Possible to be aesthetic while still being strong and endurant

Title says all. How would you approach this?

You dumb fuck, you BECOME aesthetic by being strong and endurant

Get on a powerlifting program, run it for 12 weeks w accessories, and then cut.

nope, you can be strong and endurant and look like shit.

and I am not talking about genetics but specific training and diet.

Aesthetics is all about genetics bro.

Ofc being at a lower body fat level would help. Otherwise just get on a strength focused program and do your side raises and face pulls and shit on the side.

u mirin my aesthetics?

He has decent potential for aesthetics though, if he went on a cut he'd look incredible.

Enjoy your lost strength from the cut you retard

Endurance. That fat fuck couldn't run 100 meters without dying

Holy fuck that's a pic of Jason "Monster" Blaha and his Epsilon team training for a black ops raid

He's a top WSM competitor, he has amazing endurance considering his size.

I thought Hemingway worked & trained alone...

Doesn't he get spanked by Halfthor and Shaw in the cardio events? I'm really disappointed that he's not gonna be at the Arnold because that would be much more up his alley

Those two are probably the top two guys to ever do this shit though. Hard to compare to them.

>t. fat powerlifter
Your muscle will not melt off your body if you continue to lift while cutting and keep protein high. No shit your lifts will go down a little but you'll retain a majority of your muscle and not look like a fatass.

Okay. Then I guess he wouldn't be able to finish for example half marathon.

You should read some of the work of Alex vidya. He has combined powerlifting with endurance sports (running)

>forgetting big Z

Aesthetics = muscle proportion
Strength = Muscle Strength
Endurance = aerobic health/muscle endurance

Aesthetics and strength aren't mutually exclusive, all you need is a general strength program with accessories that balance you to create aesthetic proportion. Now the endurance is the tricky part. Of you're talking about muscular endurance you're gonna have to vary your rep scheme because endurance is trained at higher reps (15+) and strength in lower reps (6-). But if you're talking about metabolic endurance (you're heart), do some light low intensity cardio on the off days or really short interval sessions on off days.

Well for starters - do heavy strength training, but add finishers after workouts - ball-to-the-wall punching bag sessions, loaded carries in HIIT, kettlebell circuits... Start low-carb, and keep your calories at the optimum, or a hundred above your optimal daily intake. With consistency and actual effort put in strength progression (no meme workouts like ss or sl, but mixing heavy 1-3 rep ranges with 5-10 assistance work - think squats and front-squats, and zerchers on another day - that will inevitably build a decent amount of strength and muscle) it should take from a year to two to actually start looking and performing at great level.

Alex Viada my man, an excellent choice

pic rel this is a powerlifter after a serious cut

If you want to be like specfor dudes with mass, steroids are honestly your best bet.

Also depends on your definitions of those things. Maintaining a 600lb deadlift and a 5 minute mile is going to be borderline impossible. Maintaining a 5.30 minute mile and a 500lb deadlift however is much more doable.

Lifting is a great way for guys bored on a ship to blow through time other than fucking each other on the sly. The fuck else do you think SEALs/Marines do on ships after Formations and shit? Run, Lift, Eat, Sleep.

is he natty? did he do accessories/pump work/isolation?

i don't think sheiko for years and cutting would do anywhere near that. most powerlifters, even ean ones, look not great. legs are always way WAY too large.

>that guy
c'mon mate

I've been cutting for months and maintained lifts except for OHP wwhere I deloaded just 2.5kg total