Is Facebook simply better to pickup girls than tinder?

Is Facebook simply better to pickup girls than tinder?

I had 0 reply rate on tinder but 31% reply rate on facebook.

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what do you open with on FB?

Im dubious about both desu
Facebook seems like a shit place but my exgf managed to meet a guy there (no surprise though, girls could walk into a meat processing plant and walk out with a date)

but is tinder really that bad?

dunno, have a pretty shitty game.
Say hi, how's everything.
wanna chat a little?

10% reply rate for Chads on tinder.

you mean 10% of girls message first

not really, Chads have a 27% success rate on tinder.

No, but you still meant 10% of Chads get messaged first

pretty much.

what are u implying?

It's cause on Tinder, if I don't like you, I unmatch and never have to see your face again. On FB, blocking takes more effort.

Furthermore, if I'm on Tinder, I know you're there to fuck, and I know I'm there to fuck. If you see "no hookups" or something similar in the bio and you believe it, you're an idiot. That's just there because for the owners of those bios, Tinder makes them feel slutty, so if they do hook up, it's not their fault.

Meanwhile on Facebook, I don't want to fuck everyone on my friend list. The friends list is partly for convenience and partly because a bigger number is a bigger ego boost... so the definition of "friend" is very very loose.

So, if you're trying to pick up girls, FB isn't much better of a place to do it. You want to pick up girls? Turn off your computer, put down your phone, stop being a scared little cuck and say hi to the next attractive girl you see.

10% of girls message first. That sounds about right. Whenever I want to find a date I send out usually 15 messages. 5 or 6 respond. 2 or 3 give a number and set up a date. All except one of them end up flaking. That's how it goes every single time.

Success meaning what? Going on a date?

if you're good looking.
the success rate of average guys on tinder is 5%

simply getting a reply from the girl, not even scoring a date.

>tfw technically Tinder Chad
> but in reality mostly hookup with cute chubbies

>Measuring success rate in replies
>Not number of chicks you've fucked

how do you get to fuck them if they don't reply?

Not by being a creep on facebook.

>the success rate of average guys on tinder is 5%
Now im really not wanting to try
I think i look pretty average, maybe slightly above but damn those numbers are rough as fuck

Why cant it just be easy to find girls who want to fuck? they should want to bang just as much as guys do

>I had 0 reply rate on tinder but 31% reply rate on facebook.
Now i wonder why that might be...hmm...


Anyone else wonder how you'd do on Tinder if you set it to men only?
I'm no homo, but I'm still curious.

They do, but as they've grown up it's basically been ingrained in them to not put themselves out there and thus to let guys make the first move. If you wanna smash a shit ton of chicks either be extremely hot, like top 5% hot, or put yourself out there. It's just kinda the reality of things, so you choose how you wanna go about things