Train abs with wheights to get them to pop

>train abs with wheights to get them to pop
>dont train abs with wheights since they'll look bulky
>train obliques alot for aesthetics abs
>don't train obliques, waist will look wide

Wtf am I supposed to do

train shoulders and back

Stop overthinking it because it's all determined by genetics anyway. Just lift, faget.

When talking about abs, why

So let's get to the meme with "don't train abs at all because of genetics", how true is this? I mean size has to be added to some extent right

what are some good weighted ab exercises?

true words.

Wheighted crunches, rope crunches, reversed crunches with a dumbell between feet, wheighted plank is what I do.

Whatever the fuck you want you dependant little shit.

Wtf do you guys mean I'm confused

Confuse the ab muscles by never working them and work back and shoulders instead. They will grow out of spite.

Actually lift like a man and do heavy squats, deads, and OHP and you'll get abs if you don't eat like a retard.

>sqwats, over head piss and diddylift gives you abs

Lol FUCKING retard dyel

When he's right and you're a fucking know nothing bitch

Well you should probably take steroids if you want abs like guys who take steroids

Post a pic of your physique so we can compare abs.

Jeff looks like a goddamn anime character with. When will he get a haircut?

so you think guys who can DL 500lbs without a belt have a weaker core than some guy who does bodyweight crunches once a week and doesnt do DL/Squat/OHP ?

Jeff pls go

Do some fucking reading compounds doesn't cause hypertrophy in your abs, strengthen yes. it's a meme created for lazy DYEL's

>doesnt realize increases in strength have a direct relation to increases in mass

>what is EMG testing

Pop = bulk. It's muscle tissue.
Training obliques won't widen your waist. It's a myth.

I refuse to believe there are still people who don't know this cunt is juicing.

>muscle mass = strength
Found the turbo dyel

>strength = aesthetics
When will this meme die? I'm sure Lenny has a super strong core, you raging faggot.

You're fucking clueless, read the sticky

>Electromyography (EMG) is an electrodiagnostic medicine technique for evaluating and recording the electrical activity produced by skeletal muscles.[1] EMG is performed using an instrument called an electromyograph to produce a record called an electromyogram. An electromyograph detects the electric potential generated by muscle cells[2] when these cells are electrically or neurologically activated. The signals can be analyzed to detect medical abnormalities, activation level, or recruitment order, or to analyze the biomechanics of human or animal movement.

Well, if you want to look like that, you'll have to juice like you were a kitchen appliance, and airbrush the shit out of your pics. Lighting and angle is hyper important too. Oh, and lift if you have time I guess.

Only fat powerlifters believe this shit

>train abs with wheights to get them to pop
>dont train abs with wheights since they'll look bulky

So, if you train abs wihout weights, then they won't grow, and if you train abs with weights, they will grow too big?

Do you not want your abs to be more bulky than they are now?

If so, then don't train them at all. Getting your abs to show is a matter of bodyfat, not muscle size.

>train obliques alot for aesthetics abs
>don't train obliques, waist will look wide

In this case, I do think it's about genetics, as someone else mentioned. Some people have wide waists, others dont. So, just go ahead and train them.

I don't understand this meme. I do these compound movements(heavy squats,deads,OHP,Bench and Rowing) but I also add isolation exercises for my arms/shoulders and chest to make sure they don't go underdeveloped. Is that wrong?

Compound movements use more than one muscle, as opposed to isolation excercises.

If you do pull ups, then you will find that you are already getting a decent bicep workout. Same principle applies to deadlifts, squats, etc.

Squats and deadlifts do activate your ab muscles, but there's no harm in doing seperate ab excercises, if you so choose.

But isn't the philosophy of having a strong core through compound first and more tone through isolations second the right approach?
It does work this way, no? Cause I feel the other way around wouldn't work.

"Toning" is a buzzword that doesn't really mean anything. The idea that you build up muscle size and power through compound lifts and then "tone" and "shape up" through isolation excercises is false.

Train abs, anyone who tells you otherwise does not know how to get aesthetic abs. I recommend doing lots of leg raises.

What is the proper approach?

To do what? If it's about abs, then lose bodyfat, they will start showing, regardless of how you work out(or even if you don't work out at all).

Personaly, I do like to include ab excercises in my routine, because I feel that squats and deadlifts alone aren't enough for a good burn in your abdomen.

Yeah you're right. Just don't use the word "tone" plz. Compounds will contribute to hypertrophy but depending on the individual it may not be enough for them to get all six-packy.

Second this. Hanging leg raises are the only requirement of aesthetic abs. I remember seeing a study that proved they are also the best ab isolation exercise for muscle activation, and the second best overall after weighted pullups. cba to go find it but it exists

I have a really hard time getting my legs up for these, like I just sort of fling my knees up - I don't think I'm ready. What is the best exercise to progress to hanging leg raise? My grip strength is fine.

It really depends.

Abs: I'm happy with mine based on just compounds. I do ab wheel and decline crunches occassionally

Obliques: I think deadlifting is pretty good for this, but it is also quite common for ppl with wide hips to have a 'dip' between thier oblique and thier lats. I think sidebending is good to fill that out.

If you have narrow hips I'd just leave it to deadlifts.

Just practice doing them in a slow, controlled motion. I couldn't do them at the start either so I did them on the ground for a while. Eventually you'll be able to do hanging leg raises fine. Just make sure to emphasize the contraction of the core; don't throw your legs up, deliberately and carefully lift them up using only your abs.

Just do the exercise with bent knees. After a couple gym sessions you will be strong enough to do a half set with extended legs and eventually full sets.

idgaf about Jeff, just chose that pic calm down

kek jeff fuck off