Why is there such a fucking cult surrounding squats on the internet?

Why is there such a fucking cult surrounding squats on the internet?

If you say you don't need to do curls/chinups/bench for aesthetics no one bats an eye lid.

However if you say you don't need to do squats then all the fucking sperglord pseudo powerlifters crawl out of the wood work and act like THE ONLY way to build leg muscle is to squats.

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dunning-kruger effect

the internet is full of nerds who read SS or PPST3 and think this is the holy grail of lifting knowledge, and that they are now experts at all aspects of weight training

these nerds congregate on forums and imageboards

the fact is not a single exercise is necessary or even preferable for everyone and their myriad goals

If you say you don't need to do curls/chinups/bench for aesthetics, then you are a retard and no one bats an eye lid because they don't take you seriously.

Upper legs are not needed for aesthetics. Calves are tho

the answer is simple my friend, kill yourself

Curls and bench are what every bro does so autists latch on to a lift no one cares about in an attempt to be superior.

complete noob here

They're definitely not natty right? The middle guy, maybe, but the ones on the sides?

Low bar squats give you


All in one exercise. They also make you stronger far easier than the others.

You need to learn quickly that nobody with a physique that's admirable is natty.

Bonus /fit advice; Anyone that is bigger or has a river body than (you), is clearly on roids.


how about you just shut the fuck up and squat.

problem solved faggot

I like squats, I also do not think that Jeff is natty.

fuck off sperglords

Squats are overrated if you're not a manlet

Why chinups and not pullups?

not the only way sure, but the best way

Dorian also defends squats for most of the population

being bad/good at squats has nothing to do with height and everything to do with relative limb lengths

you can be 5'9" with femurs comprising 31% of your height, and be an abysmal squatter and not really be able to get much out of it for quad hypertrophy due to your mechanics

you can be 6'5" with femurs comprising 23% of your height, and be a good squatter and get a lot out of the exercise for hypertrophy

Only gay people will notice your lats breh.

Gosling is natty


> Veeky Forums where anybody smaller thsn you is DYEL, and anybody bigger than you is on gear

>natural athlete

gets me every time

Reminds me of the whole "tone isn't real" thing.
That shit got fucking annoying fast as fuck.

gosling is not natty ironically, you can roid and look like SHIT still.

Irl true, but you can angle yourself and get two inches from the mirror as a natty and look great in pics, it is just a matter of getting some size and then cutting really low bf %

Because no one skips chest day

Definitely none of them. Even the best natty physique still looks relatively skinny/ottermodey these days unless they're going for the thicc bear look. Lots of muscle + hardly any fat = steroids. Just look at their shoulders.

This. They are way to hard for their size.

How can that guy even sleep, he's living a fucking lie.

Jeff doesn't squat

holy shit that pencil neck and nearly non-existant traps on the nigger lmao

because squats are THE best exercise for full body. with squats you are not only working your legs. you are exercising all of the stabilizer muscles throughout your body and forcing basically every bone in your body to rebuild so your frame can support more weight in the future. no squat is the same from the perspective of stabilizing muscles.

read this shit strengtheory.com/how-to-squat/

I'm not denying that squats aren't the best lower body exercise, I'm just saying they aren't 100% necessary like any exercise

There is 0% chance that any of them are natty.

>why does a website full of autists act like autists?

c'mon man