What are some Sub-Saharan African contributions to civilization?

What are some Sub-Saharan African contributions to civilization?

I'm sick of the uneducated retards over on /pol/ telling me black people never did anything interesting so I decided to ask you intellectuals.

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they provided slaves for labour I guess

They sold each other as slaves to actual civilizations like Phoenicians, Arabs, Egyptians, Jews, Moors, Romans, Spanish, Turks, British, Americans, Belgians, Dutch, Indians, French, Persians.
That's a pretty important contribution.

WIthout they slavery we wouldn't have had cheap sugar, and thus cheap booze like Rum. They mixed offspring invented some catchy dances and music too, but its all so mixed with white influences than it wouldn't be fair to call it african.

>tfw slavery is the sole notable contribution of all subsaharan africa

Ethiopian Philosophy


Everyone is BLACK in Africa

That's the power of American education , I see.

Some Blacks in the North are a bit White because they BLACK'D European cavemen.

came here to write this
by selling each other as slaves to white people they contributed in pushing the economy forward so that's great i guess

Jokes aside Sub Saharan Africans have invented literally nothing that benefited the world at large.

>Veeky Forums


inb4 some faggot says "hurr theyre actually white"

I don't if this strictly counts as "African" but a black man pioneered modern heart surgery techniques and another one invented the video game cartridge; Vivien Thomas and Jerry Lawson respectively. Look it up.

I'm gonna dump some pics of pre-colonial SSA architecture. How they compare with stuff from other parts of the world is subjective but I think they're pretty cool.


Someone's gonna say this was actually built by the French in the 20th century but thats not true. It's a reconstruction of an earlier mosque designed by an indigenous Malian paid for with French money.






>Fasil Ghebbi
It was built in the late 1700s.


...uh, yeah, thats pre-colonial.





Ethiopia was never a colony, and more importantly it's after most colonies in the world were formed.


I mean it's kinda hard to fuck up a lighthouse.

I'm referring to after European incursions into Africa which had not really been occurring at the time.

They didn't invent anything that was not invented elsewhere

So the alt-right narrative has gone from they invented nothing to they did not invent anything that was not invented elsewhere?

Nothing like no seriously NOTHING.

Black is a culture really. It's not so much about race.

This was built with the help of Omani architects and engineers.

>tfw the black race practices based civic nationalism

No, it wasn’t. Just because something has Arab influence doesn’t mean they built it. Otherwise I can just as well say that Northern Europeans are just stealing Roman architecture.

Itt sub saharans btfo hardcore

I said with the help of Arabs. Clearly that is Arabic, Islamic inspired architecture.
Zanzibar was an Omani colony for a time so there is alot of arabic, Islamic influence there.

>What are some Sub-Saharan African contributions to civilization?
None, basically.

>ITT, /pol/ spammers ignore the good posts as usual and resort to their common tactic of spamming the same empty talking points

All I can think of when it comes to Subsaharan Africans is their unique bronze casting technology pic related.

West Africans also developed their own unique style of weaving.

Just ignore ancient Egypt.
>Inbf muh wikipedia!

And clearly contemporary English architecture was inspired by the Romans. I can play this game of diminishing agency among select peoples too. Also, Kilwa Kisiwani isn’t in Zanzibar.

This, you wh*te subhuman crackers would still be living in caves if the BLACK pharaohs didn't invent all this shit.

So the alt-rights narrative is whatever you decide it to be after reading a single post on Veeky Forums?

You seem like an arrogantly imbecilic cunt


That is true to a degree although the English eclisiastical architecture was quite distinct and developed largely independently the Roman styles, remember once the anglo Saxons invaded stone buildings stoped being constructed.
Kilwa may have not been in Zanzibar but it was apart of the same Omani colony.

they sold """"""people""""" as slaves which caused other societies to make massive contributions to civilization

You knew what you were doing with this thread

every society besides the catholic french monarchy gets shit on in Veeky Forums. deal with it


Give me a break, you’re holding England and Kilwa to two different standards. For the record no ones denying Kilwa was subject to Arab and Persian influence but you seem to be diminishing the agency of the people who built it because they happen to be black.

I'll give you this, the 25th dynesty of Egypt was ruled by blacks but remember this was also a time of decline and no long after the Achaemenid Persians invaded and controlled Egypt for another 200 years.

That's not what I'm doing at all I'm just educating misinformed people is all.

So you’ll agree that nothing is entirely original but that doesn’t take away the agency of the people who built it?

Would you say this is accurate?

Jews have higher IQ, post that on /pol/ if you want replies.

I think white nationalists have submitted themselves and accepted jews are better than them because it gives them a spooky boogeyman and makes the narrative so that they are the victims. It makes them feel as though they are on the defensive and thus makes their "plight" seem more heroic and worthy. They love to play the victim role.

I'm a race realist and I accept both claims. So what? Human worth does not merely correlate with IQ.

Fuck off kike, there are more whites than jews so jewish overrepresentation is due to racial nepotism.

>basically admitting to being intellectually stomped by polacks through sheer residual butthurt

Avg IQ in Israel is 94 lmao look up who wrote the papers on the IQ's of Ashkenazim

Israel is 50% Arab, and the rest are mostly non-Ashkenazi. That high IQ doesn't apply to jews in general, just the Ashkenazi.

Cataract removal

>Israel is 50% Arab
West Bank and Gaza aren't counted as Israel, Schlomenstein.

Firstly, yes they are, and secondly the "Jewish" parts of Israel also have very high Arab minorities.

Had a lot of exports. Well, when I say exports, I mean people just going in and taking shit.

>yes they are
UN says otherwise, kikelord.

>not understanding per capita