paraded for you they are effectively forgotten by society whats the point of physical mutilation other than feelings

its also barbaric and will make a group of awful people who have been slicing limbs off on top of the psychos who got punished

>Following the law is everything!
This is how genocide starts

>Or, fuck it, look at the Holocaust. That was terrible, but only really because most of the people were innocent

uhh yeah no shlomo, everyone in the holocaust deserved it

Torturing edgy virgins like you

Autists like you should be blinded with rusty screws, just fuck off you retarded maniac

Ignoring the fact that I disagree with you about nearly everything, particularly rehabilitation, the definition of "murder", and more, I'm just going to focus on where we agree.

You think that punishment is okay when it's for people who deserve it. I agree, the guilty are the ones who should be punished. But the convicted and the guilty are not always the same people. I have a deep distrust for the American justice system. Take a look at death row exonerees. These are people who were convicted and sentenced to death, but who later were spared from their fate and many of them released entirely, due to manipulation of evidence, deceit on the part of police and prosecutors, plain stupidity, biased or stupid jurors, or pseudoscience masquerading as empiric evidence. We can't trust the system to be correct 100% of the time, just look at the innocence project or read Radley Balko's blog once in a while. How would you feel if your ordained torturers hacked off a man's arms and legs, condemning him to a "life" of omnipresent torment, then a few years later you found out he was innocent? How would you make him whole again? You can't.

Even now, it's impossible to give the wrongfully convicted back the years of their lives we've stolen from them, but we can at least give them a lot of money. You can't do anything to right the wrongs of someone you've submitted to the monstrously barbarous punishments you'e suggested. For the sake of the innocent, your ideas should never be implemented.

If I were an american I wouldn't trust the government with the power of killing people.
See that shit with Snowden fro example.
After he leaked what he leaked stories about him being a rapist started to surface.

I think it's a meme, because I consider adx Florence cruel and unusual.