Goddamnit, fit...

Goddamnit, fit, I went crazy and ate four slices of meat lovers pizza on a goddamn cut! I'm almost 800 cal over my limit for today, and today was only a modest 15% below maintenance! Goddamnit what the fuck is wrong with me?

I'm walking to .7 miles to the gym right now, I'm going to work out again today, and I'm going to walk all the way back. This is my punishment for being such a weak willed stupid poor American

>doing more cardio and lifting than you should just because you over-ate

this is a good way to spin your wheels

* that's 2.7 miles one way

I'll be damned if I don't burn all these calories and extra by the end of today. I'm only 18% body fat according to the probably in accurate fit bit scale, but I will goddamnit I will get to 10% body fat before the end of this first quarter

Yeah well it's still better than over eating by 800 cal and then doing nothing about it. If I don't burn this calories now, then it's definitely going to go to body fat ass. You think these calories are just going to magically go straight to my muscles? No way, most if not all of it is definitely going to replenish fat cells. But not for me , I'm not giving up an inch of conquered territory.

My mistake today was letting myself get so weak that I forgot all the reasons I started and could only think of every reason to eat pizza. It's this kind of attitude that will hold me back for the rest of my life, it's this kind of attitude that will hurt me in every other aspect of my life

>walk all the way back
never gonna make it

Fuck it you're right, I'm halfway there already so I'm gonna run the rest of it and run the way back too

It doesn't matter, the point is you're installing shitty behavioral patterns.

You're just going to cheat on your diet again and repeat the process.

It's no different to binge/purging.

It's not a healthy mind-set or physical state to be in.

Well I made it. And what exercises do you guys think I should do?

Run 8 miles and you'll make up for it.

do cardio for like 2 hours (or whenever you burn 800 calories)

Wow how are you burned about 300, 400 cal more to go and then I've erased a mistake

I've actually been spot on every single day since I've started. I guess that's why my reaction today is so extreme.

I've been trying to gain muscle and lose fat get shredded get Swoll get whatever for the past 4 years and while I have made big progress, I'm still not there and it's my fault. I would always let something get in my way life happens so what it's not my fault but it is my fault I let it start my progress. I'm not trying to be an Olympic professional athlete whatever I just want to look amazing, I should've made my goal at least a year ago if not two years ago.

It's way different than binge/purging. Eating alot and training even more is what elite athletes do.

In fact, "cheating" and "punishing" will likely result in becoming more fit.

However, if I were to take the lame route of calorie restriction and dieting, I would do low carb to cut cravings.

(I am a robot)

(I am a robot)

I also fucked up today but not as bad as you. I lifted today so I should still be at my -750 goal but still no good.

I'm in the gym, I should be doing weightlifting, so if anyone doesn't have any other real suggestions, then I'm just gonna work on muscle group that I think are lagging behind

You should be?, You should be? Or using my fitness pal to track calories in? Or something like a track calories burned? Otherwise how you gonna know if you're even in the ballpark? Before you everyone darts starts shitting on fit bit, it's better than nothing

Forgot pic

161 cal over your talk it is not that bad at all. Just don't do it again. My problem was that I ate for large slices of meat lovers pizza, oh my god that was horrible idea

All right guys so I usually come here to work out in the morning like at 10 AM. Usually there's hardly anyone there and I got to the gym to myself. It's 8:50 PM here now and there's so many people.

The guy in the middle of this picture, does he look bigger what? I never seen this guy before so I walked closer to get a good look, maybe even 'mire. I walk up to him and, what do you know, he's as tall as my shoulders. When are they going to learn?

All right guys, got 344 cal to go, that should be enough to knock out for the run back in. I got 2.7 miles to go

170 cal to go

Fucking kill me.

>cardio was 200 floors in 30 minutes and 30 mins of laps in el pool

Hard cutting for SPRING BREAK BOD

I'm back. 5.4 miles and a light weight lift work out later, I finally burned that 788 pizza calories. Time for a cold shower, melatonin pill for deep sleep, and a good 9 hour high quality sleep.

I made a mistake today but I learned something from it. I learned what an intense hunger craving feels like and how powerful it can be. Next time I'll recognize it before it's too late.

Why so many fats, so litle protein? All cardio and no weight lifting? Do you want to lose weight or lose body fat?

Military weigh in next week. I'm back under by 5 pounds now. I did a dirty bulk and now a big cut recently. BMI can't be an excuse.

Extenuating circumstances, it all makes sense now. Make sure you get enough sleep and good luck in the military, navy boot camp was an 8 week party for me.

You really only need to burn maybe 200-300 calories from that pizza. Lmao, now you have over burned and your body is going to suck in all the calories from your next meal.

Then theres me