Forearms Everyday?

I read somewhere that forearms can be trained every day unlike other muscle groups.
Do u think that would be a bad idea 2 do that?



you don't have to read anything. look at arms that manual labor workers have like brick layers, carpenters, blacksmiths. they all have insane thick forearms.

Do it, do it, do it,

Train your forearms every day, every day on this earth, you train your forearms.

Wrist roller is the best things.

I dunno, this guy says he trained forearms every day as a natty, should I listen to him? hmmmm

I don't know, does he have forearms?

Forearms, calves, and abs can be trained everyday. Because they're basically always in use, they're designed to be difficult to exhaust. I do forearms and and abs daily, calves twice a week (six if you count running).

why would anyone wanna look like that? Like its one thing if you make a living off of it but seriously, wtf?

why would you NOT wanna look like that?

stay dyel

did you ever consider not everyone is lifting for girls dude? ever? Never ran through your virgininal can't get laid desperate little brain?

to leave humanity behind

b-but girls d-don't like t-that!

w-why don't you you l-lift for girls!

is that guy pursing his lips? He has 30 inches ripped veiny biceps and takes a selfie with a duckface?

You need better role models.

Dude looks like a cartoon character.

Don't aspire to be the male version of a busted Brazzers bitch with Double H cups.

but that guy is lifting for girls.

you're retarded, no one that looks like that gives a shit about what girls think

stay dyel FOREVER

it's low bodyfat %, it makes your face look like that in general

ok bro, wasn't trying to insult your boyfriend, no need to get so defensive. No one said he is small or anything, you know?

But, if you care that much about forearms, why not look at strongmen or people who require a lot of grip strength?


Because I want forearms that are made of muscle not lard.


Big but 95% fat= not good

So obviously powerlifting and strongmen training and being 95% bodyfat won't get me to my goals

You can train every muscle group every day. Protein synthesis lasts about 24 hours.

Just dont go to failure.

Are captain of crush hand grippers any good for forearm gains?
What size is good for a guy that can deadlift 365x4 mixed grip and 255x3 with double overhand?
They're like $50 each so I want the right stiffness


>being this soft and ignorant

CoC are good for cruching strength and therefore for grip too but not for size
use a wrist roller for it in addition to the main compounds
use the 1.5 if you have a regular fit guy strength or 2 if you have a good strength

no, it lasts exactly 44 2/3 hours

You are literally the dumbest person I've ever seen on fit.


daily reminder that if you ever cut you would have no forearms

forearms and calves are resistant to hypertrophy.
There are muscles and muscles. They're not the same and they respond differently to exercise. I'm surprised no one has mentioned this yet.

Compensation for something usually

Not one bit of a powerlifter, but nice projection.

>post selfie on Veeky Forums
>gets triggered when nobody thinks its impressive/attractive
>"m-muh lifts for grills"

Are farmer walks with dumbells good for forearm gainz? I do them along with shrugs and my forearms feel like they're about to explode out of my skin, crazy good pump

Good for grip strength only, not hypertrophy.


Hi masT

I have a dumbbell at home that can go up to like 12kg, can I try doing some wrist curls or something? My normal workouts are already too long, so I can't be bothered with adding forearms exercises to them.

>why would you NOT wanna look like that?

Believe it or not but where I live not all girls like bodybuilders, it's almost like they have different tastes depending on their personality. Look like that and you'll limit yourself to a very small target group of annoying attention whores.

It's not your body so why would he give a fuck about your scrawny ass opinion?

you can train every muscle group every day

why do you think curlbros exists? because they train biceps 7 days a week and it works. just less people are interested in being a tricepbro and training triceps 7 days a week but you would get the same results.

it's a fucking meme that you can't train same muscle group more than once maybe twice a week as natty.

>post mentions not lifting for women
>hur dur here's what I think women want

I think I'm gonna order some meme grips soon

Any sources for this?

Remember to fill the name field, masT

Every beginner program has you squatting 3x a week

i think you can hang from a bar everyday and do shit like that. i certainly don't think you can do some 4 sets of flexion and extension to failure to feel the burn or whatever every day.


Unless you're an elderly person you can train the same muscles everyday, I know guys who literally only curl and bench press everyday and they're big

You shut your whore mouth

he is a GOD