How much should I be tipping the spotter? This spotter at my gym came over and helped me out this morning with my BP...

How much should I be tipping the spotter? This spotter at my gym came over and helped me out this morning with my BP. I gave him $3 cause its all I had in my wallet and he just looked at me like he was insulted. I really don't want to be "that guy" but I feel 2-3 is a reasonable tip. 5 seems to be pushing it for me, but if it's the customary amount here in the states I'll go with it.

I would typically tip 10-15% of the weight he spotted me. If he spotted me doing 45lbs, I would usually tip $4.50 or even $5.

is tipping the norm in US? here in eastern europe we just kiss on the cheeks and shake hands

how do you tip strippers in yurop

>kiss on the cheeks and shake hands

It's the same in Italy.
Today this guy kept saying I could just spot him back but he benched more than me so I had to calculate the difference and it took a lot of time

Just a heads up to you guys and anyone else making a visit to the states; you need a spotter certification to spot, especially if you're going to be staying somewhere with strick spotter laws like the midwest.

Somebody knows how many kisses I have to give in France?
Is 3 enough (and rlr cheeks?)

it's always EVEN kisses for a male spotter.
so just 2 or go for 4.
Lock eyes, and noses must touch when you go from one cheek to another

Hi, newbie to lifting here, I've been tipping $5 per session to this spotter at my gym. I noticed I keep getting dirty looks from everyone, it turns out he's not in their union. Should I stick to the unionized spotters?

guys im new and i dont know if this is real

what does deadlift build btw?

Builds your portfolio in Snap City stock.

Stick to the unionized spotters. They worked hard to get their work conditions improved and deserved every bit of your tip.

May may

>tipping your spotter
Why not just ask him on a date after benching that 45lb bar no pl8s. If anything you should tip the bench it did all the real work.

>i'm new
At least you're honest. No it's not real. Now lurk more

Well this might be easy for giant snooty french schnozes but what about more refined american noses? How close do I have to get my face before it looks like I'm trying to eskimo kiss him?

Honestly, if he has the proper certification and is performing quality spotting, then I see no reason why you should feel obligated to refuse his service. There is certainly a place for unions in the spotting industry, but competition for the unions is just as healthy. I say tip away, friend!

wtf, you fucking faggot if you played along with the joke he might have tried to fish a few dollars out of his gym shorts to hand to the guy who spotted him. fuck you, just tell him to lurk moar next time. Maybe he'll get the hint, maybe he won't.

don't ever tip union spotters. they're never satisfied with how much you tip and don't let them tell you how bad they've got it - their union deals cover them just fine. if they want to try their hand at the free market for tips, they shouldn't be crutching on a union to get them by.

I just give them a nice pat on the ass. Works every time.

i make a hard rule to tip my spotter 20%, no more, no less