Suppose Hitler didn't invade Poland or France and that, somehow, they maintained economic stability. His only goal then...

Suppose Hitler didn't invade Poland or France and that, somehow, they maintained economic stability. His only goal then, is the eradication of German and Austrian Jews, gypsies, etc.

If word got out as to what was happening in regards to this now smaller scale holocaust, would other nations care enough to intervene?

Nazi land grabs is what started the war, but would knowledge of the holocaust cause any other nation to act?

Other urls found in this thread:

>starts mass murdering Jews
>Canaris & Friends use this as the pretext for a coup with clandestine English and French support and overthrow the Nazi Government

Welcome to the rule of Canaris, 1st of his name, Kaiser of the Germans

If the July 20 plotters couldn't do it, why did Canaris have a chance?

Probably just lots of economic sanctions honestly

It depends if Hitler remilitarized the Rhineland, annexed Austria and partitioned Czechoslovakia. If he hadn't pursued an aggressive foreign policy then there might not have been an intervention.

Okay, let's say he annexes Austria but leaves Czechoslovakia alone. There's nothing really solid that says he'd pursue any further land grabs, but antisemitism is still being pushed in Germany as hard as it historically was with the Nazis.

Jews are being rounded up and taken somewhere and they aren't coming back. Propaganda alleges resettlement but anyone can work out what's really going on.

Would thus cause any of the western European powers to act?

Or more interestingly, how does Mussolini respond? Does he condemn the overt racism of the Nazis, or does he turn a blind eye and side with the similar government?

Outside support

Somehow I doubt it. Jews were not exactly popular anywhere back then. They're really not all that popular now, but nobody is prepared to stomach wholesale slaughter either. In the 40s, people were a lot more nakedly xenophobic. I doubt anybody was going to raise the specter of another world war just to save the German jews.

Give other countries a pretext to gang up on Germany.

Nobody would have cared.

The Jews were universally hated everywhere. The whole idea that the Allies fought the Nazis to stop their racist oppression was a narrative invented after the war to justify the ongoing occupation of German and the execution of its leaders.

Honestly the Allies probably would have protested, but wouldn't have gone to war over it. People didn't really care enough about Jews.

The west would likely turn a blind eye. To antagonize Germany for purely moral reasons would make no strategic sense and political leaders would find maintaining a staunchly anti-communist bulwark against the USSR useful.

>and political leaders would find maintaining a staunchly anti-communist bulwark against the USSR useful.
Do you read history outside of Nazi propaganda? Nobody viewed Germany as an anti communist bulwark. The USSR and Germany were each other's biggest trading partners, and there was even flirtation with the idea of attacking the USSR in 1940 solely because of their link with the Germans.

WW2 was decided by realpolitik, not by any concern for the Jews. British foreign policy has been based on two basic premises since the 1600s:
1. No State must become hegemonic on the European continent
2. The seas must remain open at all costs to British trade

When Hitler invaded Poland he crossed line 1.
Had he not done so the world would simply not have intervened.

Horst Tappert would've been a shit ruler

>If word got out as to what was happening in regards to this now smaller scale holocaust

No WWII means the Germans don't have to murder the Jews, simply make life so shitty for them that they leave.

Sure, the UK, France and the U.S. won't want them but German Jews would have had no choice but to leave and would have dispersed wherever they could go.

>His only goal then, is the eradication of German and Austrian Jews, gypsies, etc.

There were no plans for the physical elimination of Jews before 1941. Before the war, the German Jews were supposed to emigrate.

>would the people who actually committed numerous genocides and colonized half the entire world care about some minorities in germany?

I'd imagine it wouldn't be any different than worldwide reaction to North Korea's concentration camps. International pressure through economic sanctions, but not engaging into a formal military conflict. The morbid reality is that most countries don't care if you're killing your own citizens.

The idea that a foreign country can invade a country mistreating it's own citizens to protect them against their own government is in large part a product of the WW2 we had. Wilsonianism would likely allow such intervention, but getting support for it would be much, much tougher in a world that didn't go through WW2.

>There were no plans for the physical elimination of Jews before 1941. Before the war, the German Jews were supposed to emigrate.
Germany literally forbade Jews from leaving the country.

Yes, in October 1941. Proving my point.

Even prior to the war against Poland, Germany made it practically impossible for Jews to leave by outlawing taking any money or goods out of the country with them. If you want Jews to leave, why would you put in policies that would ensure that most of them stay?

>Even prior to the war against Poland, Germany made it practically impossible for Jews to leave by outlawing taking any money or goods out of the country with them

Wrong. Reich Flight tax was 25% for emigrants with more than 200.000 RM; additonally, an emigrants fee (Auswandererabgabe) was introduced in 1938/39 in order to cover the emigration costs for poor Jews, it amounted to 1-10% for assets above 1.000 RM

As others have said if he eradicated the Jews in his own country, no one would have cared.

The war was started because a resurgent Germany was tearing up the Treaty of Versailles. Poland and France were both countries that gained territory from Germany in the Treaty of Versailles, so invading either of them was unacceptable.

It is a later misconception that the war had to deal with the rights of Jews, or even fascism, which is created by things like the nuremberg trials which changed the narrative after the war.

But didn't Hitler declare that the mission of the Nazi movement was to destroy "Jewish Bolshevism"?


>which changed the narrative after the war.

Didn't they just acknowledge that the war was fought to stop German aggression, but they found out about the holocaust during the war and then had to try everyone that was involved?

Everyone at the time would've known why the war was fought, and it wasn't over the treatment of jews.

>Hitler being a hypocrite and an opportunist
>This somewhat surprising to anyone.
Like I said, read stuff that isn't natsoc propaganda.

Canaris had outside support and bloody failed still.