How hard would it be for someone to lose 10kg (20lbs) of fat?

How hard would it be for someone to lose 10kg (20lbs) of fat?

I just wanna get a general idea of what it'd be like

Easy, get fucking moving.

If you have to ask how hard it is to eat less, it will be very hard.

First of all: STICKY

Second: It would take a total deficit of at least 70'000 calories, probably more since you'll be losing lean mass too. Depending on how much of a daily deficit you decide on and how often you are going to be cheating and exercising it might go faster or slower and might be easier or harder.

Don't sleep
Read a lot
A lot of coffee

I don't want to lose muscle tho. What do?

Stop focusing on how much you weigh and start lifting weights regularly and eat a clean diet. Don't even think about how big your fat percentage is.

You don't need to 'lose 10 kg of fat'. You need to 'get into a good routine of a healthy lifestyle'. Perhaps you need to work on your bodyimage issues too. But that is a mental issue, not a physical issue.

Eat enough protein despite cutting down on the overall calories, lift weights rather than doing cardio and make sure to get enough sleep.

Hey OP ive been at it for 3 months and lost nearly 10 kg. Just keep working

You should get T5 pills, take one when you wake up and one before dinner, lift weights and do cardio. Lost around 10kg in one month

mathematically it's 9000kcal per kilogram. Assuming like 30% of that is water, that's 9000kcal x 7 = 63000 kcal. That's a 1000 calorie deficit for 2 months. 1000 kcal is quite huge, so realistically it's about 4 months of fairly comfortable dieting 500 kcal deficit.

>How long is a piece of string?

>I don't want to lose muscle tho. What do?
Don't cut.

Read the god damn sticky.

This is really great advice. No one ever gives advice like this

Fucking do it.

Alright so let's assume I'm 5'10, 210lbs, and work 5 days a week at a job that's not quite an office job, but certainly not construction either. I also lift every other day, but sadly right now I'm constrained to dumbell variants of Stronglifts because the only gym available to me doesn't have barbells.

What would my tdee look like?

Use a calculator you faggot. If you need everything handed to you on a plate you might as well give up now since you're not going to make it.

Well the thing is the calculators are telling me I have a 2300-2800 around there tdee, but I've been eating 2k calories a day for two weeks, have weighed out on a food scale everything that's gone into my body, but haven't lost a fucking pound.

I do that AND lift. I feel like shit but loses 700 grams a day on average


I'll give it more time then.....

Despite the dick attitude of your first response, thanks for the help user.

Log your weight daily after morning piss and naked and hopefully you'll start to see a downward trend.

i ate one meal a day and stopped drinking soda for 2 months and i went from 245 to 220
I have continued losing weight but now i eat 2 meals a day with a snack or two every 3 days

you have to treat caluclator number just as an rough approximate. You eat below that number and judging from your weightless in a longer scale (2 weeks minimum) you adjust tdee number accordingly.