Alright, Veeky Forums, after years of acne and of trying medications, antibiotics...

Alright, Veeky Forums, after years of acne and of trying medications, antibiotics, and skin treatments ranging from totally natural to 4 different creams and 2 moisturizers at once, my new dermatologist said the only option left is Accutane. What advice can people give me about the supposedly horrible side effects and how to manage them? He gave me the advice to only shower every other day, got me some special lotions, and suggested putting baby oil on dry areas after showers, regularly moisturize throughout the day, and be prepared for my skin to absolutely revolt for the first month. Made it very clear to avoid any alcohol since it might kill me.

Anything else I could do to make the next few months easier? Anyone taken it before and can tell me how bad it is, or if the side effects are just memes?


If you use sensible first world doses all you'll notice is some dry lips

If you come from a third world country like America where they give you fucking retarded massive doses you're going to feel like shit and go bald


How large is an American dose?

Not OP but I plan on ordering online. It's a lot cheaper than prescription. What's the best dose to take?

it will dry you the fuck out, moisturize, bring lip chap with you wherever you go. drinking a few beers now and then wont hurt, just keep it in moderate. also if ur depressed in might get worse. your skin will be super clear afterwords. i recommend it.

start with 40 grams, then after the first month go with 60 grams. make sure to get blood tested regularly

20mg will clear up literally anything bar massive cystic acne everywhere, in which case 40mg will clear it up in a few months

American doses is 80mg because why the fuck not

>40 grams
Did the poor kid rape and eat your mom?! There are easier ways to kill someone!

I had some like, fucking awful shit tier acne. Back acne so bad it'd scare off people.
This is only my experience, but IMO I feel like it has made my skin a bit thinner in general, and may have had lasting effects.
It's been like, six years since I took it but it did clear me up right after I finished, and while I am getting some slight resurgences now it's. Regular acne stuff, instead of nearly how bad it was.
....And mostly when I don't shower for a week like a disgusting pig.

Mine is pretty bad and unfortunately has already led to some pretty severe scaring on my chest. Hair won't even grow out of it most of the patches so it's more to prevent the spread of what's already there. He decided to jump to 40mg and make me come back in two weeks to get blood work versus the normal month to check up on me.

10% benzoyl peroxide being used every day didn't work for you? Shit user. I had acne issues, but I hated using the creams for it so didn't use it like I should Accutane was just easier.

Used like a fucking facial cream, I was going through two tubes a week for my chest, back, and face and it barely slowed it down.


Its the single best thing you can do for your self, put it on twice a day to stop your mouth cracking

Pro tip - if you are alone at night cover your mouth area with lanolin and then put a heavy layer of Vaseline all around your mouth

It looks fucking disgusting and you will have to wash your sheets every few days but if you do it every night you can have almost normal lips

Also play it safe, make sure you warm up before lifts. Your joints get dry and creaky on Acutane.

Have lip balm. ALWAYS have lip balm.

Damn user. That shit kills my pimples now. Can go from an angry inflamed pimple to not even visible after an application of it.

Well heres something no one else will tell you: Your entire body will become dry from it. Which means you will feel like you are on fire if you sweat heavily if you don't moisturize EVERYTHING. Also I had issues with food an an upset stomach constantly on it. Not sure if normal or not.

don't do this.. use something that actually adds moisture to the skin itself instead of removing it

vaseline and balms etc cause even more dryness long-term

use something that is clinically proven to moisturize.. go to google scholar/pubmed and find out what this is

i took it and after the cycle was complete i have absoloutely no acne. it's good stuff

Before Accutane works its magic, expect acne to be way worse.

Two months in and acne stars to vanish and dry out.

Depending on your acne type, expect some scars

you can get rid of that effect with some prednisone the first week.. also doing this most likely eliminates all your acne within days

don't your doctors know anything in murica? da fuggg

These guys are pussies. I've been on 40 mg for 4 months starting with moderately severe cystic acne. Cysts are all gone and most of the small stuff.

Sides: creaky joints sometimes, but i loft with good form so thats a non issue

Dry lips/ skin, I carry around a tube of aquaphor everywhere and use a cetaphil moisturizing cream on dry spots

Weird rash on my arm- more cetaphil cleared it

Mild depression- just stay busy and it'll make you lift harder. Its a good motivator if you harness it and stay away from vidya.

I have noticed my hair is a bit thinner, but its not noticeable if you just keep it a little shorter.

Overall very manageable. People are surprised when I tell them I'm on accutane because all they ever hear are horror stories.

I am muricun btw

What the fuck vaseline is great for dry lips. You want fatty cream to trap the moisture within the skin not some lotion or w/e. Dermatologist recommend vaseline and lip balm.

>tfw you loft with good form

then they suck at their job

using something that actually moisturizes (again look this up yourself), you will not need to have anything that leaves any kind of disgusting layer like vaseline does on your lips

also, if you are male and have a bunch of vaseline on your and go out you will look fucking ridiculous


>reduce inflammation
Yep sounds about right to deal with the flare up.

Vaseline doesn't moisturize you're right.
But you're wrong to think its not effective. It's just part of a job.

>moisturize lips
>apply vaseline film over to protect it and stop from drying out

The vaseline doesn't moisturize on its own, but it stops the skin from drying itself out via exposure to the air.

>Also play it safe, make sure you warm up before lifts. Your joints get dry and creaky on Acutane.
Now this is the shit that's important, he told me about joint pain but I can fight through that. I always warm up, but am I at risk of hurting myself more on this stuff? Should I reduce weight for a little while to see how badly my body reacts?

You're poisoning yourself with concentrated vitamin A. Always be careful. Shits gonna be different.

prednisone even gets rid of acne all by itself, even really fucking sever cases.. but you would want to avoid taking it long term since it is pretty fucking bad for you. Thats why you follow up with the accutane treatment

it is crazy that some people have to go through that insane acne period at the start still... some people killed themselves from that...

the depression thing is also mostly BS... of course people who have to look like absolute pizza faces will feel like shit.. a few even killed them selves during the initial break out period.. which is why they have to put the depression warnings in the documentation

Yep. The mental aspects are mostly in the head. But of course the body is also fucking confused since you are getting concentrated levels of Vitamin A.

Haven't taken it in years, but found that Eucerin (sp?) Lotion was the only thing that would keep my face from peeling like crazy.

It sucked for a while, but I have not had a zit in 20 years thanks to accutane. 10/10 would take again.

>the depression thing is also mostly BS
We went into depth about this. He told me that the people that seemed to "get" depression from this probably already were depressed as fuck, and just couldn't handle this miracle drug that they got from some fuck online or a dermatologist that didn't give two shits to explain anything failing on them. So they kill themselves since they think there's no hope of being able to get rid of the stuff and everything else piling on them.
I'm honestly doing it because I've gotten into lifting, the 17th will be six straight months after years of just cardio, graduated college, gotten a nice job and yet I'm still breaking out like fuck and I'm tried of waking up with blood on the sheets from shit bursting overnight. I'll take two more months of pizza face to not have to run to the bathroom to see if anything popped since the last time I checked.

I was on accutane when I was 17 (23 now). It dried the shit out of my skin and lips. Other than that I was fine, and I got god-tier skin from it.

The hangovers were fucking horrible though, and I was only 17 back then, so you might wanna go easy on the liquor.