Badguy thread

Badguy thread

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>is bad guy
>defending own land from invader

Does not compute

>rebelling against the just government in order to preserve the evil that is slavery
>not bad guys

Grey uniform = badguy

the ultimate redpill

>attacks first
>w-w-we're just defending ourselves from invasion!!!

The eternal hick strikes again


Wtf I hate the US now




love that there's just 5 random Marines interspersed like they're just part of the army



When you manage to creep out fucking Hitler himself.



When did they get gatling guns?

>United States
>just government


Fort Sumter could have invaded at any time

Maintaining a military base without permission in another country is generally seen as aggressive. I know the U.S. didn't see it that way, but considering the Confederate secession process wasn't that different from say Scotland or Quebec's I really don't think it was that egregious.

Kek. Motherfucker empirically did more good than 90% of Balkanoid leaders, e en with all the shit he fucked up.

hitler even wrote in his gay fucking book about how he wanted to team up with the anglos

>in another country

As a matter of perspective. I know it may be hard to understand, but political entities aren't tangible, and considering the United States pretty much universally agreed at the time that the sovereign people were the white voters I fail to see how them voting democratically to leave was unreasonable.

a state cannot be allowed to break itself apart. Say 51% choose to leave, it'd mean civil war. Secession is retarded, literally catalonia tier.

>owning slaves
>is good guy
Yeah no

What were they supposed to do?
Let them make their own decisions?

God forbid they let them work on equal footing

Ask stalin what an alliance with hitler is worth
>inb4 stalin was going to attack first hitler dint du nuffin

But Stalin was going to strike Hitler in 1942 if Hitler didn't beat him to the punch

Shermanposting is some of the most pathetic shitposting. Never once seen a real argument attached to one.

The actual William Sherman would probably have executed most of his fanbase.

He literally threw a shitfit whenever someone played "Marching through Georgia" in his presence.

The US wasn't meant to be the typical state, secession was not against the founding principles.
>That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security. Such has been the patient Sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the Necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.
- Declaration of Independence
Lincoln was a dumbass, he thought consent of the governed and all men are created equal meant no slavery the they meant nothing more than a refutation of the divine right of kings.
> Secession is retarded
The American Revolution was an act of secession from Britian you cuck. Imagine how much better things would be if we let the hicks down south secede with all their niggers.

No? There were more loyalists during the Revolutionary War then there were southern unionists in the Civil War, and both the United States and Britain did fine for themselves. Borders change.

I don't think they were the "good guys" (I think its a pretty stupid concept outside of fiction) but I always find it odd that the Confederates get singled out for racism in an era of imperialism and in a country founded by the same slave owning class. I get that its largely a backlash to years of revisionism, but I really don't think they stand out that much.

>gatling gun
>model 1873 Springfield carbine

send the 10th Cavalry to end those larper....

>The actual William Sherman would probably have executed most of his fanbase.

Sherman would never execute Union fact he didn't really execute many people at all, a few guerrillas.

>Yankees send oppressed niggers to kill and oppress Indians

>south secedes
>north rolls their eyes
>South spergs out and attempts federal property which was sold to them fair and square, starting the war
>REEEE, why didn't you let us secede???!?!
No one stopped them from seceding until they drew first blood

>attacks first

The North attacked first though


They got lost

>No one stopped them from seceding

They maintained military bases in the states knowing that doing so thoroughly undermined their claims of independence, and refused to negotiate with them.

I don't think the Union was at all wrong to do this (I'm not the guy you responded to) but the North chose war every bit as much as the South did.



I think that the best argument against the South being evil racists is that Prager U made a video about how the Civil War was 100% about slavery, and literally everything Prager U says is wrong.

>spiritual leader to not just his own band but all Lakota, Cheyenne and Arapaho
>gives a huge % of the money he makes working for Bill Cody away to beggars in Eastern cities
>bad guy

Tȟatȟáŋka Íyotake was a saint bro....

>I'm proud my country reluctantly ended something that it practiced without a second thought from its founding and then immediately went west to fuck up injuns.

That is some impressive cognitive dissonance.

He commanded savages who shoved an arrow up a mans penis.

nah man, that was this autistic bad-ass right here...

Jesus was a righteous dude
Mussolini was in the wrong place at the wrong time
Tito was a good boy
He lead his country, quite successfully through WWII, and learned from his WWI failures
Butthurt Southerners lmao

>owning slaves

I'm not from the south.

>le 56%

This thread is basically for the purpose of inciting argument, by posting the controversial national heroes of history, by the national enemies of those heroes.

Posting contemporary elected officials in lawful positions of government and popular culture is such an obvious and inarguable example of absolute evil, that there's barely any point in posting them

>saves pregnant Anne Frank
>is the bad guy

Is the US army all Mexican now or something


You know it's true.

Napoleon always irks me ,he was an amzing military commander immensely rewarding skill. He changed laws to so many good things and was overall a benevolent dictaotr ,but he also abandoned armies if there werent usefull anymore ,drove france into war for its own egos sake. He invaded my home country ,he mingled with rothschild jews. Also he was a literal cuck. But overall id say he was a good guy


It's amazing how these people will literally ignore history or even make up their own to maintain their narrative of a well-documented war decided over 150 years ago.