My doctor says I shouldn't lift anymore. What do I do?

>18 M
>6'2'' 150 lb
>Tall, skinny, lanky build for my entire life. This along with other mild symptoms are obvious signs of marfan like syndrome.
>Started lifting one month ago
>Feel better than ever
>Do check up on my heart and consult cardiologist before deciding to go further.
>Says I'm fine for now but I should stop lifting because there's a good chance it will damage my heart on the long run.
>Says I can still do other workouts that don't involve intense physical exertion.

What do I do anons? I want to get fit but I also want to stay safe. I've considered swimming but it's literally too cold to swim outside for half the year where I am, and there's no nearby gyms with indoor pools that I can afford. Advice?

My advice would be to get a second opinion.

Arent people with marfans huge nba players

Dafuq kind of doctor advices against a healthy lifestyle? and especially if you have an underlying condition you could rehab

Not like Op is gonna do tons of roids and chub fifty sips a day


You're young, odds are you would be able to heal even if you went to hard. Go lift you fucking pussy.

if u wana chase ur dreams u gota ignore da haters

long distance running also damages your heart in the long run, but as you see they still let teenagers do it all of the time

Yea I'd also say get a second opinion, I wouldn't say lifting even raises your heart rate THAT much.

>My advice would be to get a second opinion.


Friend see another doctor as I have never heard this unless it is an exceptionally odd case.

Get that second opinion as a healthy life style does great wonders for your heart and keeps it strong.

lifting does not lift it that much, get more opinions, make sure its not just the doctor checking his back

fuck what the medical expert says you should totally do what a bunch of inept NEET's on Veeky Forums say instead.

Isaiah Austin had to quit professional basketball just before the NBA draft because he was diagnosed with Marfan's

Tfw diagnosed with marfans syndrome as a toddler

>never was allowed to participate in gym class when I was little

>stayed weak because my already overprotective parents were afraid that any exercise would stress my heart too much

>not allowed to play with other kids in playground, stayed inside by myself playing with blocks all day

>highschool rolls around and I'm a skinny lanklet with no social life because I spent my childhood alone

>end up seeing a specialist one day who says I was misdiagnosed and I don't have marfan syndrome after all

>fuck my shit up senpai

I'm in college now and I've startes lifting but I can't help but feel I really missed out on a big part of my childhood

My advice? Dont squat heavy. Sort out your spine and become the king of deadlifts.

>don't involve intense physical exertion

Google "marfan syndrome systemic calculator" to determine if you actually meet all of the criteria. The scale for diagnosis was changed in 2010 because of a problem with people being misdiagnosed

>stayed weak because my already overprotective parents were afraid that any exercise would stress my heart too much
>not allowed to play with other kids in playground, stayed inside by myself playing with blocks all day
>highschool rolls around and I'm a skinny lanklet with no social life because I spent my childhood alone

I'm sorry bro that sounds terrible.

You can't recover the time you've lost, only enjoy the time you have now. Glad that you found out it was a misdiagnosis though. Now you can do everything you never thought you were able to do as a child.

fuck it if you feel better and it makes your life more enjoyable why stop.

You're going to die anyway so you can either baby yourself and live a long uneventful life or you can push it to the limit and go out knowing you had fun. In the end we'll all end up on a deathbed wishing we had more time.

ct Fletcher has a valve in his artery and that doesn't stop him you pussy ass fucking faggot making excuses not to lift

Needs more protein