How did africans trick colonials

Into taking their most criminal and degenerate people off their hands, and pay money for them? How dumb were the colonials to fall for such a scam? We're they just that desperate for manpower.

Other urls found in this thread:Álvaro_Fernandesçarote_de_Freitasão

Why do you think that they sent then to America instead of Europe?

doesn't matter how degenerate you are when your only job is to carry rocks or pick cotton

A significant percentage of the "colonials" were criminal and degenerates forcefully deported from the UK, prior to independence North America was essentially being used as a penal colony by the UK.

They were selling people to colonials as well as arabs, which had been going on for a very long time. A few were bought by Europeans.

>Into taking their most criminal and degenerate people off their hands,
Most slaves are just war captives or Tribal peoples taken by African state-entities like BENIN :DD

Why is it that the narrative is that whites enslaved blacks when in fact they simply bought already detained people? Malaria alone dictated that whites could not enter interior africa.

It would be like you asking to borrow some money from someone, then when you get away from the loaner and amongst your friends you "tough guy" the story, like "yeah I just beat him up and took it".

god can you imagine being a plantation owner? fuck you'd get to impregnate so many of these chocolate semen demons. why was I born into this age, rather than as Charles Francis Beauregard, illustrious impregnator and owner of estrogenic ebony goddesses

never claimed they did
you are right though, the scramble for africa only began in the late 19th century, and whites had already been utilizing black slaves for centuries before that, not sure how no one on the "whitey gib repairazionz" side has put the pieces together yet that blacks enslaved other blacks and then sold them to whites

Plantation owners were like the top 5% in terms of wealth. You would have likely been a peasant in Europe at this time.

You could have easily been a sailor on a slave ship and raped that ass for free.

You could gift your grandson a 75%+ white slave
God I hate Ang*os, why did they even end slavery, we could have a had 90+% white sex slaves by now.

This is why your sex drive is your worst enemy. We need to develop a way to reproduce non-sexually, there's too many thirsty men resorting to beastiality upon meeting a negress and spawning a pack of demented mongrels as a result.

>Why would you want to rape a woman?
Hypergamy dictates that she would likely be willing. Also most of the fun of sex is mutual enjoyment. I know people like to think no level of humanity existed in the past, it is highly unlikely that everybody or even most were utterly sadistic.

I don’t understand how you whites could believe we would ever sell off people we actually LIKED

t. Naija

I never said anything about being sadistic or them not enjoying it.

>Africans sell their trash to Jewish merchants
>Jewish merchants sell this trash to white colonial upper class
>white colonial upper class profits like crazy while white working class suffers from deppressed wages
>slavery ends, now free black trash gets dumped into cities
>white working class now has to suffer living around criminal niggers while simultaneously getting blamed for what Jewish merchants and white upper class did
>white/Jewish upper class lives in safe gated communities and laughs at white working class for being poor while dumping resources to help the blacks
Are working class whites the biggest cucks of history?

The working class whites in the USA are the descendents of indentured workers, prisoners, religious nutcases, dreamers who thought they would find gold and refugees fleeing famines. So, yeah, probably.

No most whites in America today are Ellis island immigrants.

If your truly deeply rooted in colonial America chances are you are not "white" via the one drop rule.

>No most whites in America today are Ellis island immigrants.

Those would be the refugees feeling famine.

I want to trick her into crushing my skull between her thighs

Most "white" americans are descended from irish, scots, french and german people fleeing famine, war and religious persecution.

You forgot Poles and Italians.

While it is true that the whites overwhelmingly bought, rather than captured slaves, it is important to remember that the presence of a willing buyer led to a vastly increased profitability of enslavement in the African continent, which in turn meant that far more people would eventually be enslaved.

In short, by buying captured slaves, the Europeans ensured that more slaves would in turn be captured.

Selling off PoWs and others that were out of favor of local rulers was already an established market in africa and the colonials were just a new client.

Maybe the US should try to market and sell it's prisoners abroad?

There is no market for slaves abroad anymore however there is an established market at home of private prisons using prisoners as slave labor.

You'll probably scoff at that point but that's exactly how future generations will see the US imprisonment rate which wildly surpasses any contemporary major nation on Earth (Seychelles alone manages to incarcerate more per capita because it is in the international dumping ground for pirates and only has a population of 100,000) and is probably only surpassed in history by Stalin's gulags.

The one thing that never changes in history is the ability of people to fail to recognize what is right under their nose.

need a name for this spink mink

>their most criminal and degenerate people
That's not really true though. The slave trade was so profitable that those kingdoms were just making the punishment for ANYTHING be slavery.

Yes but if you keep doing it, you'll create objectively better blacks.

Please tell me she does porn.

> it was already there
But the volume of enslavement massively increased as the demand increased. Simple economics

resist the thots user


Why tho?

>it's our prerogative to uplift the nigger race
Remember all slave revolts and BLM movements were headed by mulattoes. They're far more bloodthirsty than pure blacks.

How bad did America have to be for a punishment to be being deported from Africa for America.

That's probably because they tend to be in well off families and nothing is more dangerous than a middle class idiot with identity problems.

It's biological.

Yeah but in said revolts, the pure blacks always killed the mulattoes. Also mulatto isn't far enoug, if we keep going blacks will only be 1% black blooded.

>everyone says niggers are a problem
>don't want to fix the problem so that it isn't one down the line
>don't want to just genocide them either
You don't want an actual solution, you just want to bitch.

black women are cocksucking sluts with asses like no other

also they really needed some field hands down on the plantations


I once fucked a black chick but she turned out to be a mother so I left her. Mean me!

>actual solution
Repatriation to Africa

They're still there. That isn't solving the problem, it's pushing it somewhere else.

If they're in Africa and not elsewhere, they're not a problem.

Yes they are, they exist. You're telling me that we could turn wolves into every known species of dog, aurochs into cows, and corn into...what corn is now, but blacks can never be improved. Bullshit I say, we have the power of science behind us, we can alter their very genetic code.

Improving wolves doesn't involve having sex with wolves creating human-wolf hybrids and effectively destroying our species you racemixing swine. Go back to the oven.

>and effectively destroying our species
What are you talking about? We can use genetic engineering to make us superhuman. The only way humans will be destroyed is that we'll be replaced with something more powerful. I want an entire human species of genetic supermen.

Colonials didn't care, they only wanted farm equipment not citizens.

The average slave owner had 4-6 to a property. Around 12 percent of the population owned slaves.

>their most criminal and degenerate people off their hands
Yeah because africa is a great place now

Look at that. I mean seriously look at that girl. I would seriously kill like 2-3 in cold blood for a girl like that

Are you really that fucking thirsty?


The belyaev fox experiment didn't mate dogs with foxes it used only foxes and selected for friendliness. If you did the same thing with blacks in 6 generations their would be no nigger problem or a mutt identity problem.

>Why is it that the narrative is that whites enslaved blacks when in fact they simply bought already detained people? Malaria alone dictated that whites could not enter interior africa.Álvaro_Fernandes

>In 1443, one of Henry's captains, Nuno Tristão, discovered the Bay of Arguin (on the modern coast of Mauritania), which was dotted with small Sanhaja Berber fishing villages, the first native settlements the Henrican captains had seen since passing Cape Bojador ten years earlier. This discovery whet the appetites of Portuguese merchants, who immediately saw the easy and profitable prospect of slave-raiding on those vulnerable settlements. Between 1444 and 1446, a cascade of Portuguese slave-raiding expeditions, organized by private consortiums and armed with Henry's license, ravaged the Arguin banks, seizing the poor Arguin fishing folk as slaves to sell in Europe.çarote_de_Freitas

>Lançarote's fleet headed straight to the southern end of the Arguin Bay, where they had been told by Nuno Tristão's captives that populous fishing settlements could be found. A pre-dawn raid on Nar (Nair island) yielded the first set of captives. This was followed up by raids on the larger neighboring island of Tider (Tidra island) and Cerina (Serenni peninsula). In just a few days, the Lagos fleet had taken some 235 hapless Berber natives captive. The remaining population having fled the coastal settlements and hidden in the hinterlands, there was little point remaining in the area. By August, the fleet had arrived back in Lagos with their human cargo.ão


>Eurangutans fantasizing about raping literal female African slaves

Disgusting! Euros truly know no morals.