What went wrong

what went wrong

Nothing. Corrections are supposed to happen.

nothing? it was just a pump and dump, did you expect something more?

wait noob. is not a film that instant x2 moon. will be full recover, vtc have strong support and good whales.

GRS is pumping and dumping now if you want to lose more money

Nothing went wrong you idiot

still holding enron bags, heh?

You clearly have too few braincells to understand what a "Pump & Dump" is. Oh well, we tolc your Mom she shouldnt drink so much while pregnant but she wouldn't listen.

It's called a correction, something that happens with every stock or crypto in the history of mankind when they go up too fast from people FOMOing, fear of missing out.

Fucking stupid ass faggot.

Bought the bottom of the dip cause I'm not a FOMOing retard.

A 70 million pump & dump

thank you. made an easy x3 with 50k coin, moving on to another shitcoin...


It was the only thing going up for two days straight so a lot of short term traders bought and sold it

Will moon hard after fork, no worries. Set sell order at 90k sats though

It may not have started as a P&D but it quickly became one, at least for the day. A glance at the top 100 on each side of the order book and the cumulatives at the bottom of each column would have made this obvious.

Vert's potential is real but manipulators can ruin anything that's not already a sure bet, at least in the short-term. All the small-timers who got in at 60k+ yesterday suddenly found themselves on a designated shitting street getting bled dry by an impressively-coordinated effort.

Wipe away those bitter tears, user

digibyte was like 14th on coinmarketcap

t. non research pajeet hoping to make a quick buck

see you in 2018 at $40

I'm on a fucking mass loss today so nothing went wrong. VTC is not the only coin on a huge drop. Most likely for bitcoin fork.
And a little because weak hands went FOMO and sold for a quick 20% profit.

Understand this, a correction is when something is overvalued.
The demand for Vertcoin is low on Veeky Forums but very high on platforms such as Reddit. So basically Veeky Forums may classify this as P&D but this was not the case, entierly. Weak hands. Weak. Hands.

moooooo ning

go go go go

lift-off for 100k

oh look, the 115btc wall is back

Wtf stop mooning. I was a jew and didnt buy at 2.60 because I thought it could go lower

Fuck me


Buy walls like these mean PnD, plain and simple.

the problem is you're doing it again
look this is either a bull trap or a real recovery
anyway it'll go up for some time, see buy wall
gtf in now and when it's a little higher set a stop-limit

fucking shit is this just pump and dump or what why are my hands so weak i sold no loss

It's called the dip. Buy it.

This. How the fuck can you guys not be in the green with Vert.
It's going to stay above 3$ and there was plenty of dips under that.
Or just fire up your nvidia gayming card and mine this shit. Its an easy hold. 10$ by the end of the year screencap this or not I don't care just fucking hold your vert until the block reward half you'll see.

I believe in you brother. Your profits may not come quick, but be patient. Vertcoin will reward you for your strong hands.

>It's called a correction
50% correction in a day
you fucking clueless fucks do not even understand this volatility let alone what to call it with your human words.
Simply put it is a pump and dump because a group with large amounts of btc push it in and then dump it all, going away without replacing the bid. Then you'll see volume fall because it is no longer being pumped, it was dumped. Then you can just see the slower selling and bleed down because they are done PUMPING and all you can see now is bagholders selling into the people buying falling knifes. If you think groups are not actively pushing in BTC for the sole purpose of inflating the price of the alt in the short term knowing they will dump then you are just wonky.

lmao last chance

you went wrong, buy low sell high faggot don't buy the tip

wtf is this shit


It was a pump and dump.