/thicc/ Discuss how to get thicc, post thicc inspirations, etc

/thicc/ Discuss how to get thicc, post thicc inspirations, etc.

Old pastebin: pastebin.com/fmyJtHVM

use steroids

downvoted you faggot

what is the point of this thread?
eat more if you want to get thicker


>what is the point of this thread?

Sharing gay porn.

theres way to many dicks there

just thick bods bro

Discussing how to get thicc, specific training style, diet, /fraud/ if that way inclined, posting thicc goals/homo bait, etc.

I wished these gays did straight porn.

its always fucking lankets with massive dongs banging

>specific training style, diet
Can you elaborate?
All I ever seem to read is "barbell/compound lifts" and "lots of food" then the threads turn into pics of almost naked guys (which is great but I'd also like some more information)


Nope. That's it. Barbell training and eat well. Then post pics of urself looking thicc or mire other thicc brehs. No homo senpai.

Who is this?

Just wanted to say thanks for boyos replying yesterday

>Tfw magical DOMS after shrugs and rack pulls

How do I get nice arms like these men all have

Are you serious? Porn uses manlets so the big dongs look massive. Just compare the height to actress next time you see them standing, male actors in porn are always 160-170cm

>Just compare the height to actress

OHP, chins, close grip bench, curls.

Fuck this is the mode I want right here. Is this possible natty? How long does this take?
Whats his weight/height? Stats? I need to fucking know.

There are more pictures of him somewhere. He's a bodybuilder and this is him during off season or something.
Also my ideal goal bod desu



Been doing a PPL routine and trying to get thicc. I'm skinnyfat and have accepted that I probably will never look like Zyzz, but if I still try to build a v-taper while eating clean and lifting a lot I can get thicc, right?


can you get thicc without a barbell?

is that boardshorts?


That poor mans Rich Piana walking up the stairs towards the end.

>pics of almost naked guys

I'll dumb my thicc folder for you, honey.

Starting with a classic.


What looks better cut or bulk?





>just thick bods bro
Isn't he considered thicc?

Yup thicc works for erryman. Just quicker for manlets to achieve.

Probably not. Maybe through doing a lot of strongman type work combined with keeping bodyfat low. But barbell training is pretty much the foundation senpai.

bruh he looks like hes busting a nut


I heard that he's training in his clothes because he's tired of being homobait. Is that true?


Is this guy still around? Juiciest Veeky Forumsize ever.

Holy shit brehs everytime

wouldnt be surprised if it were true. straight men like to objectify, not be objectified. unless their crazy narcissistic ofc.

How common are these threads? I miss /hbg/

>all this barbell talk

so theres no way of getting thick with body weight stuff?

Been going again about a week. Haven't been nuked or banned yet so maybe the mods accept it's fitness related now/aren't as homophobic. The pastebin needs updating with the new name.


am I thicc? im pulling my stomach in :(

Need more muscle mass brah

The name is the only thing that needs updating? If that's the case you can just clone the pastebin and change it.
If I recall correctly the user who wrote it left in a sour note, so I doubt he's still here

yeah I wasn't really sure of the definition of thicc but I am aware now

Stop posting. You seriously have no muscle mass at all. Anyone not Auschwitz mode will look like you. Typical skinny fat who picked weights a few times.

Hold me bruhs this thread is overflowing with test.

"no muscle mass" I'm probably bigger than you.

>tfw ur straight and that ass will never be put to good use

wat a waste desu

Any experience in convincing your bf to go for THICC mode?

can someone dump the rest of pup

Shit what happened to the user?

Fug I love thick men. Saw a few rowers the other day, super tall, broad shoulders and so painfully thick wearing that tight rowing gear.

Just makes me wanna scream "fertilize me daddy." I really need a juicy big man like that.

100% agreed

R u a grill?

tfw I will never go into my garage and find this :\

Can you get thick using only body weight workouts?

Is it feasible to get big and thicc being 6'5 while natty?

thicc like pic related or Alan Thrall.

>that pic


yea, I thought that was alan thrall, but it wasn't and was to lazy search for another image.

He got angry because the mods were erasing the thread supposedly based on the gayposting, except it was one of the most productive threads back then. Understandable, really.

All the rowing guys I know are kinda lanky.
Rugby guys are better.


Believe it or not.

I don't like thick men if they are manlets. A man who's like 6'5 and thick (yet in a rather natural way, not talking about some unrealistic roid monster) is truly god tier. The local rowing club has these daddies and I just want them to carry me to the woods on their shoulder and fuck my brains out. Not sure if I'll ever get to experience that though.

the mods probably banned him cause the pastabin had borderline gay cringey shit

It's not really fitness related though, let's be cereal

Haven't seen but a handful of posts about actual fitness (routines/diet whatever)

and even then most of the responses would be "just lift heavy and eat more"

of course that shouldn't disqualify the thread since at least 1/2 of Veeky Forums threads have dick all to do with training or nutrition or whatever,

have some wooly

Hnng I'd tongue punch his fart box so hard

>fart box

i didnt think id find a name for guy butts more cringey than bussy but i guess i was wrong


Is there a way to get thicc if you are dyel but close to ottermode?

Was it garagebro that one qt trip who died?

>is there a way to gain muscle mass and fat

gee, what could this be,

Justin is thiccest.

Is Giovanni Del Biondo (John Effer) /thicc/?

It's a meme you fucking dip


What set/rep ranges do you thicc cunts usually aim for on your compounds? 3x3, 3x5, 5x5, more?


Klokov is thicc af too but he doesn't have that much bf imo.

He looks great here but some recent pics he looks like an absolute fucking house. Like just a massive blob.


Name? Stats? That is one damn dreambody, he is probably over 6'3 tho

ded thread

Started to increase weight and doing more reps on high volume since I didn't progress any further when slowly upping my weight until I reached my current max.

Hope it'll be a success. Only downside right now is that summer is coming and I need to cut. I'll go on a slow bulk this summer with a small calorie surplus.

Im at 208lb right now and cutting until summer too senpai

I let the thicc get a little out of hand last year and just got to a fluffy 220

Goal is 190

I'm at 189 lb at 6'1. Not quite happy about it since I realized that my first bulk during this winter was a complete desaster.

just wait til he finishes prep he'll be a monster


who is this?

That's actually something acheivable natty.

Shame about the ass. (no homo)

Οh shit nevermind, just read the rest of the posts.

It can get away from you easily (the bulk)

I really don't mind cutting though. Seeing fat come off and working out leaner feels just as good to me