Are philosophy majors the worst to take in college? Not to mention it’s non existent practicallity to a real life job...

Are philosophy majors the worst to take in college? Not to mention it’s non existent practicallity to a real life job, most of the ones I’ve met are some arrogant autists who believe they are right all the time.

slave morality

>they aren't allowed to believe they're more informed than you in a topic they majored in

Shit thread.

Is there a good way to study philosophy outside of higher education?

Except I’ll have some philosophy major in my model UN club tell me I’m not “working hard enough” or not doing my job right. When I ask what I could do to be better, I never get an answer. I just get constant criticism or attempts to take my job away from me without any advice. I’m all ears for how to be a better treasurer or do something better in my club, but when I actually work, get criticized with no attempts to offer a way to better my job, I get frustrated. And it happens across multiple areas.

I’m not pretending I’m a better philosopher or anything like that. I know what I specialize in and don’t.

>one or two people are assholes
>therefore everyone who shares a characteristic with them is the same

Every philospher I’ve met has had a pretty obvious attitude of self superiority. I minored in history and every one I met in a history class was a literal “tfw too smart for school” while getting a C. I’m sure there’s not asshole philosophers, but they keep to themselves.

I'm a STEM student (study bio and chem) and I met this guy that was doing psychology with a major in philosophy, and we got into an argument when he insisted that philosophy is necessary for science to exist, since scientists are incapable of abstract thought and therefore cannot get the "inspiration" to study and discover things without a philosopher guiding them. I laughed in his face.

ITT: Things that never happened

More like ass mad philosophy majors convinced of their own self importance.

virgin philoso major vs chad philoso minor

Anyone that does philosophy is a faggot cuck anyway.

He was right though. The scientific method as we used it today was invented by the empiricists.

Back when science was first being formed as we know it now, sure. But to suggest that scientists in 2018 are incapable of abstract thought or inspiration is absurd. Even the least accomplished student in my class is far more intelligent and capable than any philosophy student.

hubris. Science is a dead end


How is it a dead end?

it doesn't lead to anything. There is nowhere for it to go at this point.

You do realise that anyone that wants to work in the medical field has to study biology, right? And in some cases chemistry too.

So tell me the many places that philosophy leads to?

>I am a brainlet that gets triggered by smarter people

>that philosophy is necessary for science to exist

It is, but not for the reason you state. The methodologies and epistemological frameworks used in science are products of philosophy, indeed science is itself an applied use of philosophy. Thales, commonly considered the first philosopher (in the western tradition anyway, I don't know if there are or are not older Indian or Chinese philosophers) was distinguished in part by being the earliest known thinker to break from mythological explanations and branch into scientific and rationalist explanations for natural phenomena.

The stars, the heart, the growth of the soul, civilization.
it is an art far more than a science
its over. its a part of engineering if you actually do work in it at this point

You guys keep repeating the same shit over and over again. YES, SCIENCE WAS FORMED OUT OF PHILOSOPHY SEVERAL CENTURIES AGO. We all know that. Nobody is denying it. But with the invention of the scientific method in the 19th century, science has moved very far away from its philosophical origins, and the two fields share no resemblance today (take it from someone that actually fucking studies several sciences).

I know a lot of you guys actually studied philosophy ad history and other humanities so you have an interest in defending them, but come on. If you took even one science class post-high school you'd realize how utterly alien philosophy and STEM are from each other.

>it is an art far more than a science
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA fucking WHAT? I actually know you're trolling now. Before I thought you were stupid but serious (like all humanities students), but now I know you're just a troll.

>its over. its a part of engineering if you actually do work in it at this point
Ever heard of pharmacology?

Shame that you never learned how unimportant anecdotes are. Guess you really could have used a philosophy class.

If people are unable to use personal anecdotes to form opinions, then why the fuck should people even be allowed to speak? We live through our own experiences, you fucking retard faggot.

surgery is 100% an art

Okay, bye bye troll.

They are good for defining your personal experience but not really useful at all for making conclusions about entire groups of people.
For instance, every person I've ever met who hates philosophy has been an ugly faggot, therefore you are too. This is the stupid train of thought you're using.

>every person I've ever met who hates philosophy has been an ugly faggot

Literally every non-arts student I've talked to thinks philosophy is a fucking joke, so I really don't think you're at all accurate with your assessment.

Jeez, you humanities fags really are so insecure. It's almost sad.

Right over your head. My point is that falling back on lazy anecdotes is not actually a way to have an accurate conception of a group of people. Since it's subject to at the very least your own bias but in particular your sample size and pure dumb chance.
You could use this to make an unflattering generalization of any group of people imaginable. If I said all people who drove Ford Tauruses were cretinous low IQ morons because the only Taurus drivers I've ever met have been idiots I would be just as unfair as you were being in your initial assessment.

But they're not that alien. Science uses the methods and ideas created by philosophy (indeed, even the tools of math were often created by philosophers) and the social sciences especially still lean heavily into what most people recognize as philosophy. If it's a field of intellectual inquiry, it is both a product of, and subcategory of, philosophy.

Science as a field of study is dead, and the institutional shell is all that's left. Modern "science" is a secular organized religion that is used as an appeal to authority by bourgeois academic gatekeepers and special interests who fund certain institutions who will perform certain studies for them, which may or may not be falsified on along any step of the scientific process, whose results promote their political agenda.

>arrogant autists who believe they are right all the time.

I'm definitely far more autismal and arrogant in general after doing a Phil major, but I'm now also far more aware how fucking dumb I actually am and how little I know, feel like I listen more to shit I don't agree with now and try to understand the opposing view. But then also destroy normal-scum with basic philosophical tenets that they've never heard of and they get intellectually intimidated

>model UN club

this board is 18+

But you do have power over outside events