Starting Strength General /SS/

/SS/ guys

Who else is doing SS, post your progress here.

I'm really happy that I found out about Starting Strength. My goals were to look good, so I knew I had to drink a gallon of milk a day and get stronger because size=strength.

And wow, has it worked. I gained 30 lbs of lean muscle in 4 months, check pic.

Estimate my bf % today is 8%, (right), I weigh 193 lbs, at 5'10.5, making me almost competition ready for a bodybuilder.

U see a lot of natural bodybuilders competing at 5'10.5 200 lbs 8% bodyfat and I will have them beat in another month or two of SS + Gomad

SS even put hair on my chest and made me into a man!

Now that I'm strong, I like to go into the CBT and shitpost at people about how they are dyel twinks and I weigh WAY more than them and am stronger so therefore I have a better physique.

Anytime I see someone under 99% bodyfat I like tell them to 'eat as much as you can' and 'do a strength program'.

I am SO glad I didn't cut and do a hypertrophy rep range split program for bros.

PS: Eating clean is a lie, I made all my gains on mcdonalds.

Eating healthy is a meme, only tryhard athletes eat clean only cause healthy food has better nutrition overall, im eating shit as well.
When i started doing 5x5 compounds and 3x8 supporting on my fbw, im putting on 2,5kg more on every compound exercise every training its insane. I'm lovin them noob gainz.

bump, surely other people have made progress on SS?

have had their bodies transformed by mark's training and "nutrition?"

Yep keep it up!

Mcdonalds and pizza is the KEY to an aesthetic physique, and once you lift enough weight, you should look like this, roughly, because you lift a lot of weight

I agree, healthy food is a meme, eat crap, get asthetic!

Im not eating mcdonalds but yeah, still getting them 200g of prot a day, some carbs and a little of fat from what most would consider "unhealthy" food.

>200 grams of protein a day
Literally why? Do you weigh 220 lbs?

>t from what most would consider "unhealthy" food.

Fuck them, you can see ronnie coleman eating mcdonalds in photos.

So clearly, natties can look good eating unhealthy food.

Eat shit, it will work out great for you, just as long as you get enough protien

220 is pretty dyel desu, most powerlifters are 300+ and they look GREAT

But yeah I would suggest just eat like 50g of protein a day and the rest in fucking pizza that will go GREAT for you

118kg that'd be 260lbs

Damn bro mirrin you must be RIPPED.

Keep bulking, you can do it!

300 soon?

Remember eating clean is bullshit

Yeah im on a lean bulk rn i want to go to 120kg then cut to 100kg. I'll keep eating my cheetos while you snort asparagus.

Yeah man, you got this, you are gonna look SO GOOD after you cut!

I am 100% sure that you are gaining like, TONS of muscle mass with a strength routine and a cheetos diet with your SUPERB hormone profile that comes along with your LEAN body.

>t. small weak brosplit faggot

Wanna give me your email so i can post progress there? You can rate it. I'd greatly appreciate i'f you would.I can also send you my workout routine.

Trying to finish my cut
177cm and 66-67kg

>eating healthy is a meme

and I thought we were all here to look good AND be healthy.
try cutting with shit food and you'll see how it goes, micronutrients are nonexistent, satiety levels are trash and it has low volume(very underrated in cutting, volume.)

I fell for the dirty bulk meme when I started and regret it, months of cutting slowly due to that garbage

im talking purely about bulking, i don't eat shit when cutting, only cottage cheese and chicken.

You do u mean? I don't look small or weak, check the photo on the right, I look great!

Huge, ripped, juicy!

Oh, just post your progress for the CBT, it's alright.

ANyways you can reach me at

[email protected]

>and I thought we were all here to look good AND be healthy.

Huh? I'm here to be 300lbs and prediabetic but able to lift some autisic number of plates off the floor.

You look "small and weak" to me bro, I bet you can't even lift more weight than me.

I've never seen someone that triggered. Gonna take my creatine and citrulline and head to the gym, have fun posting in this thread.

>thinking this is funny advanced sarcasm

glands pls

just realized you're memeing with the right one being the current pic instead of the left


eat your veggies kid

Can't wait to see your progress pics!

>just realized I was being sarcastic

No wonder you were attracted to PL

I have a very adjustable schedule. Is it probable to do SS in a monthly pattern:
Or will the lack of extra rest ruin my linear gains? This is assuming perfect nutrition, sleep, and form for the sake of argument.

it would have been simpler to just say "every other day"

I dunno dude, training 3.5 times a week? I think you will be better off with less volume.

Don't want to overtrain

Which one is first, before or after? And by first, I mean left...

I went from left to the right in 4 months of SS

Mark Rippletits really helped transform my body with his training!

I look and feel great and I am so much stronger!

oct/2016 ~ late dec/2016

SS and muay thai 3x week. MMA on the weekends

ITT: Samefag replies to himself for the (You)s

>what is unique poster count